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The Thirst for Annihilation

1992 • livre de Nick Land

Résumé : An important literary and philosophical figure, Georges Bataille has had a significant influence on other French writers, such as Foucault, Derrida and Baudrillard. The Thirst for Annihilation is the first book in English to respond to Bataille's writings. In no way, though, is Nick Land's book an attempt to appropriate Bataille's writings to a secular intelligibility or to compromise with the aridity of academic discourse - rather, it is written as a communion. Theoretical issues in philosophy, sociology, psychodynamics, politics and poetry are discussed, but only as stepping stones into the deep water of textual sacrifice where words pass over into the broken voice of death. Cultural modernity is diagnosed down to its Kantian bedrock with its transcendental philosophy of the object, but Bataille's writings cut violently across this tightly disciplined reading to reveal the strong underlying currents that bear us towards chaos and dissolution - the violent impulse to escape, the thirst for annihilation.


pardon pour mon usage uhn peu égoïste de SC mais mes coeurs signifient seulement que j'ai fini le livre. Par contre j'ai quand même assez apprécié : je suis un peu nul en "philosophie" mais il me semble que le début est laborieux, j'ai l'impression qu'il essaye de se construire une base philo un peu solide à base de bcp de rappels historiques pas passionnant. Mais au fil du livre ça gagne en liberté et en esprit plus bataillien avec certaines analyses sympathiques et l'ambition d'écrire un texte...

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Le 14 nov. 2023


a attribué 8/10 au livre

The Thirst for Annihilation

1992 • livre de Nick Land

Résumé : An important literary and philosophical figure, Georges Bataille has had a significant influence on other French writers, such as Foucault, Derrida and Baudrillard. The Thirst for Annihilation is the first book in English to respond to Bataille's writings. In no way, though, is Nick Land's book an attempt to appropriate Bataille's writings to a secular intelligibility or to compromise with the aridity of academic discourse - rather, it is written as a communion. Theoretical issues in philosophy, sociology, psychodynamics, politics and poetry are discussed, but only as stepping stones into the deep water of textual sacrifice where words pass over into the broken voice of death. Cultural modernity is diagnosed down to its Kantian bedrock with its transcendental philosophy of the object, but Bataille's writings cut violently across this tightly disciplined reading to reveal the strong underlying currents that bear us towards chaos and dissolution - the violent impulse to escape, the thirst for annihilation.