I've just finished the book so my review is purely based on what I feel right now. As a matter of fact, I think I will have a different opinion tomorrow, after the feelings wear out.
I felt something with this book.
I too knew people that left too soon and almost did myself and this reminded me how precious life is.
However, the book is flawed in many ways and that can't be denied. The characters are over quirky and overused at this point. Finch's attitude towards Violet was also kind of creepy sometimes (stalker much?) and the whole "no labels" agenda honestly threw me off.
Acknowledging this, I'm indescisive regarding this book. I think I lived it as a real emotional experience.

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le 3 nov. 2018

Critique lue 198 fois

1 j'aime


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Critique lue 198 fois


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Tous nos jours parfaits


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1 j'aime

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