Fiche technique

Résumé : Who is Trader Horn ? Trafficker in ivory, apes, and peacocks. Collector of gorillas, live and dead. Hunter of elephants, lions and leopards. Prospector for gold and copper. Scotland Yard Detective. Archaeologist extraordinary. Distiller of prickly bean brandy. Admiral of a cannibal river fleet. Blood-brother of man-eating savages. First white man initiated into "Egbo". Fighter with "Kitchener's Cattle Thieves". Painter of animal pictures. Filibuster leader and private sleuth. "Depth Charge No. 3" on a mine-sweeper. Friend of Ulysses S. Grant and Jack Rhodes. Saviour of Nina T__, white Joss House goddess. The last of the saga-tellers. Gridiron peddler and dealer in literary novelties. Author of the most amazing best-seller of the decade.