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Fiche technique

Auteur :

Michiko Aoyama
Genre : RomanDate de publication (Japon) : 10 août 2023Langue d'origine : Japonais

Traducteur :

Alison Watts
Parution France : 5 septembre 2023

Éditeur :

Transworld digital
ISBN : 9781529196269

Résumé : What are you looking for?So asks Tokyo's most enigmatic librarian to the visitors in her library. For Sayuri Komachi is no ordinary librarian. Sensing exactly what someone is searching for in life, she provides just the book recommendation to help them find it. We meet five visitors at a different crossroads: the restless retail assistant eager to pick up new skills, the mother faced with a demotion at work after maternity leave, the conscientious accountant who yearns to open an antique store, the gifted young manga artist in search of motivation, and a recently retired salaryman on a quest for newfound purpose. After reading Komachi's unique book recommendation, they will soon discover what they need to achieve their dreams.