sirènes de Mer, sirènes de Campagne, même combat! ;) retirons nos bouchons de cire pour 7chanson

Pas une critique, "juste" les paroles
_merci à Ticket_007 pour l'éclairage
_merci à pour les paroles
_merci à Ulysse pour le vieil avertissement, ici repris ;) ;)

"Elles charment tous les mortels qui les approchent. Mais bien fou qui relâche pour entendre leurs chants !" ...passer près d'elles, sans céder au charme...
-merci à YouTube pour la musique:

Lady Margaret (et Evelainne)

" as I walked among the green fields
one evening in May
I spied the fairest damsels
all at their sport and play
such beauty as beguiled me
I ne'er did see again
the one was Lady Margaret
the other Evelainne

I passed beside their garden
as I daily went my way
from work among the cattle
where I laboured for my pay
and as the sun was setting low
their laughter ran like wine
and made the young men tremble
and made them lose their minds

my father often told me
never enter through their gate
for many young men had before
and none did know their fate
they say each has the devil's eye
and none to mercy show
who entered in their garden
where no earthly man should go

they say they loved a soldier
who did take of both in turn
and when he had been satisfied
he both of them did spurn
and they placed their curse upon him
til they drained his life away
and on every man who enters
they take their vengeance to this day

though for three score year's I've lived here
with my border and my gun
their laughter still comes tumbling
at the setting of the sun
and their beauty still beguiles me
as they play their children's games
the one is Lady Margaret
the other Evelainne

as I walked among the green fields
one evening in May
I spied the fairest damsels
all at their sport and play
such beauty as beguiled me
I ne'er did see again
the one was Lady Margaret
the other Evelainne


le 8 avr. 2016

Critique lue 8 fois

Critique lue 8 fois

Du même critique

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