82 épisodes
(13 h 40 min)
S1 E1 • Sourcefed Is Cancelled.
Shoutout to mroonreddit for making this list: Ava Gordy: Twitter:@AvaGordy Facebook: avagordy Instagram: @AvaGordy YouTube: haltiamava Tumblr: marypussypoppins Snapchat: haltiamava Bree Essrig: Twitter: @BreeEssrig Facebook: BreeEssrig Instagram: @breeessrig YouTube: BREEessrig Snapchat: breeessrig Candace Carrizales: Twitter:@candacesucks Facebook: Candace Carrizales Instagram:@itscandass YouTube: HUNANPENGUIN Snapchat: candassbeyonce Filip Molina: Twitter: @fimo Facebook: Filup Molina Instagram: @fimoknows YouTube: FiMoKnows Snapchat: fimoknows John Ros: Twitter: @JohnRos93 Facebook: John Ros Instagram: @johnros93 YouTube: FULLofJohn Snapchat: JohnRos93 Matt Lieberman: Twitter: @mattlieberman Facebook: Matt Lieberman Instagram: @mattylieberman YouTube: MathewDLieberman Snapchat: thaddeusjspider Mike Falzone: Twitter: @MikeFalzone Facebook: Mike Falzone Instagram: @mikefalzone YouTube: mikefalzone Snapchat: mikefalzone Sam Bashor: Twitter: @SamBashor Facebook: Sam Bashor Instagram: @sambashor YouTube: DublinIncTV Snapchat: boxboy33 Steve Zaragoza: Twitter: @stevezaragoza Facebook: Steve Zaragoza Instagram: @stevezaragoza YouTube: stevezaragoza Snapchat: stevezaragoza William Haynes: Twitter: @MrWilliamHaynes Facebook: William Haynes Instagram: @williamhaynes YouTube: WilliamHaynesTV Snapchat: WilliamHaynes Soundcloud: Mrwilliamhaynes Whitney Moore: Twitter:@TweetneyMoore Facebook: Whitney Moore Instagram: @whitneysmoore YouTube: whitneysmoore, Metalsucks Snapchat: whitneysmoore Yessica Hernadez-Cruz: Twitter: @yessica Facebook: Yessica Hernadez-Cruz Instagram: @yessicahc YouTube: No videos Former Hosts: Joe Bereta: Twitter: @JoeBereta Facebook: Joe Bereta Instagram: @joebereta YouTube: Joe Bereta Lee Newton: Twitter:@leenewtonsays Facebook: Lee Newton Instagram:@leenewton YouTube: leenewton Elliot Morgan: Twitter: @elliottcmorgan Facebook: Elliott Morgan Instagram: @elliottmorgan YouTube: Elliott Morgan Website: ElliottMorgan.com Snapchat: ElliottSucks Meg Turney: Twitter: @megturney Facebook: Meg Turney Instagram: @dollwithagun YouTube: megturney Twitch: megturney Patreon: MegTurney Trisha Hershberger: Twitter: @thatgrltrish Facebook: Trisha Hershberger Instagram: @thatgrltrish YouTube: Nerdychick5 Website: Trishaherberger.com Snapchat: thatgrltrish Twitch: Trishahershberger Ross Everett: Twitter: @TheRossEverett Facebook: Ross Everett Instagram: @therosseverett YouTube: TheRossEverett Tumblr: Therosseverett Snapchat: Therosseverett Reina Scully: Twitter: @ReinaScully Facebook: Reina Scully Instagram: @ReinaScully YouTube: Reina Scully Snapchat: Reinascully Maude Garrett: Twitter: @maudeGarrett Facebook: Maude Garrett Instagram: @maudegarrett YouTube: MaudeGarrett Twitch: Geekbomb Snapchat: Maudegarrett Other people: Philip Defranco: Twitter: @phillyd Facebook: Philip Defranco Instagram: @phillydefranco YouTube: sxephil, Phillyd Snapchat: thedefrancofam Twitch: DefrancoGames Reddit: r/defranco Lindsey Defranco: Twitter: @linzDeFranco Instagram: @linzdefranco Youtube: Thedefracofam Dani Rosenberg: Twitter: @grownwomanchild Instagram: @grownwomanchild Daren VonGrider: Twitter: @Darenvongirdner Instagram: @Darenvongirdner YouTube: Darenvongirdner Soundcloud: Darenvongirdner Snapchat: Darengirdner Rickey Mizuno: Twitter: @rickmizu Instagram: @rmizu DJ Wooldridge: Twitter: @djtalktrash YouTube: djtalktrash Instagram: @djtalkstrash Facebook: DJ Wooldridge Chloe Dystra: Twitter: @skydart Instagram: @skydart Facebook: Chloe Dykstra YouTube: Skydart Jeremy Azevedo: Twitter: @dangersharkz Instagram: @dangersharkz Editors, Production Assistances, and other staff members: Spenser Starke (SF): Twitter: @SpenserStarke Danny Conners (SF): Twitter: @dannyconners Autumn Farrell (SF): Instagram: @rufhaus Luis Gonzales(PBL): Twitter: @luwi12 Kenny Huynh: Instagram: @kencreatemedia Audrey Davy: Twitter: @Audreydavy Len Wilkes: Twitter: @lenwilkes Chris Seto: No socials Sofia Lorena: Twitter: @socurlylorena Starline Hodge: Twitter: @starlinex Tumblr: starline.tumblr.com Youtube: Starline Hodge Snapchat: Sailorkitty13 Joel Rubin: Twitter: @Joelrubin_ Amanda Morones(PDS): Twitter: @mandaohdang Joe Nation(PDS): Twitter: @joenationtv YouTube: JoeNationTV James Girardier(PDS): Twitter: @JamesGirardier James Deangelis: No socials: Keith Battista(PDS): Twitter: @Keithwoacrew Brian Borst(PDS): No Socials Editor Brett (Houston) (Register): Twitter: @brettdidthis Zack Taylor: Twitter: @zacktaylor_92 Instragram: @zacktaylor92 Ken Hesse: No Socials: Eric Curtin: Twitter: @dubstep4dads Owen Carter: Twitter: @owenpcarter
Première diffusion : 21 mars 2017
S1 E2 • Why I think Sourcefed ended.
I didn't cover every little detail, but I talk about the main reason I think Sourcefed was cancelled. To explain it in more detail down here, I think Sourcefed was a risky business model. "SNL for YouTube mixed with news". The point was for Sourcefed to be a stepping stone to greater things for the hosts. In theory, that sounds amazingly freeing. In practice, I think it's extremely difficult for an audience to accept. Plus straight up the old hosts are an incomparable package that absolutely kill it on screen every time. So take that, combine it with a parent company that doesn't really understand what's going on, then add a merger where the main goal is clearly to restructure and hit certain verticles, (sourcefed is a very hard brand to fit into one category), then mix in hosts who are still learning the ropes of presenting news, and trying their best to build chemistry with each other...you have yourself a big cancellation pie. I hold no ill will towards anyone or any company. As much as I wish it didn't happen, because I would've stayed at sourcefed as long as it existed, I understand the reason behind it. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.youtube.com/cib Vape Guy: http:YouTube.com/kryozgaming MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 23 mars 2017
S1 E3 • Here's what it's like to be an unemployed YouTuber.
I don't remember how to do it right. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.YouTube.com/Cib John: http://www.Youtube.com/KryozGaming MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 24 mars 2017
S1 E4 • This is what I do when I'm hungover...
It's a little impractical. The mashup used in this video was made by THiNGYBOBinc https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvw8lMSz5gLrGmCWuwaXSA Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 My dogs have an instagram. http://www.Instagram.com/WinnieDawg MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 26 mars 2017
S1 E5 • Why I was really audited.
The true story of why the IRS is targeting me. Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 28 mars 2017
S1 E6 • I become a skater boy.
Boys town, population: boy drinks. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 People in the video: Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption Jordan: http://www.Youtube.com/CaptainSparklez Jame MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 29 mars 2017
S1 E7 • How we make these "vlogs".
Not exactly a "step-by-step" guide. Not really a guide at all. In fact it was more like one sentence explaining it. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib Parker & Jeremy http://www.Youtube.com/HayterStreet MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 30 mars 2017
S1 E8 • It's about the journey.
Everything that could go wrong, did. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption Jordan: http://www.YouTube.com/CaptainSparklez Filup: https://www.youtube.com/user/FiMoKnows Jame: MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 31 mars 2017
S1 E9 • I'm tired of good times.
A desert vacation for 5 boys turns sour. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/mineplexofficial MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 2 avril 2017
S1 E10 • Visiting Funhaus
Funhaus is a group of people dedicated to bettering society. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Funhaus: http://www.Youtube.com/Funhaus Filup: https://www.youtube.com/user/FiMoKnows MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 4 avril 2017
S1 E11 • One man's trash...
We pay a visit to a junkyard. And I pay a guy who owns a junkyard $100 so we can film in it. I'm not being audited anymore. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 5 avril 2017
S1 E12 • Fired from Funhaus.
Funhaus took me under their wing, fed me chewed up bugs from their mouth...then cast me out of their nest. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Funhaus: http://www.Youtube.com/Funhaus Parker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_rBYAaKo3gndWiD-AYiYg Gizzy: http://www.YouTube.com/Gizzy14gazza Shelby: https://www.youtube.com/user/lilshortysgs Cib: https://www.youtube.com/user/CibSeption MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 6 avril 2017
S1 E13 • Goodbye, sweet friend.
Cib's fish "Turtle" makes its final appearance. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption Shelby: http://www.Youtube.com/lilshortysgs Gizzy: https://www.youtube.com/user/GizLife Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/MineplexOfficial Jame: MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 7 avril 2017
S1 E14 • Reina Scully's guide to Little Tokyo.
Is Little Tokyo worth visiting? Reina Scully decides that for you. And I decide that for Reina Scully. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Reina: http://www.Youtube.com/ReinaScully MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 8 avril 2017
S1 E15 • Sugar Pine 7
An Idyllwild glamping trip for the boys is exactly what we needed to de-stress. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption Parker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_rBYAaKo3gndWiD-AYiYg MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 10 avril 2017
S1 E16 • The future of this channel...
Where will we be in a year? Dude idk hahahahahaha Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Jordan: http://www.Youtube.com/JordanMaron Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib Parker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_rBYAaKo3gndWiD-AYiYg MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 11 avril 2017
S1 E17 • Neighborhood Watch.
POSTERS: http://www.StevenSuptic.com
Première diffusion : 12 avril 2017
S1 E18 • Part-time 'part-time' at Funhaus.
Posters: http://www.StevenSuptic.com Funhaus: http://www.Youtube.com/Funhaus Funhaus Merch: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/funhaus
Première diffusion : 13 avril 2017
S1 E19 • Sourcefed. Where are they now?
Follow the tale of Candace, Ava and Mike as I uncover what they're up to. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Candace: http://www.Youtube.com/CandaceCarrizales Ava: http://www.Youtube.com/haltiamava Daren: http://www.Youtube.com/Darenvongirdner Mike: http://www.Youtube.com/MikeFalzone Zack: http://www.Twitter.com/zacktaylor_92 Audrey: http://www.Twitter.com/AudreyDavy MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 14 avril 2017
S1 E20 • Taco Trip 2017
Taco Trip 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d87ZE_0Z1BY
Première diffusion : 15 avril 2017
S1 E21 • Just say "yes"
I didn't mean for the title and thumbnail to give of that kind of vibe. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/HayterStreet Steve Zaragoza: http://www.YouTube.com/SteveZaragoza MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 17 avril 2017
S1 E22 • Things are changing...
We got a new camera. It's a big deal to us. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 18 avril 2017
S1 E23 • The search for a new office...
Finding an office space in LA is a lot harder than we thought it'd be. Cib: https://www.youtube.com/user/CibSeption Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/HayterStreet Bruce: http://www.YouTube.com/Funhaus
Première diffusion : 20 avril 2017
S1 E24 • Ghost Hunters
The boys are back in town. Cib: http://www.YouTube.com/Cib Parker: http://www.YouTube.com/HayterStreet James Allen McCune: http://www.instagram.com/jallenmccune Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 22 avril 2017
S1 E25 • Burned out.
Time! Time! Time! Time! Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs3snA6GNU9HjV8ejeC0ISA Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/Hayterstreet Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 24 avril 2017
S1 E26 • Patience is the worst virtue.
Every day is a new nightmare when you're Cib's dad. Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib John: http://www.Youtube.com/Kryozgaming Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 25 avril 2017
S1 E27 • Visiting Cowchop
Cowchop is a travel channel created by Casey Neistat. Cowchop: http://www.Youtube.com/cowchop Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 26 avril 2017
S1 E28 • The only thing to fear...
Children. Nature's animals. They're everywhere, but why? Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/HayterStreet Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 28 avril 2017
S1 E29 • We don't always get along...
Cib's doesn't know how to read street signs and somehow lands a date. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Justine: https://www.youtube.com/user/ijustine Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/Hayterstreet MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 29 avril 2017
S1 E30 • Sourcefed meets my friends.
Posters: http://stevensuptic.com/shop/limited-edition-signed-white-kill-poster/ Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib Mike: http://www.Youtube.com/MikeFalzone Elliot: http://www.Youtube.com/ElliottMorgan Steve: http://www.Youtube.com/SteveZaragoza MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 30 avril 2017
S1 E31 • Trouble in paradise.
We stop by Cow Chop to promote peas. Posters: http://stevensuptic.com/shop/limited-edition-signed-white-kill-poster/ Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cow Chop: http://www.Youtube.com/CowChop Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib Jay: https://www.twitch.tv/qwertyjaayy MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 3 mai 2017
S1 E32 • Now This is what I call...bad.
We visit LifeNoggin, the mall and the gun range. Average day. LifeNoggin: http://www.Youtube.com/LifeNoggin Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 5 mai 2017
S1 E33 • Sorry, Funhaus.
I can change. I will change. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Famous Actor James Allen Mccune: https://twitter.com/JAllenMc?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Funhaus: http://www.Youtube.com/Funhaus Seth: http://www.Instagram.com/whois_seth Dom: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL2_AGoCLsH_XFplzSzHCFA MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 6 mai 2017
S1 E34 • Fake Friends
How many of us? How many Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption Rickey (Parker): https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRickeyShow https://twitter.com/rickmizu?lang=en MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 9 mai 2017
S1 E35 • Sourcefed: Where are they now? Again.
Help us win a Streamy's award: https://www.streamys.org/submissions/fan-nominations/?type=Channel%2C%20Feature%2C%20Series%2C%20or%20Show&show=StevenSuptic&showCategory=Comedy Sam: apple.co/29dZ4Ve Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 11 mai 2017
S1 E36 • Boys will be boys.
I decided to wear a tank top today. My arms flew around in the wind. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption Parker: http://www.Youtube.com/HayterStreet MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 12 mai 2017
S1 E37 • Here's some bad news...
I carry a dark secret along with me during a fishing trip. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 14 mai 2017
S1 E38 • Okay, now here's some good news.
These posters support the content directly! http://stevensuptic.com/shop/limited-edition-signed-white-kill-poster/ Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 15 mai 2017
S1 E39 • Please excuse my privilege.
LET'S GET PEAS. SHIRTS. https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/collections/steven-suptic/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Seth: http://www.Instagram.com/whois_seth Dom: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL2_AGoCLsH_XFplzSzHCFA Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib James: https://twitter.com/jamesdeangeliz?lang=en Jeremy: https://twitter.com/JeremySauder?lang=en MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 17 mai 2017
S1 E40 • Roosterteeth Eats World
"Lets get peas" shirts available here! https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 18 mai 2017
S1 E41 • Charity technical support for the elderly.
Cow Chop's head master doesn't know how to run a podcast. Let's Get Peas Shirts! https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt My podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs3snA6GNU9HjV8ejeC0ISA Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 20 mai 2017
S1 E42 • I'm taking a break from my friends...
Sometimes you just have to take a break for a day and look at how deranged your friends are in post. "Let's Get Peas Shirts": https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib James: https://twitter.com/jamesdeangeliz Parker: https://twitter.com/Parker_GamesMC James Allen Mccune: https://twitter.com/JAllenMc Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 22 mai 2017
S1 E43 • Replacing Cib.
If Cib really does have to go back to Canada, it's important to be prepared. Even if that means accepting someone with a preexisting condition. "Let's Get Peas" shirt! https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic Cyr: http://www.YouTube.com/iamcyr Cib: http://www.YouTube.com/Cib James: https://twitter.com/jamesdeangeliz
Première diffusion : 24 mai 2017
S1 E44 • Funhaus. Volleyball. The real story...
Sugar Pine 7 hits the beach to face off against Funhaus in the world's oldest sport: Volleyball. Buying a shirt supports better and longer content! https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt Funhaus's perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2RXwSu_dxg Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib James: https://twitter.com/jamesdeangeliz Rickey (Parker): https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRickeyShow https://twitter.com/rickmizu?lang=en Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 26 mai 2017
S1 E45 • Waxing Cib: Good or bad choice? You decide.
The rumors started by me at the end of this video are true. The Sugar Pine 7 crew will be at RTX in Austin, July 7-9. 2 MORE DAYS FOR "LET'S GET PEAS" SHIRTS: https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption James: https://twitter.com/jamesdeangeliz MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 28 mai 2017
S1 E46 • We're actually screwed.
With the company in my hands, it's up to me to make sure everyone is safe. LAST DAY TO GET A "LETS GET PEAS SHIRT" https://www.forhumanpeoples.com/products/lets-get-peas-long-body-t-shirt Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/CibSeption James: https://twitter.com/jamesdeangeliz MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 30 mai 2017
S1 E47 • Band practice.
It's easy to make a band...but staying friends? That's irrelevant when you're rich and in a band. NEW MERCH: http://www.StevenSuptic.com Aleks: http://www.Youtube.com/CowChop Cib: http://www.Youtube.com/Cib James: https://twitter.com/jamesdeangeliz Parker: https://twitter.com/Parker_GamesMC MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 31 mai 2017
S1 E48 • Heaven is a place called: Anywhere Parker isn't.
A cancelled sleepover turns into one of the worst nights in recorded history. "GIMP" MUGS AVAILABLE NOW: http://stevensuptic.com/shop/gimp-mug/ Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 1 juin 2017
S1 E49 • Our Internship Program.
The Sugar Pine 7 Internship Program is an amazing opportunity where you'll learn the basics of love and freedom. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 2 juin 2017
S1 E50 • Friday the 13th.
We come ever closer to making this a gaming channel. Click to Subscribe and become just another cog in the machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/mlghwnt?sub_confirmation=1 MY INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/StevenSuptic MY TWITTER https://twitter.com/StevenSuptic
Première diffusion : 5 juin 2017