9 épisodes
(13 h 30 min)
S1 E1 • 1961
At the height of the Cold War in 1961, the unvollable happens: the wall is built. And the Berliners experienced cosmic sensations. In the West they dance twist and the East creates their own fashion dance, the Lipsi.
Première diffusion : 3 novembre 2018
S1 E2 • 1962
The year 1962 - the first year after the Wall was built, numerous GDR citizens try to flee, in East Berlin opens a new airport and for the first time the Berliners watch live television in the western part of the city thanks to satellite.
Première diffusion : 10 novembre 2018
S1 E3 • 1963
The year 1963 - U.S. President Kennedy visited West Berlin, Kremlin chief Khrushchev and the "sky brothers", Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, are in the east of the city. At Christmas, the wall will become more permeable for a few days thanks to the agreement on permits.
Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2018
S1 E4 • 1964
The year 1964 - half a million young people gather at the Deutschlandtreffen in East Berlin, Martin Luther King visits both parts of the city and Beat determines the rhythm in East and West.
Première diffusion : 24 novembre 2018
S1 E5 • 1965
That year Soviet fighter planes thundered over West Berlin, the GDR intensified censorship and there were extremely high visits to West but also East: Louis Armstrong, the Stones and the Queen visited Berlin.
Première diffusion : 1 décembre 2018
S1 E6 • 1966
The students protest, long-haired youths heat up their minds, a Soviet military plane crashes into the lake and the SED celebrates its birthday.
Première diffusion : 8 décembre 2018
S1 E7 • 1967
In West Berlin the students go to the barricades, the commune 1 is founded and during the controversial Shah visit the student Benno Ohnesorg dies by a police bullet. In East Berlin the most influential singing club is renamed from "Hootenanny-Klub" to "Oktoberklub".
Première diffusion : 15 décembre 2018
S1 E8 • 1968
1968 is the year of student protests against the Vietnam War and the Springer press in West Berlin. The assassination attempt on Rudi Dutschke triggers the biggest street battle the Federal Republic has ever experienced. East Berlin is shaken by the violent end of the Prague Spring.
Première diffusion : 22 décembre 2018
S1 E9 • 1969
1969 - the year in which the first man lands on the moon and the GDR celebrates its 20th anniversary with the opening of the television tower at Alexanderplatz in East Berlin. And US President Nixon comes to West Berlin.
Première diffusion : 29 décembre 2018