Saison 2

3 épisodes

(1 h 30 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 4


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Meeting the Big Cats

S2 E1 Meeting the Big Cats

For ten weeks one film-maker will follow a pride of lions - the Marsh pride - another will trail Amber the cheetah and her cubs, and a third will seek out the elusive leopard, Shadow. This is a season of intense activity in the Masai Mara - the great migration is under way. Constantly on the move seeking out fresh pasture, a million or more wildebeest and zebra must run the gauntlet past hungry predators.

Looking for Half Tail

S2 E2 Looking for Half Tail

Amber the cheetah and her family make excellent progress in their hunting skills, then suffer setbacks, failing to catch a warthog and being chased off by baboons. Marsh lionesses stalk and kill a wildebeest. Half-Tail almost gets killed by two passing lionesses, but manages to escape in the nick of time.

Wildebeest Move into the Marsh

S2 E3 Wildebeest Move into the Marsh

Simon King discovers the role of the two male lions in the Marsh pride, and finds one showing surprisingly tender behavior towards his young cubs. He also watches vast numbers of wildebeest and zebras run the gauntlet of gargantuan crocodiles as they cross the Mara River on migration. Finally, he has the frustrating experience of losing contact with Amber the cheetah and her family as they disappear into wild country. Jonathan Scott has good news about Half-Tail the leopard: she looks as if she may be a mother once again. He also sees a lioness drag a 150 kilo wildebeest into cover using her teeth - a feat of incredible strength.

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 1998