Saison 1

9 épisodes

(3 h 45 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4


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Girls' School Is Shut Down

S1 E1 Girls' School Is Shut Down

The girls' school is shut down by the evil Baba Bandook. Girls can no longer have access to education and their future is doomed. Burka Avenger comes to the rescue and battles Baba Bandook and his henchmen. The school is reopened and a mega concert takes place. Girls' schools being shut down by extremist elements is a real life issue in Pakistan.

Première diffusion : 28 juillet 2013

Kite Flying Festival Attacked

S1 E2 Kite Flying Festival Attacked

How to show courage in the face of adversity.

Première diffusion : 28 juillet 2013

Haunted House (Part II)

S1 E4 Haunted House (Part II)

Burka Avenger is trapped by Baba Bandook at a child labor factory disguised as a Haunted House. The kidnapped children have been hypnotized by Baba Bandook and are working as slaves. To save the day, Ashu and Immu must overcome their fears and come to Burka Avenger's rescue. After Baba Bandook has been defeated, the Monster is revealed to be a man in a mask and the haunted house just a regular factory. However the kidnapped children are still hypnotized and nothing breaks the spell until famous rock star Ali Zafar sings.

Première diffusion : 18 août 2013

Mooli Runs Away

S1 E5 Mooli Runs Away

Mooli runs away from home with Golu in tow after being admonished by his parents. He must come to terms with a life on the run. Meanwhile Baba Bandook unveils his super weapon, the Roobot Zalimnator 2.0. Mooli finds an unlikely friend in Roobot. Mooli realizes his mistake and returns home to his family and friends. Roobot Zalimantor's terror chip is activated and he attacks Immu and Ashu, Mooli must make the hard choice between saving his old friends or destroying his new friend forever.

Première diffusion : 25 août 2013

Toxic Waste Factory

S1 E6 Toxic Waste Factory

Vadero Pajero's factory which is spewing toxic waste into the river. The water becomes polluted, plants die and animals mutate due to the toxic waste. Vadero Pajero forces his peon to drink the toxic waste which turns him into a mutated monster with four arms. Kabadi Jaan creates an antidote. Burka Avenger must stop the toxic factory but first she must fight the mutated peon.

Première diffusion : 1 septembre 2013

Electricity Blackout

S1 E7 Electricity Blackout

Vadero Pajero is stealing the electricity in HalwaPur. The kids are unable to study due to excessive power-cuts. Baba Bandook needs electricity to run his army of mini Roobots. He teams up with Vadero Pajero sucking up all of Halwaypur's electricity and creating a blackout in the city. Before the kids and Burka Avenger can shut down the factory and restore power, they must fight the seven evil mini Roobots.

Première diffusion : 8 septembre 2013


S1 E9 Burkanator

Baba Bandook Has created the the Burkanator, a robotic doppelganger of the Burka Avenger. The Burkanator commits evil acts turning the people of Halwapur against the Burka Avenger. Disheartened, the Burka Avenger hangs up her burka disguise for good and vows to leave her crime fighting days behind her. With Burka Avenger out of the way, Baba Bandook has free reign to destroy the city. Burka Avenger's adopted father and mentor Kabadi Jaan must expose the truth behind the burkanator.

Première diffusion : 22 septembre 2013

Discrimation and Pop Stars Josh The Band

S1 E10 Discrimation and Pop Stars Josh The Band

Vadero Pajero wants to drive out the Mooli family from their farm so that he can build a two star hotel on that location. He hires Baba Bandook to turn the people of Halwapur against the Mooli family through the use of discrimination. The Mooli family is told they are "different" and must leave Halwapur forever. Multi-cultural international Pop Band JOSH comes to the rescue with a song of friendship and an anti-discrimination message.

Première diffusion : 29 septembre 2013

Importance of Music

S1 E11 Importance of Music

Babab Bandook hates music and dance and invents the Music Exterminator Gun . All music from Halwapur disappears leaving the people depressed. People realize how important music is in their lives and how much they miss it once it's gone. Miss Jiya explains to her class how learning to play musical instruments sharpens the mind and how important music is for our culture and society. Burka Avenger finds a musical way to destroy the music terminating gun.

Première diffusion : 6 octobre 2013