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Titre original : Екатерина Великая

Créateur :

Igor Zaytsev
Genres : Biopic, DramePremière diffusion (pays d'origine) : 2015Statut : En coursNombre de saisons : 1Durée : 50 min

Scénaristes :

Aleksandr Sokolenko, Sergey Evseev

Synopsis : She arrived from Germany to Russia as a German princess who will become the wife of Peter Fedorovich, the successor of the Russian throne. From arriving to the foreign country as a young girl to becoming the ruler of world’s biggest empire, decades of her life were filled with treacherous games of high society, conspiracies, intrigues, betrayals and unconditional love to Russia. The story of the Great Russian empress in her early years (15-33). Prepare to become a witness of the first 20 years (1744-1762) of her life in Russia.

Casting de Catherine The Great