Saison 1

26 épisodes

(10 h 50 min)



Saison 1


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Game over !

S1 E1 Game over !

Dr. Wasabi uses the Chooks to be the power source of a new video game. This video game will actually kill the Chooks in real life.

Première diffusion : 16 mars 2007

Grand méchant Bouba

S1 E2 Grand méchant Bouba

Bubba accidentally releases an evil demon that possesses his body. When the Chooks realize this, they try to stop the demon from reaching Wasabi World.

Première diffusion : 13 juillet 2007

Kobura vendetta

S1 E3 Kobura vendetta

A rival of Chuckie Chan comes to Wasabi World so that he can take him and the Chooks down.

Première diffusion : 15 juillet 2007

Quel cirque ces jeux !

S1 E4 Quel cirque ces jeux !

KO Joe protests Dr. Wasabi's decision to ban solar bording in Wasabi World. Because of this, the Ninja Chimps and the Chooks must face off in a rollerblading competition at Dr. Wasabi's arena.

Première diffusion : 20 juillet 2007

Chooks contre Chooks

S1 E5 Chooks contre Chooks

Chick P visits her old mentor when robotic Chooks attack Wasabi World. Once there, she tries to find out where the Chooks came from. Unfortunately, all signs point to the fact that her old teacher is working for Dr. Wasabi.

Première diffusion : 22 juillet 2007

Oni, celle qui mal y pense

S1 E6 Oni, celle qui mal y pense

Chick P holds a reunion with her old friend Oni, but unknown to her, Oni has another agenda; as the malicious Deadeye, she has a new scheme to enact revenge on Chick P and also take over Wasabi World and the Chooks investigate. During the investigation, they discover why Chick P's family has lost its honor.

Première diffusion : 27 juillet 2007

Avec ou sans sauce ?

S1 E7 Avec ou sans sauce ?

Citizens of Wasabi World are getting fatter with every Wasabi Burger they eat. Luckily, Dr. Wasabi has set up liposuction centers all around Wasabi World. It's up to the Chooks to discover what exactly is inside the burgers.

Première diffusion : 29 juillet 2007

Dans tes rêves !

S1 E8 Dans tes rêves !

Chuckie Chan is captured as a prisoner in Wasabi's Dream World because he has insomnia. To save Chuckie Chan, Chick P comes up with a plan to rescue him by sending KO Joe into Dream World. While in Dream World, both of the guys have to face their nightmares; Chuckie's being a giant toy duck, Mr. Quackers, and Joe's being a fear of jellybeans.

Première diffusion : 3 août 2007

Le chant de la sirène

S1 E9 Le chant de la sirène

Wasabi makes plans to marry the mermaid Siren Sung (who Chuckie Chan has a crush on), and soon decides to flood Wasabi World (and rename it Wasabi Water World). Now it's up to the Chooks to stop the wedding arrangements or risk swimming with the fishes.

Première diffusion : 5 août 2007

Kobura Contre-attaque

S1 E10 Kobura Contre-attaque

When the Chooks' secret identities are revealed, they must go into hiding. Chuckie Chan's pupil's then become the Junior Chooks to act as the Chooks go-betweens, but Chuckie suspects there may be a traitor among them. It turns out Kobura is back and has teamed up with Dr. Wasabi.

Première diffusion : 17 mai 2008

Le Noël de Wasabi

S1 E11 Le Noël de Wasabi

Chuckie Chan's master senses trouble in the Cosmic Balance, and traces it back to its source - Dr. Wasabi's new toy, the Karma Gotcha. The Karma Gotcha steals its owner's good luck/karma. But Chuckie Chan is ordered to return to his monastery (due to the evil, luck-sucking Karma Gotcha), leaving only K.O. Joe and Chick P to stop Dr. Wasabi's evil plot.

Première diffusion : 24 mai 2008

Chop Socky Whoops

S1 E12 Chop Socky Whoops

Dr. Wasabi decides to go back in time to the day the Chooks formed and prevent them from ever meeting each other.

Première diffusion : 31 mai 2008

La marque de Bantam

S1 E13 La marque de Bantam

After Wasabi makes a foolish television show of his enemy Bantam, the Chooks have to save the day when the real one shows up.

Première diffusion : 7 juin 2008

Karaoké zombies

S1 E14 Karaoké zombies

While visiting the Karaoke Korral, the Chooks discover that Wasabi plans on changing the mall-dwellers of the peaceful level into living zombies.

Première diffusion : 14 juin 2008

Les sphères de l'Apocalypse

S1 E15 Les sphères de l'Apocalypse

When Wasabi finds out that the Iron Butt Monk's power comes from the Twin Orbs of the Apocalypse, he sends Bubba in to steal it. However, Bubba is only able to steal one, meaning the Cosmic Wind will attack Wasabi World. It's up to the Chooks and the Iron Butt Monks to bring the two Cheeks back together before it's too late.

Première diffusion : 21 juin 2008

Planète Bubba

S1 E16 Planète Bubba

Bubba fixes Wasabi's TV satellite and is accidentally struck by some sort of powerful force. This force causes Bubba to become super smart and he uses his smarts to put the Wasabi World citizens in a zoo. It's up to the Chooks to find a way to stop Bubba's new evil plans.

Première diffusion : 28 juin 2008

Le monde perdu de Wasabiland

S1 E17 Le monde perdu de Wasabiland

The Chooks are trapped in a prehistoric mall level when Wasabi attacks the group. Things take a turn for the worse, when they are attacked by a mutant budgie, and the level's inhabitants find Chick P to be the Queen of the Neandermalls.

Première diffusion : 5 juillet 2008

Les bébés bushido

S1 E18 Les bébés bushido

The Chooks are up against their toughest opponents yet - a group of babies. These babies aren't exactly typical, however. That's because they've been drinking Wasabi's new milk in a plan to make an army of Bushido Babies.

Première diffusion : 12 juillet 2008

On a creusé sur la Lune

S1 E19 On a creusé sur la Lune

Dr. Wasabi offers the mall-dwellers free trips to the moon, but the Chooks discover that it's part of his evil scheme to make them work as slaves in his space mine.

Première diffusion : 16 août 2008

La course au trésor

S1 E20 La course au trésor

L'ancien professeur de Chick a conçu une arme des plus destructrices. Afin que celle-ci ne tombe pas en de mauvaises mains, il la démonte. Mais c'est compter sans le docteur Wasabi qui va organiser une chasse au trésor géante pour retrouver toutes les pièces et reconstruire ce terrible engin...

Première diffusion : 20 août 2008

Bastons pour des champions

S1 E21 Bastons pour des champions

To prove to his students that the pure path of Kung Fu is best, Chuckie Chan convinces the Chooks to participate in Dr. Wasabi's Ultimate Martial Artist contest. However, Dr. Wasabi knows that they'll make it to the final round, so he rigs the contest to stack the odds against them.

Première diffusion : 21 août 2008

Infectes insectes

S1 E22 Infectes insectes

Dr. Wasabi tries to obtain the powers of a radioactive bug, but things go awry and Wasabi World is overrun by cockroaches.

Première diffusion : 7 septembre 2008

Le cirque le plus nul du monde

S1 E23 Le cirque le plus nul du monde

Chuckie Chan is entrusted with guarding a rare and valuable dragon egg. When the egg hatches, the Chooks must take care of the baby dragon and keep it from falling into the hands of Dr. Wasabi.

Première diffusion : 14 septembre 2008

L'île de Wasabi

S1 E24 L'île de Wasabi

Les Chooks se réveillent au beau milieu d'une île étrange. Ils ne vont pas tarder à découvrir qu'en fait ils participent au tout nouveau jeu de télé-réalité de Wasabi...

Première diffusion : 21 septembre 2008

Le Parrain Marin

S1 E25 Le Parrain Marin

Chick P wants Bubba to be the fourth member of the Chop Socky Chooks after Wasabi fires him for the Hairy Sumo Brothers. However, Bubba only seems to get in the way when it comes to fighting in battles.

Première diffusion : 28 septembre 2008

Panique informatique

S1 E26 Panique informatique

A simple misunderstanding makes Wasabi's main computer flush him down the toilet. Things get worse when Bubba attacks it, making it go haywire and making the various electronic equipment in the mall attack the customers. The Chooks must fight the mall itself, as Dr. Wasabi is being stalked by a monster in the sewers.

Première diffusion : 5 octobre 2008