Saison 8

92 épisodes

(14 h 20 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7

Saison 8

Saison 9

Saison 10

Saison 11

Saison 12


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S8 E1 DS-885

Barnabas follows Kitty/Josette and finds himself once again in 1796, a vampire, shortly before Josette’s suicide. Barnabas is determined not to let Josette kill herself this time. The evening plays itself out almost exactly as it did previously. Josette is lured to Widows hill where she is confronted by visions of herself as a vampire conjured up by Angelique.

Première diffusion : 14 novembre 1969


S8 E2 DS-886

Natalie stops Josette from jumping. Barnabas and Josette plan to go back to 1897 together. Barnabas is abducted by two strange beings. Josette takes poison when she thinks that Barnabas has left without her.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 1969


S8 E3 DS-887

Oberon and Haza perform a ceremony over Barnabas, they give him the Leviathan Box which he is to give to the chosen ones. They tell Barnabas that a new and powerful leader will be coming. A strange man lurks around the Collins estate. Julia waits for Barnabas’ return; she hears voices from the past. Julia goes to the Old House and finds the strange man.

Première diffusion : 18 novembre 1969


S8 E4 DS-888

Julia stops the strange man, however he runs away. Julia purchases a painting by Charles Tate from antique dealers Philip and Megan Todd. Julia wonders if Tate might still be alive. Megan has a feeling that she and Philip should sell the antique shop and leave Collinsport.

Première diffusion : 19 novembre 1969


S8 E5 DS-889

Barnabas returns to 1969 with the Leviathan box. Julia shows Stokes the Charles Tate painting. Sabrina Stuart warns Carolyn about Chris Jennings. Julia notices Barnabas’ strange behavior following his return, and becomes suspicious of the Leviathan box. Julia hears the sound of breathing coming from the box.

Première diffusion : 20 novembre 1969


S8 E6 DS-890

Julia is unable to open the box; Barnabas gets angry with Julia’s questions. Julia finds that someone is willing to purchase her Charles Tate painting. Barnabas gives Carolyn a pentagram and tells her to wear it. Oberon explains to Barnabas in a dream that he will know the “chosen ones” when they knock at the door.

Première diffusion : 21 novembre 1969


S8 E7 DS-891

Philip and Megan show up at the Old House; Barnabas knows they are the chosen ones. The strange man calls Collinwood asking for Elizabeth; he later visits Maggie and asks her if he can tell her a secret. Barnabas gives Philip and Megan the Leviathan box, when they open it sounds as if something has escaped.

Première diffusion : 25 novembre 1969


S8 E8 DS-892

Megan and Philip find a book inside the box. Barnabas tells Megan that a room must be prepared. Philip and Megan put a cradle in the room they have prepared and claim “in darkness it will grow.” The strange man identifies himself as Paul Stoddard, Carolyn’s father.

Première diffusion : 26 novembre 1969


S8 E9 DS-893

Paul Stoddard talks with Carolyn, “explaining” why he was away for twenty years. The Todds care for a mysterious new infant. David catches Carolyn talking with Paul and mistakenly believes he is her new boyfriend. David steals the Leviathan book from the Todds' antique shop. The Todds plan to track down and kill whoever has taken the book.

Première diffusion : 28 novembre 1969


S8 E10 DS-894/895

The “baby” becomes ill. Carolyn and Barnabas question David about the missing book. Barnabas takes Philip to the Leviathan altar to make him understand he will be punished for failing. Megan becomes frantic and is sure that someone is coming to kill her.

Première diffusion : 1 décembre 1969


S8 E11 DS-896

the baby has an unusual birthmark. David starts to become obsessed with the Leviathan book. Olivia Corey shows up at Collinwood asking to see the Charles Tate painting that Julia purchased; Julia comments on her resemblance to Amanda Harris. David enters the Leviathan altar.

Première diffusion : 2 décembre 1969


S8 E12 DS-897

Chris tries to convince Carolyn that she would be better off without him. Barnabas releases Philip after “making him understand.” The ghost of Jenny Collins stops Chris from killing himself, and tells him he must find Quentin. Unseen forces terrorize Megan while in the antique shop alone.

Première diffusion : 3 décembre 1969


S8 E13 DS-898

Philip tries to strangle Megan, David stops him. David, now under the influence of the Leviathans, gives Philip and Megan instructions. Julia, Chris and David hold a seance to contact the spirit of Quentin. Paul Stoddard receives a message that payment will be due December 4th; he becomes further upset when he finds that he has the mark of the Leviathans on his wrist.

Première diffusion : 4 décembre 1969


S8 E14 DS-899

Elizabeth follows Carolyn and finds her with Paul. Elizabeth demands that Paul leave town. A sailor recognizes the Leviathan mark on Paul’s wrist and agrees to help him. Paul sits inside a pentagram and there is a knock on the door.

Première diffusion : 5 décembre 1969


S8 E15 DS-900

Carolyn finds Paul acting paranoid and asks Julia to check on him. Barnabas reminds Paul of an agreement he made twenty years earlier. In 1949 Paul promised to give a man named Strak his most valuable possession. Paul later realizes that Carolyn is his most valuable possession and the Leviathans want her.

Première diffusion : 8 décembre 1969


S8 E16 DS-901

Paul tries to get Carolyn to leave Collinsport with him. Roger tries to get Carolyn to stay away from her father. Roger gives Carolyn money to test Paul to see if he will leave town as soon as he gets it. Barnabas tells Paul he has no choice but to comply with what is going to happen. In the antique shop Carolyn hears the sound of breathing coming from the baby’s room.

Première diffusion : 9 décembre 1969


S8 E17 DS-902

Megan convinces Carolyn the strange noise was just a radiator. A unknown man watches Carolyn at the antique shop; later he wanders around inside Collinwood while no one is there. Paul tries to get Elizabeth to make Carolyn leave town for her own good. David takes something to the baby in the mysterious room at the antique shop. Elizabeth sees David enter the antique shop and searches for him.

Première diffusion : 10 décembre 1969


S8 E18 DS-903

Olivia has the painting that Julia purchased photographed. Elizabeth questions David about his visit to the antique shop. Olivia actually has the painting x-rayed and discovers that there is another painting underneath the top layer of paint.

Première diffusion : 11 décembre 1969


S8 E19 DS-904

Elizabeth again grills David about his recent strange behavior. Carolyn meets a strange man and becomes very interested in him. Elizabeth becomes curious about the Leviathan book that David has been reading. Elizabeth has a disturbing dream about David. Barnabas hits the strange man with his car; he looks like Quentin Collins.

Première diffusion : 12 décembre 1969


S8 E20 DS-905

The stranger’s name is Grant Douglas, however Julia is convinced he is Quentin. Barnabas tells Megan in dream that things are going to change. Barnabas tries to convince Julia that Grant Douglas is not Quentin. Carolyn finds a strange boy at the Todds’ antique shop.

Première diffusion : 15 décembre 1969


S8 E21 DS-906

Carolyn !nds that the Todds are now caring for a boy named Alexander who is apparently their nephew. Alexander is very interested in Carolyn. Carolyn gives Paul the check that Roger gave her; Paul tears up the check and later convinces Carolyn to leave Collinsport with him. Elizabeth invites Paul to stay at Collinwood, as a result he changes his mind about leaving town. Elizabeth comes under the power of the Leviathans.

Première diffusion : 16 décembre 1969


S8 E22 DS-907

Barnabas resists the urge to kill Grant (Quentin). Paul moves into Collinwood and finds that Elizabeth does not believe his story that there is a plot against him. Grant awakes and does not remember who he is. Julia starts to suspect that there is something to Paul’s story. Elizabeth becomes concerned that Paul is talking too much; Barnabas makes plans to deal with him.

Première diffusion : 17 décembre 1969


S8 E23 DS-908

Alexander visits Collinwood to play with David; Paul becomes convinced that Alexander is part of the plot against him. Maggie sees David acting strange around Alexander and begins to suspect that something strange is going on. Roger is angered to find out that Paul is now living at Collinwood. Paul follows Alexander and hears a strange breathing noise.

Première diffusion : 18 décembre 1969


S8 E24 DS-909

Paul sees Carolyn as a little girl, she runs away from him. Julia tries to hypnotize Grant to help him remember his past. Chris and Julia find that Olivia had the painting x-rayed, and now she would like to barrow it again. Olivia becomes interested in helping Grant when she finds that he is in the hospital and cannot remember who he is.

Première diffusion : 19 décembre 1969


S8 E25 DS-910

Olivia is upset to find that Grant (Quentin) does not recognize who her. Julia has an expert remove the top layer of paint from the landscape to find there is a portrait of Amanda Harris under it. Julia plays Quentin’s theme for Grant hoping it will bring back his memory.

Première diffusion : 22 décembre 1969


S8 E26 DS-911

Grant is unable to remember anything. David sees Grant and is confused because he looks like Quentin. Julia notices a birthmark on Alexander. Julia finds another painting similar to the one she purchased, however by another artist (Harrison Monroe). David uses Grant’s resemblance to Quentin to scare Amy. Amy hears the mysterious breathing sound coming from a room in the antique shop.

Première diffusion : 23 décembre 1969


S8 E27 DS-912

Alexander lets Amy into his room, Amy is terrified and unable to speak. Stokes tells Julia that he believes Harrison Monroe is Charles Tate. Amy opens the Leviathan box and it brings her under their power. Julia goes to find Harrison Monroe/Charles Tate.

Première diffusion : 24 décembre 1969


S8 E28 DS-913/914

Julia asks Tate to help Chris by painting a portrait of him; he refuses. David and Elizabeth go to the antique shop to find Michael, who is the Leviathan child now older. Michael terrifies David as punishment for getting him into trouble when he was Alexander. Julia recognizes a birthmark on Michael which is the same as the one on Alexander (and the baby). Michael decides that Julia has to be dealt with.

Première diffusion : 26 décembre 1969


S8 E29 DS-915

Michael tells Barnabas that he must kill Julia; Barnabas refuses. Barnabas is warned that the Leviathans will turn him back into a vampire if he does not comply with their orders. Barnabas is also warned that the Leviathans are holding Josette hostage.

Première diffusion : 29 décembre 1969


S8 E30 DS-916

Julia tells Elizabeth that she suspects that the baby, Alexander and Michael are one in the same. Julia is afraid Grant (Quentin) will become the werewolf at the next full moon. Barnabas decides that Julia must become a Leviathan. Julia does not open the Leviathan box, Barnabas believes Julia is immune to the Leviathan’s power and tells Elizabeth she must find a way to deal with Julia. Julia shows Olivia the portrait of Amanda Harris.

Première diffusion : 30 décembre 1969


S8 E31 DS-917

Paul becomes extremely paranoid and wants to leave Collinwood. Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson attempt to drug Paul, however he escapes from Collinwood. Paul passes out in the woods and Stokes finds him and takes him to the police. The police call Elizabeth who comes to get Paul.

Première diffusion : 31 décembre 1969


S8 E32 DS-918

Elizabeth plans to kill Julia, but she is unable to bring herself to do it. Julia finds that Grant (Quentin) is not a werewolf. Chris takes Grant (Quentin) to see Charles Tate. Chris finds that Tate is a dummy.

Première diffusion : 2 janvier 1970


S8 E33 DS-919/920/921

Chris finds that Tate is really a very old man. Carolyn becomes uncomfortable with the way Michael pays attention to her. Chris forces Tate to paint his portrait, however the moon rises and Chris changes into a werewolf anyway.

Première diffusion : 5 janvier 1970


S8 E34 DS-922

The werewolf attacks Tate; Quentin fights off the werewolf, however Tate dies. Olivia admits to Julia that she really is Amanda Harris; Amanda tells Julia that she committed suicide when Quentin left her, however a Mr. Best gave her another chance to be with Quentin if she could win his love. Mr. Best returns, upsetting Olivia.

Première diffusion : 6 janvier 1970


S8 E35 DS-923

Mr. Best gives Amanda/Olivia seven days to live unless she can win Quentin’s love. Sabrina tries to warn Carolyn about Chris. Julia finds Quentin’s portrait, which has been painted over, in the possession of a Sky Rumson. Julia finds that Sky Rumson is married to Angelique.

Première diffusion : 7 janvier 1970


S8 E36 DS-924

Angelique tells Julia that she has given up her powers and loves Sky. Julia asks Angelique to barrow the Tate painting so she can have the portrait of Quentin restored and show it to Grant. Michael becomes annoyed with Maggie and has plans to scare her. Maggie hears a breathing sound and a secret panel in her room opens.

Première diffusion : 8 janvier 1970


S8 E37 DS-925

Maggie is lead into the secret passages of Collinwood. Philip is unhappy with being a servant for the Leviathans and is concerned with what Michael might do; Megan remains dedicated to Michael. Roger discovers that Maggie is missing. Philip believes that Michael has something to do with Maggie’s disappearance. Michael does not believe Philip should be a Leviathan anymore, and tells Megan to do something about it.

Première diffusion : 9 janvier 1970


S8 E38 DS-926

Barnabas stops Megan from killing Philip. Barnabas and Philip plan to keep Michael locked up until he is ready to “emerge again.” Michael torments Maggie who is locked in a remote part of Collinwood. Philip searches for Maggie.

Première diffusion : 12 janvier 1970


S8 E39 DS-927

Philip finds Maggie; Maggie thinks Philip is the person who was tormenting her and she knocks him out. Megan tells Michael that something unpleasant will have to happen to him for his own good. Michael becomes ill and later Julia believes he is dead.

Première diffusion : 13 janvier 1970


S8 E40 DS-928

Julia is unable to revive Michael and pronounces him dead. Julia checks up on Michael’s history and finds a woman who knew him; however Philip pays off the woman for telling Julia what they wanted her to hear. Julia tells Stokes all of her suspicions. Michael tells Megan and Philip not to go through with what they were planning.

Première diffusion : 14 janvier 1970


S8 E41 DS-929

Megan and Philip force Michael to stay in his room. Barnabas gives Paul money and encourages him to leave town. Paul sneaks into the antique shop; hearing a breathing sound Paul goes into Michael’s room and is terrified.

Première diffusion : 15 janvier 1970


S8 E42 DS-930

Barnabas resists the urge to tell Julia everything. Barnabas rescues Paul and puts him in the basement of the antique shop. Megan starts to suspect that Barnabas is not acting properly. Megan releases the Leviathan from the room and it goes to the basement after Paul.

Première diffusion : 16 janvier 1970


S8 E43 DS-931

Barnabas again rescues Paul; Paul runs off. Julia !nds Paul unable to speak and takes him to Stokes. Olivia desperately tries to get Grant (Quentin) to recognize her. Julia shows the portrait of Quentin to Grant.

Première diffusion : 19 janvier 1970


S8 E44 DS-932

After seeing the painting Grant realizes that he is Quentin and remembers Amanda. Mr. Best catches up with Amanda and tells her it is her time; she begs for a little more time. Mr. Best tells Quentin if he and Amanda can escape from his domain without touching each other, they can be together forever.

Première diffusion : 20 janvier 1970


S8 E45 DS-933

Philip finds that the Leviathan has escaped from the room. Paul is attacked by the Leviathan creature again and dies. Amanda and Quentin encounter several traps; Amanda slips while trying to cross a bridge.

Première diffusion : 21 janvier 1970


S8 E46 DS-934

Quentin touches Amanda while trying to help her after she slips; Amanda is killed by falling rocks. The sheriff investigates Paul’s death; he goes to the antique shop and plans to search the “room.”

Première diffusion : 22 janvier 1970


S8 E47 DS-935

The sheriff opens the room and finds a man named Jeb Hawkes, he claims the Todds are renting the room to him. The sheriff tells Julia that he does suspect something strange about the antique shop. Jeb changes to his true form then kills the sheriff. Barnabas walks in to the sheriff’s office.

Première diffusion : 23 janvier 1970


S8 E48 DS-936

Jeb tells Barnabas that he does not trust him. The family attends Paul’s funeral. Jeb sets his sites on Carolyn; Barnabas tries to talk him out seeing her. Jeb plans to marry Carolyn by the end of the week.

Première diffusion : 26 janvier 1970


S8 E49 DS-937

David gets a broken leg due to Jeb. Julia notices the birthmark on Jeb which was the same as the children who previously lived at the Todd’s antique shop. Julia and Quentin dig up Michael’s grave. Barnabas tells Maggie to watch Carolyn and try to keep her away from Jeb. Julia demands to talk with Barnabas and tells him that Michael’s grave is empty.

Première diffusion : 27 janvier 1970


S8 E50 DS-938

Barnabas explains everything to Julia; how the Leviathans are holding Josette hostage, and have threatened to make Barnabas a vampire again. Barnabas also tells Julia about Jeb and his plans for Carolyn. A hand appears coming out of sheriff Davenport’s grave.

Première diffusion : 28 janvier 1970