L'actualité sur Divine Gate
Les dernières actions
Visuellement c'est pas mal du tout. Mais alors le reste c'est sans commentaire, eux-mêmes ne savaient pas où ils voulaient en venir je pense, du coup ça nous pond une morale digne d'un film d'enfant de 10 ans à la fin. Fort dommage car le début était bien prometteur.
Le 27 oct. 2023
Blue Memory
épisode S1 E4 de Divine Gate
Synopsis : Concerned about Aoto's emotional disconnect, Akane and Midori look him up on the academy server, but his information were classified. Determined, the two steal Undine's access pass and finds out that Aoto is a suspect of the Blue Christmas massacre.
Inextinguishable Flame
épisode S1 E2 de Divine Gate
Synopsis : For Akane, his father meant the world, so he cannot understand why Aoto would kill his own parents. However, Aoto does not share his story either. The colliding two run into each other later, when a patrol Driver suddenly starts to malfunction.
Endless Rain
épisode S1 E1 de Divine Gate
Synopsis : On one rainy day, an Adapter attacks the passengers on a tram. Luckily, Aoto, another Adapter who was at the scene, stops him with his ability. Akane and Midori are ordered by the Academy to recruit Aoto, but they hear a disturbing rumor about him.