Saison 1

26 épisodes

(4 h 46 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6


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The Ed-Touchables

S1 E1 The Ed-Touchables

It seems that someone is stealing everyone's stuff. Double D's magnifying glass is missing and so is Sarah's doll. Eddy goes all around town making wrong accusations until they seem to find their culprit. IT'S JONNY. So they think. But in the end, it turns out that Edd and Sarah just misplaced their stuff.

Première diffusion : 4 janvier 1999

Nagged to Ed

S1 E2 Nagged to Ed

During a trip to the woods, The Eds are captured by 3 troublemaking girls named The Kanker Sisters (May, Lee, and Marie)! The 3 Kankers want to serve The Eds some food and they accept! But what will they do when they have to clean The Kankers' trailer?

Première diffusion : 4 janvier 1999

Pop Goes The Ed

S1 E3 Pop Goes The Ed

It's hot out, very hot. The Eds, and the rest of the cul-de-sac, are desperate for a way out of the heat. Kevin accidentally tells the Eds that Nazz is having a sprinkler party. The Eds aren't invited, but they don't care. Eddy decides this is the perfect time to score some social points. He dresses the Eds in the speedos of the gods, and together they go to be the lives of the party. No one notices them, though. And in one last attempt to impress everybody, their ultratight swimsuits snap off, and they are stuck naked in a wading pool. Now they have to sneak home casually, but it's not an easy task.

Première diffusion : 11 janvier 1999

Over Your Ed

S1 E4 Over Your Ed

The Eds are setting up a routine scam: their home-blended En-O-Gee Drink, but Ed ruins it, as usual. Edd suggests giving Ed a full image makeover and Eddy likes the idea. They start by giving Ed a bath. He hadn't had one in ages. Then they dress him up in clothes only Eddy would own. Double-Dee comes up with a list of super cool phrases for Ed to use. They let him wander in the cul-de-sac, where Jimmy finds him and shows him to the other kids. They're so impressed by his super cool persona that Eddy comes up with an even better idea, charging kids money to meet Ed. Just when things are going great for everybody, the Kanker sisters show up and ruin everything.

Première diffusion : 11 janvier 1999

Sir Ed-a-Lot

S1 E5 Sir Ed-a-Lot

When Ed is stuck babysitting Sarah, Eddy wonders why he is doing it. As they play little kiddy games with Sarah, Eddy becomes a real party pooper. But when Eddy learns there is cash on the line...he quickly starts to pucker up. Determined to earn some cash, Eddy takes on the task of amusing ""Queen Sarah"" and ""Prince Jimmy"". After Eddy tries all of his ""Best Stuff"" he starts to go overboard. Everything goes crazy when Eddy drops everything he is juggling. The Eds scramble to clean everything up before Ed's parents return and ends up with quite a productive solution to their problem.

Première diffusion : 18 janvier 1999

A Pinch To Grow an Ed

S1 E6 A Pinch To Grow an Ed

After Eddy grows extremely angry with being short, Double D and Ed fix the problem with a pair of elevating shoes. He uses them to show off and then the Kankers break them, dropping Eddy into a crib dressed as a baby. Ed and Double D walk off referring to him as a baby while pushing him around.

Première diffusion : 18 janvier 1999

Read All About Ed

S1 E7 Read All About Ed

Edd's got a paper route, saving up for an expensive electron microscope. Eddy finds out, and comes up with a new plan, the Eds will take up 50 paper routes at once and they'll be rolling in cash. Double-Dee doesn't like the idea all that much. When he wakes up the next morning to find his house covered in undelivered papers. The Eds try different ways to deliver the hundreds of papers and Edd's latest invention works great. Ed, of course, manages to jam it up and the Eds are stuck with a huge mess of papers. Things couldn't get worse, until it starts to rain.

Première diffusion : 25 janvier 1999

Quick Shot Ed

S1 E8 Quick Shot Ed

The Eds are rummaging through Eddy's attic, when they come across an antique camera. They're not sure what to do with it, until Eddy comes up with a great idea to make cash, go on a photo safari, taking pictures of the cul-de-sac kids, then make a calendar and sell it to them. They go on a photo safari, taking pictures of everyone. Their safari soon leads them to the Park-n-Flush trailer park, where Eddy tries to sneak a picture of the Kankers. The Kankers spot the Eds, though and give them a little ""makeover.""

Première diffusion : 25 janvier 1999

An Ed Too Many

S1 E9 An Ed Too Many

The Eds are searching for a four-leaf clover, but aren't having any luck. Ed comes across a very rare flower, though, which Edd is very careful with. The Eds decide they're hungry and go off to make a pizza (and a big mess). On the way, they encounter Sarah and Jimmy. Double-Dee hands the flower to Sarah so that it doesn't get damaged. Sarah takes this to mean more than that, though, and immediately falls in love with him. As the Eds go to make their pizza, Sarah shows up and starts creeping out Edd. Ed and Eddy try to keep her away, but she follows Double-Dee everywhere. Eventually, they realize that the answer is to get Jimmy and Sarah back together.

Première diffusion : 1 février 1999


S1 E10 Ed-n-Seek

The Eds are couch-diving, searching for change and other assorted things, when Jonny shows up and starts looking around. The Eds go out to see what's up, and find that the cul-de-sac kids are playing hide-and-seek. The Eds want to play, but Sarah (who is It) doesn't let them. They gather up all the kids to ruin Sarah's turn, and then the kids decide to let them play-- but one catch: They have to be It. They don't mind, though, and decide to play their own way. They keep a careful eye on Home Base, and use one of Edd's inventions to find everyone. They round up everyone, except Jimmy-- who Ed manages to tag at the last second. Now Jimmy's It and they get to hide, which they do well. They manage to get to Home Base... but pummeled a little along the way.

Première diffusion : 1 février 1999

Look Into My Eds

S1 E11 Look Into My Eds

After another failed scam, Ed, Edd n Eddy see the mail is here. It turns out to be Edd's new psychology manual. After Edd gives Ed and Eddy a personality test, Eddy is sure the book is wrong. He shakes it up and finds a Hypo-Disk. After Edd explains what it does Eddy is eager to try it out. He hypnotises Ed in being ""what he's always dreamed of"" which is really a ballerina. Then the Eds go all around the neighborhood hypnotising everyone. But when the Kankers show up their fun ends.

Première diffusion : 8 février 1999

Tag Yer Ed

S1 E12 Tag Yer Ed

After Kevin and Rolf embarrass Edd yet again in his weakness, Eddy decides to take action. No matter how much he tries to toughen Edd up, he refuses to improve. Finally Eddy takes a desperate attempt by turning him into a wrestler, ""The Masked Mumbler"". In a raging tiring fight with Plank, and a little help from Eddy, Edd defeats the board. The Eds' next enemies are the Kankers...which aren't that easy. The Eds go head-to-head against the Kankers but finally fail.

Première diffusion : 8 février 1999

Dawn Of The Eds

S1 E13 Dawn Of The Eds

Ed's dying to see the newest sci-fi reject flick-- Robot Rebel Ranch. But-- of all the horror-- it's R-rated, and the Eds won't be able to get in! They immediately begin scamming to sneak in, but on the way to turn in some recyclables for ticket money, they get lost and wind up way beyond the construction site and the factory, in the worst place to get lost-- the junk yard. Stuck without a movie, the Eds begin to play it out themselves. Soon, they're starting to believe they're really there, and begin to waste away on the ""cold planet's"" surface. Edd and Eddy get a reality check when Sarah and Jimmy show up, and decide to go home for dinner. But Ed just can't be snapped out of a good sci-fi delusion...

Première diffusion : 15 février 1999


S1 E14 Vert-Ed-Go

The Eds are beat after a bird steals their hard-earned quarterr, when they spot a passing plane with an ad for Joe's Clubhouse. They come up with the obvious scam-- start a hip club themselves, and charge for membership. They go through some difficulty setting up the clubhouse, but even harder is getting members. The cul-de-sac kids don't even believe they HAVE a clubhouse, and the Eds go to prove them wrong. They go back to their club site to find Club Ed transformed into Club Kanker. The Eds wage a water balloon fight against the Kankers, and the Kankers come out on top.

Première diffusion : 15 février 1999

Who, What, Where, Ed

S1 E15 Who, What, Where, Ed

The Eds aren't interested in scams today, all they want is some Eddy-style omelettes! Ed manages to break every egg in the house, however, and the Eds are stuck without any omelettes. They decide to go to Rolf's to see if he can loan them a chicken; then they'll be knee-deep in eggs! But Rolf isn't going to give a chicken egg up that easily, he tells them that he'll trade it for sawdust. Confused, the Eds ask Kevin for some sawdust. He'll trade it for painting his shed. But there's no paint. They go to Jimmy's, where he is painting a masterpiece. He won't give up his paint unless they trade for it-- he wants clams. Jonny 2x4 and Plank are clam-diving in the sewer and they want to trade for an anchor, but the only anchor in the cul-de-sac belongs to the Kankers. Forget that. Plank ""says"" he'll trade some clams for a racket. Sarah, playing tennis with Nazz, says she'll trade for a giant teddy bear. Jimmy owns a teddy bear, and will trade it for plums. Back at Rolf's, he is confused as to

Première diffusion : 22 février 1999

Keeping Up With The Eds

S1 E16 Keeping Up With The Eds

What's with Edd's kitchen?! It's covered in sticky notes! Double-Dee's parents make him do boatloads of chores, and communicate them through sticky notes. Edd doesn't seem to mind, except for one thing-- his father wants him to mow the lawn! Ed and Eddy decide to help, but the only mower Double-Dee has is an old-fashioned push mower. Eddy convinces Ed to attack Edd's lawn with the mower, and he ends up completely ruining the yard. Eddy knows what to do, though-- he brings in a humongous sack of fertilizer and regrows the yard. But then he gets an even better idea-- he'll cover everyone's yard in fertilizer, and mow it for money! But when Jimmy and Sarah get lost in the five-foot-high grass, the Eds resort to drastic measures, and borrow Rolf's goat, Victor. Victor eats all the grass in the cul-de-sac, and grows enormous, like a blimp. The Eds ride him back to Rolf's house to return him, but can't possibly steer him...

Première diffusion : 22 février 1999

Fool On the Ed

S1 E17 Fool On the Ed

Eddy's the master of pranks. Ed's and Edd's attempts to prank him are futile. The Eds come across a card labeled ""PRANK MASTER"", and Eddy is mad that someone would try to take his place. The Eds go to investigate, and they find everyone in the cul-de-sac suffering horrible pranks, marked by the ""PRANK MASTER"" card. They're terrified, knowing that they'll be next. They cautiously make their way around the cul-de-sac, avoiding anything suspicious. The joke's on them when they find out that there is no ""PRANK MASTER"", it was just the cul-de-sac kids getting back at them. Not to be overpranked, the Eds set up a monstrous stinkbomb, but have some trouble getting it out of their garage before it pops...

Première diffusion : 1 mars 1999

A Boy and His Ed

S1 E18 A Boy and His Ed

Kevin encounters the Eds' latest scam, and isn't impressed. He tells them he wants to give them something, but Eddy doesn't believe him and sends him away. The Eds go into the cul-de-sac to find everyone eating Jawbreakers. Rolf tells them that Kevin's dad got a job at the Jawbreaker factory, and he got a whole garage of free Jawbreakers! The Eds decide to become Kevin's best friends, hoping they'll get in on the candy. But they end up being more of a hassle to Kevin, as they destroy his house and get in the way everywhere.

Première diffusion : 1 mars 1999

It's Way Ed

S1 E19 It's Way Ed

It's a new day in the cul-de-sac, and the Eds head down to the lane to see what's up. They find all the kids walking around on stilts. They tell the Eds that it's the latest fad. The Eds go home to make makeshift stilts, and return to find the cul-de-sac kids wearing hats with tetherballs, Wizz-Wazzing. The Eds rush home to get in on that fad, but by the time they get back, Wizz-Wazzing is way out of style. The Eds keep trying to get in style, but they give up-- what's the use? They're always behind. Eddy realizes that the only way to catch up is to be two fads ahead of everyone else. They rummage through Edd's garage and come up with the most ridiculous costumes they can come up with, and when they return to the cul-de-sac, deeming themselves Fad Freaky, no one notices them. The outfits get uncomfortable, and start to trip the Eds up. The Eds give up the fad, but at that moment, everyone in the cul-de-sac starts wearing their Fad Freaky costumes.

Première diffusion : 8 mars 1999

Laugh, Ed, Laugh

S1 E20 Laugh, Ed, Laugh

The Eds come up with a great scam, but all the cul-de-sac kids are missing! They go to investigate, and find that an epidemic of chicken pox has hit the neighborhood, and they're the only ones that aren't sick. The Eds realize that there's nothing to do if they can't scam anyone. Eddy starts to lose it, and goes insane. Ed and Edd have to track him down and capture him. Eddy starts scamming squirrels, and eats a fire hydrant, thinking it's a jawbreaker. Double-Dee sets up a padded cell, and Ed helps capture Eddy inside. Edd tells Ed to hide the key to the cell, but they accidentally lock themselves inside, and once Eddy goes back to normal, they're all stuck in the cell.

Première diffusion : 8 mars 1999


S1 E21 Eds-Aggerate

After a scam goes horribly wrong and ends up sending an armchair into Kevin's house, Eddy makes up a quick lie, telling Kevin the ""Mucky Boys"" did it. He convinces Kevin into believing it, and soon the whole cul-de-sac is searching for the Mucky Boys. Eddy loves it, and convinces his fellow Eds to play along. They go into the junkyard, and cover themselves in mud. They leave clues and creep the kids into believing the Mucky Boys are nearby. They lead the kids into a cave, where Sarah realizes what's going on, and exposes the Eds.

Première diffusion : 15 mars 1999

Oath To An Ed

S1 E22 Oath To An Ed

The Eds all have new clothes, but they're still stiff from the store. Ed and Eddy try to get them comfortable, but end up ruining them. The Eds find Rolf, Jimmy, Jonny, and Plank wearing spiffy scout uniforms. Rolf tells them about the Urban Rangers, and that they can get their own uniforms if they can get a badge. Piece of cake, or so they think. The Eds all (well, mostly Ed) manage to fail every task, not getting a single badge. They keep begging Rolf for more chances, but Rolf gets annoyed, confiscates their bandanas, and forces them to walk the Lard Walk of Shame.

Première diffusion : 15 mars 1999

A Glass Of Warm Ed

S1 E23 A Glass Of Warm Ed

Edd wakes up from a peaceful sleep to noises below him. He realizes there's an intruder in the house, grabs his cactus Jim, and goes downstairs. Nervously, he approaches a figure rummaging through his fridge, and realizes it's just Ed. But something's wrong, Ed's sleepwalking. Ed grabs all the food from Double-Dee's fridge and leaves. Edd heads over to Eddy's house to warn him. Edd and Eddy follow Ed as he steals all the food in the cul-de-sac, and manage to lure him back into his room. They tie him to his bed, but he still manages to escape and continues his sleepy gorging. The next morning, the cul-de-sac kids are without breakfast. Eddy comes up with a great idea, and sells the food from within Ed's belly, much to Double-Dee's disgust.

Première diffusion : 22 mars 1999

Flea Bitten Ed

S1 E24 Flea Bitten Ed

The Eds are cleaning Rolf's animals for money.Turns out Ed is allergic to rabbits.

Première diffusion : 22 mars 1999

Button Yer Ed

S1 E25 Button Yer Ed

Eddy lost his voice after a fly gets stuck in his throat. Therefore, Edd gets a bell that he could use when he needs to talk. Nobody knows what Eddy wants until Rolf comes along and invites the Eds to dinner. Of course, Rolf doesn't know as much as he claims to know about ""bell speak."" Example: Rolf interprets Eddy's ringing into a thanks, which it obviously isn't.

Première diffusion : 29 mars 1999

Avast Ye Eds

S1 E26 Avast Ye Eds

After Edd is accidently thrown on a flying inner tube into the creek and demonstrates a wide amount of emotions Eddy gets an idea. The Eds set up a creek cruise on the inner tube. Jonny, Plank, and Jimmy are their passengers. Everything seems to be going smoothly along with the amazing sounds of 88 Fingers Eddward until they pass by Park and Flsuh Trailor Park. Soon they notice a ship tailing them from behind! Pirates! Well the Kankers actually. It turns into wild chase and ends up with the Eds captured, Jonny and Jimmy jumping into the creek, and Plank living up to his name as the ""plank"" on the ship.

Première diffusion : 29 mars 1999