Ergo Proxy
Ergo Proxy

Anime (mangas) WOWOW (2006)

Without spoiling anything of the story I want to share my experience with this anime. It's been some time since I last had a marathon, finishing an anime quickly. First, I would want to say that I really love the dark atmosphere of the anime, and the lack of moe and slapstick, which is often present in anime. Not that I hate that, but it's nice to watch something more serious at times.

The story is really great, and the writing is great, cause it is not often that I find myself to be emotionally engaged in the shows that I watch, and it is rare that I have to actually think to figure out the story, and piece it all together. This is why I give this anime 10. To me, it is a masterpiece, and I wouldn't be surprised if I re-watched this anime a few times to see if I missed anything.
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Cet utilisateur l'a également mis dans ses coups de cœur et l'a ajouté à sa liste Favourite Anime


le 12 avr. 2013

Critique lue 462 fois


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Critique lue 462 fois

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Ergo Proxy

Ego sum ego existo ego dormio intus

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