Saison 1

13 épisodes

(5 h 25 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3


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The Planet of Peril

S1 E1 The Planet of Peril

When a mysterious planet comes hurtling through space threatening to destroy the Earth, Flash fearlessly meets the challenge. He falls into the clutches of the merciless Ming and is forced to battle for his life against huge ape-like man killers...

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

The Tunnel of Terror

S1 E2 The Tunnel of Terror

Escaping the threat of the ape-like killers in the arena, Flash must now face a battle with Thun and the Lion Men, in a struggle which almost costs him his life.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

Captured by Shark Men

S1 E3 Captured by Shark Men

After thwarting Ming, in his intention to force Dale into marriage, Flash faces the terrors of the dreaded King Kala and his Shark Men.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

Battling the Sea Beast

S1 E4 Battling the Sea Beast

When Aura cuts off the air supply to Kala's underwater palace, Flash rushes to the aid of Dale.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

The Destroying Ray

S1 E5 The Destroying Ray

Ming saves the doomed Shark City, and delivers Flash and his friends into the hands of the Hawk Men. At the same time King Vultan plots against the Prince of Justice.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

Flaming Torture

S1 E6 Flaming Torture

Upon landing in the Sky City, Flash and his friends are immediately taken prisoner by Vultan who demands that Dale renounce Flash forever.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

Shattering Doom

S1 E7 Shattering Doom

Flash is threatened by Vultan's atom furnaces and electro-charged mechanical devices.

Tournament of Death

S1 E8 Tournament of Death

Flash is pitted against his own friend, Prince Barin, in a deadly battle which results in a further battle with the "Orangopoid".

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

Fighting the Fire Dragon

S1 E9 Fighting the Fire Dragon

Outraged by Flash's defeat of the "Orango­poid", Ming orders an injection of "drops of forgetfulness" and sends him to the abode of the sacred Fire Dragon.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

The Unseen Peril

S1 E10 The Unseen Peril

Flash's memory is gone but Zharkov accom­plishes a memory restoration.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

In the Claws of the Tigron

S1 E11 In the Claws of the Tigron

With the aid of an invisibility machine, Flash releases Vultan and together they prepare to return to Earth, while enemy Aura makes plans to intercept them.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

Trapped in the Turret

S1 E12 Trapped in the Turret

Prince Barin persuades Aura to help their escape as the only way to win Flash's friendship. The Earth party assembles in the Turret House, which is set aflame by fire from a mysterious rocket ship.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936

Rocketing to Earth

S1 E13 Rocketing to Earth

Escaping from the Turret House by an under­ground passage, they all return to an electrically protected laboratory. Ming, under attack by Thun's rocket ship, fails in his attempt to thwart the Earth men and flees to exile in the Palace of Tao.

Première diffusion : 6 avril 1936