L'actualité sur Gate : Au-delà de la porte

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a attribué 7/10 à l'anime

Gate : Au-delà de la porte

Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

2015 • Anime (mangas) Tokyo MX

Synopsis : La soif de conquête de L’Empereur d’un Royaume d’heroic-fantasy l’amène à ouvrir une porte dimensionnelle qui donne sur Tokyo, à notre époque. La ville se retrouve envahie par une armée, composée de chevaliers et de bestiaires(monstres). Mais la Force d’auto-défense japonaise réussie à éliminer les envahisseurs et le gouvernement décide d’explorer l’autre monde.


a attribué 5/10 à l'anime

et la regarde actuellement


a attribué 8/10 à l'anime

Gate : Au-delà de la porte

Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

2015 • Anime (mangas) Tokyo MX

Synopsis : La soif de conquête de L’Empereur d’un Royaume d’heroic-fantasy l’amène à ouvrir une porte dimensionnelle qui donne sur Tokyo, à notre époque. La ville se retrouve envahie par une armée, composée de chevaliers et de bestiaires(monstres). Mais la Force d’auto-défense japonaise réussie à éliminer les envahisseurs et le gouvernement décide d’explorer l’autre monde.

Gate : Au-delà de la porte

Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

2015 • Anime (mangas) Tokyo MX

Synopsis : La soif de conquête de L’Empereur d’un Royaume d’heroic-fantasy l’amène à ouvrir une porte dimensionnelle qui donne sur Tokyo, à notre époque. La ville se retrouve envahie par une armée, composée de chevaliers et de bestiaires(monstres). Mais la Force d’auto-défense japonaise réussie à éliminer les envahisseurs et le gouvernement décide d’explorer l’autre monde.


a attribué 7/10 à la saison


de la série


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Si c'était Itami...

Itami Nara

épisode S1 E12 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : Yao goes around the settlement of Arnus and the JSDF basecamp, but is unfortunately unable to make herself understood to the JSDF soldiers she meets. She falls prey to thugs and robbers but is able to defend herself but one of them reports her and she is eventually arrested by MPs. Leilei, being the best bilingual speaker manages to get her story and the thug is instead taken into custody, and she eventually secures for Yao an audience with General Hazama. Yao explains her errand, but the General refuses to help. The settlements of Yao`s people can only be reached by crossing imperial territory, and if he sends enough forces there to defeat the dragon that would be interpreted by the Empire as an act of war. Frustrated in her mission, she overhears stories about Itami and how he might manage to do something to help, and so when she goes to the refugee dormitories she asks Tuka about him. Itami meanwhile has escorted a second diplomat to join Pinya, and is being sent as part of a delegation to the capital.


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Un visiteur


épisode S1 E11 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : Itami`s squad and the girls have returned from Japan. The JSDF basecamp at Arnus Hill has become the centre of a thriving town as trade across the gate between the Special Region and Japan flourishes. Pinya and a Japanese diplomat have begun meeting with imperial nobles, attempting to convince the most hawkish of them to consider peace with Japan by giving them gifts and negotiating the release of important prisoners of war captured during the first assault by the Empire against Japan. Meanwhile, Itami is at a tavern with Rory, who is still trying to seduce him. A dark elf woman named Yao Ha Dyusshi appears, looking for what she calls the "green men" (the JSDF) trying to get their help. She denounces Itami for apparently corrupting a minor, and her interference irritates Rory. She makes the misunderstanding deep enough that the Yao draws her sword on Itami, who flees. It turns out that Yao is looking for help to finally finish off the fire dragon that Itami`s group encountered earlier, and offers a huge diamond as reward.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Espoir et désespoir

Zetsubou to Kibou

épisode S1 E10 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : The American paramilitary officers approach the Hakone resort unchallenged, only to find that there are also Russian and Chinese paramilitaries there, apparently on the same mission. A bloodbath ensues when Rory joins the fray, and eventually all of the invaders are killed. Itami`s party escapes by commandeering the van used by the American paramilitaries, and they drive back to Tokyo. Itami`s ex-wife Risa spreads the word that the girls will be heading back through the Gate that afternoon, so a large crowd gathers at Ginza to see them off. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister has resigned, removing the blackmail leverage that the Americans had, but the Central Intelligence Agency is still attempting to abduct the girls, planning to take them just as they arrive at Ginza, since the assurances of the previous administration should still hold. However, Komakado has arrested all the foreign intelligence agents in the area, including the CIA ones, saying that he has no way of verifying whether any such agent he finds is with the CIA or not, foiling their plans. Itami`s party thus returns to the Special Region unmolested.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Combat nocturne dans les reliefs de Hakone

Hakone Sanchuu Yasen

épisode S1 E9 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : Itami`s group spends the night at his ex-wife`s home, and decide what to do next. He has the girls go out for a bit while he meets with the Minister of Defence, who is an old friend, and he is ordered to bring their guests to the Hakone Mountain resort that had been prepared for them and is guarded by elite Japanese special forces. Itami brings them there as ordered, and after they are settled there is fighting just outside as several groups of enemy commandos make their way to the resort. The Japanese special forces unit manages to neutralise most of these mysterious enemy forces. However, President Dirrell blackmails the Prime Minister with reports of government corruption and convinces him to get the unit guarding the resort to withdraw, so that the American commando unit can abduct the girls from the Special Region with no interference. Rory Mercury is heavily affected by the fighting outside the resort and tries to seduce Itami.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Le Japon de l'autre côté de la porte

Mon no Mukou no Nihon

épisode S1 E8 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : The five girls from the Special Region pass through the Gate with Itami`s unit, and are astounded by modern Tokyo. A Public Safety intelligence officer named Komakado meets them and escorts the group to the Diet. Pinya and Bozes are not part of the official delegation and attend a private meeting with cabinet officials in preparation for a possible future peace conference with the Empire. At the same time, Leilei, Tuka, and Rory are brought before the Diet into what becomes a sensational public hearing. Some members of the Diet opposed to the JSDF`s operations beyond the Gate try to paint Itami`s attempt to save the villagers from the dragon into a bad light, but the three girls are having none of it, and stress that the lieutenant did the best he could under such difficult circumstances, and in so doing humiliate their spokeswoman. Komakado is concerned about possible attempts on the Special Region girls, and so gets them to leave the Diet using the subway rather than the cars they were expected to use, which are promptly attacked. Whoever is attempting to capture them also seems to have control over the subways as certain lines they are about to use inexplicably fail. They are attacked by a man in the street who tries to take Rory`s axe, which is incredibly heavy, which incapacitates both the attacker and Komakado who both unwisely attempt to lift it. To hide them, Itami brings the girls to the house of a famished young woman whom he introduces as his ex-wife.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

La détermination de la princesse impériale

Koujo no Ketsudan

épisode S1 E7 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : The Rose Knights treat Itami very roughly as they bring him back to Italica, so much so that he is knocked unconscious. Pinya is livid, as they have then violated the treaty so soon after it had been agreed upon and she fears that the JSDF will use the incident as a pretext to attack, so she orders Bozes Co Palesti to make it up to Itami with her body. In the meantime, Itami`s platoon sneaks into the city in an attempt to rescue him, to find that he is being well cared for by several semi-human maids and they have a small party. Bozes arrives and slaps Itami after she sees that he seems to be having fun. Pinya and Bozes join Itami`s group as they return to the camp at Arnus Hill, and along the way they see further evidence of the JSDF`s overwhelming military might as they conduct a training exercise. Pinya speaks to General Hazuma, the commanding general of the JSDF forces at Arnus Hill, apologising for the incident. The next day, she joins Leilei, Tuka, and Rory as part of the delegation from beyond the Gate for the audience with the Diet of Japan.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

La chevauchée des déesses de la guerre

Ikusa Megami no Kikou

épisode S1 E6 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : The fighting continues at Italica. The eastern gate`s defences are breached, and there is fighting in the city. Rory goes into a battle frenzy, with Itami`s troops behind her. Itami has also called in a squadron of helicopter gunships, and they terminate the bandits with extreme prejudice. This awesome display of modern military firepower leaves Pina in a state of shock, and she realises that a war with them would result in their inevitable defeat. She is equally shocked that Itami does not demand crippling terms which the victors in such a battle usually do, merely requesting trade concessions in exchange for the continued sovereignty of Italica. Leilei sells the dragon scales, and the 3rd Platoon tries to return to the JSDF basecamp at Arnus Hill, only to encounter Pina`s Rose Knights, who do not yet know that the battle is already over and that Pina has negotiated an armistice. They threaten Itami, who allows himself to be captured, ordering his troops to leave him behind, to avoid more fighting.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

La bataille d'Italica

Italica Koubousen

épisode S1 E5 de Gate Au Dela De La Porte

Synopsis : Many of the soldiers who survived the battles at Arnus Hill against the JSDF have turned to banditry, and Pina finds herself in command of the defenders as Italica is besieged by these bandits. The city, after the sudden death of its lord recently is nominally ruled by the late lord`s daughter Myui, who being only eleven obviously cannot lead the defence, and so Pina and her Rose Knights offered to do so. During a lull in the fighting, Itami`s platoon, with Leilei, Rory, and Tuka arrive, and convince Pina that they are friendly and are willing to help defend the city. This is Pina`s first true battle: her Knights were relegated solely to a ceremonial role before, and she is not doing well. She had Itami`s platoon guard the south gates, as they are the most difficult to defend, but that night the bandits unexpectedly attack the east gate and overwhelm their defences. She thinks of calling Itami to help but fears he will not come after having put him in what looked like a suicidal position. It seems though that Itami will help of his own initiative.