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Saison 1

8 épisodes

(1 h 20 min)



Saison 1


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New Meat

S1 E1 New Meat

In this episode, Maxine infuriates her tough-talking Dad by taking a job in the lawless Special Economic Zone.

Première diffusion : 22 janvier 2015

Level Up

S1 E2 Level Up

In this episode, Maxine steals a haptic cable from work and gets a fierce taste of the peripheral’s power.

Première diffusion : 22 janvier 2015

Grudge Match

S1 E3 Grudge Match

In episode 3, we start to see the results of all Maxine's haptic brain interface gaming — she's become a serious ninja. But at home, she's still fighting with her old-school punk dad about being a wage slave.

Première diffusion : 3 février 2015

Writer’s Block

S1 E4 Writer’s Block

In this episode: Maxine takes drastic action to alleviate her dad's depression. Supervisor Geiss confronts Maxine about her haptic cable theft.

Première diffusion : 10 février 2015

Condition of the Heart

S1 E5 Condition of the Heart

Watch as Maxine's good intentions take an ill-fated turn...

Première diffusion : 17 février 2015

A Moment of Silence

S1 E6 A Moment of Silence

Seeking solace from her grief, Maxine discovers a secret and wondrous Haphead Lair.

Première diffusion : 24 février 2015

Scoot or Die

S1 E7 Scoot or Die

Suspicious of the official report, Maxine searches for clues that may shed some light on her recent tragedy.

Première diffusion : 3 mars 2015


S1 E8 Terminus-Phrase

Maxine turns to Uncle Bruce for answers, but learns that her bio-hacking uncle has a few shocking secrets of his own.

Première diffusion : 10 mars 2015