L'actualité sur La Ligue des Justiciers : Action
Les dernières actions
“Petit format, petit graphisme, mais très efficace.”
Justice League Action
2016 • Dessin animé (cartoons) Cartoon Network
Synopsis : Les super-héros Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter et Green Lantern accompagnés de leurs amis adoptent une approche plus active aux invasions aliens et menaces criminelles et conspirations globales.
Justice League Action
2016 • Dessin animé (cartoons) Cartoon Network
Synopsis : Les super-héros Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter et Green Lantern accompagnés de leurs amis adoptent une approche plus active aux invasions aliens et menaces criminelles et conspirations globales.
Justice League Action
2016 • Dessin animé (cartoons) Cartoon Network
Synopsis : Les super-héros Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter et Green Lantern accompagnés de leurs amis adoptent une approche plus active aux invasions aliens et menaces criminelles et conspirations globales.
Justice League Action
2016 • Dessin animé (cartoons) Cartoon Network
Synopsis : Les super-héros Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter et Green Lantern accompagnés de leurs amis adoptent une approche plus active aux invasions aliens et menaces criminelles et conspirations globales.
épisode S1 E51 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Batman, Superman et Wonder Woman mènent les super-héros de la Terre dans leur lutte contre les ennemis de l'univers.
Harley Goes Ape!
épisode S1 E42 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : When members of the Justice League are affected by the Phantom Zone ray and become phantom-like, their only hope for freedom is to somehow get a message to Booster Gold.
The Ringer
épisode S1 E38 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : When Firestorm discovers that League members have no memory of who they are, it's up to him to round them up in their secret identities and convince them they are superheroes.
The Fatal Fare
épisode S1 E28 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Space Cabbie inadvertently learns about a great threat to the Justice League when one of his passengers turns out to be Darkseid.
All Aboard the Space Train
épisode S1 E26 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : In a strange turn of events, the JLA enlist the help of Space Cabbie and Jonah Hex to stop the hijacking of an intergalactic space train.
Inside Job
épisode S1 E23 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : In order for Batman to lure Deadshot into a trap, he has Plastic Man pose as Two-Face. Things go well at first until the real Two-Face escapes from Firestorm's custody.
Battle for the Bottled City
épisode S1 E20 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Mr. Freeze is determined to freeze Gotham City once and for all. And he is using Killer Frost as his power source. While Batman deals with Mr. Freeze its up to Firestorm, who has a crush on Killer Frost, to come to her rescue.
Plastic Man Saves the World
épisode S1 E19 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Lobo is back and he is chased by the Red Lanterns. Atrocitus and his Red Lanterns demand a stolen Red lantern ring back from Lobo, who seeks protection from Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. When Lobo's real plan unfolds it takes the combined power of the Red Lanters and the Justice league to stop him.
Freezer Burn
épisode S1 E17 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Brainiac attacks Metropolis to add the city to his collection. Batman, Cyborg, Vixen and even Superman are unable to stop Brainiac's attack plan, so its up to Plastic Man to safe the day.
Luthor in Paradise
épisode S1 E15 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Felix Faust steals Zatanna's hat in order to free a ancient demon and get his youth back. While Etrigan and Batman try to stop the demon, Zatanna has to use every magical spell in her arsenal to get her magical hat back.
Hat Trick
épisode S1 E14 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : After defeating Harley Quinn, Batman and Zatanna encounter Brother Knight, who uses his dark magic on the Batmobile, which turns into a demonized vehicle. Batman, with the help of Etrigan the Demon, must save Zatanna, stop the Batmobile and defeat Brother Knight.
Galaxy Jest
épisode S1 E8 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Wonder Woman and Superman have to rescue Joker from Mongul. Meanwhile Batman and Flash have to find a massive laughing gas bomb hidden away somewhere in Gotham.
Follow That Space Cab!
épisode S1 E5 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Superman teams up with Space Cabbie and Hawkman to protect Mr. Mind from Lobo.
Night of the Bat (Shazam Slam)
épisode S1 E3 de La Ligue Des Justiciers Action
Synopsis : Green Arrow and Batman chase after the Djinn Uthool whom manages to posses Batman and turns him into a bat monster. With Superman to the rescue for Batman, Booster Gold, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg have to prevent a breach in the Hall of Justice's reactor core.