Le Décalogue
Le Décalogue

Série TVP1 (1988)

This is my all time favourite series. Kieślowski brilliantly modernises each of the ten commandments by exploring the consequences and moral dilemmas that they bring about in contemporary society. He ultimately demonstrates how incompatible these tenets are with modern life by revealing the fine line between good and evil. This is one of those rare shows where its individual parts are just as good as the sum of all its parts. The first episode is basically the first ever Black Mirror episode done all the way back in the 80's. It's hard to choose a favourite episode as they're all so good, but the seventh is possibly my favourite, and the final one is such a blast. Two of this show's episodes were adapted into longer films and so I would recommend skipping episodes five and six and watch their corresponding expanded versions, 'A Short Film About Killing' and 'A Short Film About Love'. Exemplary cinematography, brilliant concept and script. Subtle, genius, a veritable chef-d'œuvre. Six stars.

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le 27 août 2019

Critique lue 210 fois

1 j'aime


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Critique lue 210 fois


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