19 épisodes
(7 h 55 min)
S1 E1 • La vallée de la mort
Baloo and his friends are trying there best to survive the jungle and want to grow up to rule the jungle. Baloo cheers up everybody into letting them know that they need to be patients and not rush into anyting. Shere-Kahn interupts there singing conversation and says, he'll rule the jungle when he grows up and he proves to the cubs that he is not scared. So the cubs challenge him to go to the Wasteland where Mirah and the baboons live. The cubs go in there to try to scare Kahn out but then get into trouble when Mirah and the baboons catch them. Luckly they escape and Kahn learns his lession. Song: ""Take Your Sweet Time"".
Première diffusion : 5 octobre 1996
S1 E2 • Le bluff du buffle / Quand Hathi rencontre Winifred
Buffaloed: Arthur & Cecil trick Khan into fighting an old Water Buffalo for him to get into a big situation that he cannot control for himself. Haiti Meets His Match: Winnifred The Elephant meets the rest of the Jungle Cubs for the first time, after being separated from her owner. Hathi starts to know much about Winnifred and become the best friends, untill the cubs think that he's in love with her.
Première diffusion : 12 octobre 1996
S1 E3 • Qu'est ce qui fait courir les chiens
Louie tricks Kaa into believing that Baloo's sleepwalking is the result of his attempts at hypnosis, sending Kaa out after Baloo just as the lethal Red Dogs return to The Jungle, with only the other Cubs available to save the day.
Première diffusion : 19 octobre 1996
S1 E4 • La saison des pluies / Les meilleurs ennemis
Bare Necessities: Bagheera tries to get Baloo to stop being so lazy. Baloo then gets bored from bagheera's ideas and heads for more relaxation. When the cubs find out its rainy and that Baloo is in the jungle in the middle of the rain, they go to help him. Baloo goes back to the lair to check on his friends but gets caught up in the river fall. The cubs get trapped in a cave with a log stuck on it, but Baloo saves them. Mondo Mungo: Kaa befriends two jungle animals that the rest of the gang think of as enemies. Kaa still thinks that they can be goods by hypnotizing them to make them good.
Première diffusion : 26 octobre 1996
S1 E5 • Un orang outan chez les babouins
After being the victim of one too many jokes, Louie leaves the Cubs and becomes Mahra's assistant.
Première diffusion : 2 novembre 1996
S1 E6 • Comment Bagheera perdit sa voix / Ils sont fous ces humains
How A Panther Lost His Roar: Bagheera loses his voice in trying to show to Khan that he's every bit as good a jungle cat as Khan is. To prove it he and Bagheera set to race to the edge of the cliff. Bagheera almost falls and loses his roar and voice. The cubs later then try to get his voice back but no luck. Bagheera becomes depressed that he lost his voice. Then he hears that Too-Shera and the vultures are planing to eat the cubs with the help of the crocodile to feast them. Bagheera immediately races to the edge of the cliff, only this time he does it. Then he saves them from the crocodile and gets his voice back. The Humans Must Be Crazy: Bagheera finds a pocket watch and firmly believes that it's a magical man-thing that will make him a great hunter. But the cubs doubt that it will bring Bagheera luck and become a great hunter.
Première diffusion : 9 novembre 1996
S1 E7 • La rencontre du 2éme ours / Fauve qui peut
Hulla Baloo: Louie becomes jealous when Baloo begins to spend more time with another bear after it saved his life. Shere Bliss: When Khan becomes a more fun-loving cat after a bump on the head, the Cubs find themselves trying to bring him back to normal.
Première diffusion : 16 novembre 1996
S1 E8 • Vautours aux trousses
Kaa inadvertantly hypnotizes the vultures, turning them into the fiercest hunters in the jungle and putting them at his command. Meanwhile Too-Sherra try's to find a way to make the jungle be her's. Song: ""Kaa's Song"".
Première diffusion : 23 novembre 1996
S1 E9 • La légende du serpent à lunettes
Première diffusion : 30 novembre 1996
S1 E10 • La vie en rose et gris
Première diffusion : 7 décembre 1996
S1 E11 • Le singe système / La belle et le charognard
Benny and Clyde: Louie's two young cousins get lost in the jungle when Louie lets them play by themselves. Louie then decides to teach them a lesson about fooling the other cubs. Feathered Brain: Arthur finds himself kicked out of the nest when Cecil falls in love. Arthur then tries his best to be back in the nest by kicking Cecils love one out of the nest.
Première diffusion : 14 décembre 1996
S1 E12 • Gare aux loups
Première diffusion : 21 décembre 1996
S1 E13 • Tel est pris qui croyait prendre / La sècheresse dévaste la jungle
Fooled Me Once: Baloo and Louie soak neat freak Bagheera in treesap as a prank, with unexpected results. Bagherra becomes very upset and then works with a friend to get revenge on the two who did it. So Bagheera fakes his death in order to make Baloo and Louie feel sorry for playing him. Trouble On The Waterfront: Bagheera is the only Cub who has a water supply saved when a drought hits the jungle. However the cubs are very upset over each other when the sun starts to destroy there water and burns it out.
Première diffusion : 28 décembre 1996
S1 E14 • Splendor In The Mud
The Cubs' antics put Hathi on the bad side of Winifred's uncle. Winifred tries to look for Hathi to tell him a real big emergency, the cubs later catch up to her and then tell her that she cannot see him. With lies Winifred makes one of the cubs tell her where Hathi is and lets her know where he went. Song: ""Jungle Cub Love"".
S1 E15 • Benny & Clyde
S1 E16 • Feather Brains
S1 E17 • The Coming Of The Wolves
Akela and Leah have had enough of being threatened by the evil wolf back, so the two decides to escape from the lair. Kain later stops them making Leah choose whether she wants him or Akela. Leah says she wants Akela. Kain sends his troops after the two. The two jump in the river to escape. Then the two wolved hide from unknown animals from notknowing them. Then Akela's been noticing that Leah has been acting strange and feeling a little cold. So Akela promises to find a place for her to stay. Hathi is cleaning up the lair, then Akela and Leah try there best to ask him to give them a roof over there heads. Hathi runs away before the two could even speak. Then Hathi calls on the cubs to get the wolves out of there lairs. But when he mentions ""wolves"" the cubs have second thoughts not to invated there privacy. But when Kahn comes and start to fight with Akela, Leah stops the two and begging Akela to leave the lair before the two causes anymore trouble. The cubs later feel sorry for being
S1 E18 • Fool Me Once...
S1 E19 • Trouble On The Waterfront