
Saison 1


Modifier ma progression
Bienvenue dans le monde de la magie et des rêves !

S1 E1 Bienvenue dans le monde de la magie et des rêves !

There was a rumor that one out of several tens of thousands of players of Magical Girl Raising Project would be transformed into a real Magical Girl. Himekawa Koyuki, a middle school student who had been fond of Magical Girls ever since she was little, was lucky enough to be granted magical powers and begin a new life as Magical Girl Snow White. One day, Snow White, is called upon by her senior Magical Girl, La Pucelle. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 2 octobre 2016

Collectons les bonbons magiques !

S1 E2 Collectons les bonbons magiques !

The Magical Girls are shocked to learn, from Fab’s sudden announcement, that, each week, a Magical Girl is chosen to drop out when she doesn’t collect enough Magical Candies. Hosonami Hanano, also known as Ripple, is desperate to find ways to serve people along with her companion, Top Speed. Nemurin, who can only accomplish anything in her dreams, meanwhile, worked at a more leisurely pace. And the first dropout was announced. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2016

L'annonce d'une mise à jour !

S1 E3 L'annonce d'une mise à jour !

The Magical Girls are frantic, trying to avoid being dropped out. Sister Nana stumbles upon a conversation log between Fab and Cranberry, and she discovers that dropouts lose not only their magic but also their lives. Amidst anxiety and panic among the Magical Girls, Fab announces a game system update. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 16 octobre 2016

Ajouter plus d'amies !

S1 E4 Ajouter plus d'amies !

Ruler and her minions storm Snow White and La Pucelle in an attempt to steal their Magical Candies. La Pucelle responds with everything she has, but Ruler and her people make off with her candies, devastating Snow White. Just as the second dropout is announced, a sixteenth Magical Girl arrives. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 23 octobre 2016

Ajout d'un nouveau personnage !

S1 E5 Ajout d'un nouveau personnage !

Sister Nana appeals to the Magical Girls to devise a peaceful resolution to the situation. Ripple finds this annoying, and points out her hypocrisy. Cranberry contacts Sister Nana during her work. Relieved to find someone who understand her, Sister Nana and Winter Prison head off to their rendezvous point. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 30 octobre 2016

Obtenez un objet super rare !

S1 E6 Obtenez un objet super rare !

Out of the blue, Cranberry challenges La Pucelle to a duel. Confused, she takes the challenge. Three days later, Fav announces the third dropout, as well as the addition of new items. Magicaloid 44 asks Calamity Mary to join forces with her. She agrees, but on a condition: “Kill someone.” Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 novembre 2016

Augmentons notre niveau d'affinité !

S1 E7 Augmentons notre niveau d'affinité !

Snow White grieves the loss of her only supporter, even as she treads in fear of Hardgore Alice, who had been pursuing her relentlessly. Calamity Mary, in an attempt to negotiate one-on-one with Fab, learns of who killed Magicaloid 44. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 novembre 2016

Lancement de l'event Guérilla !

S1 E8 Lancement de l'event Guérilla !

Swim Swim attacks Sister Nana and Winter Prison, who were in the middle of looking for friends. Winter Prison fights back to defend Sister Nana. Meanwhile, Calamity Mary summons Ripple and Top Speed. Through the scope of a gun, Top Speed can be seen unloading her life story on Ripple. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 novembre 2016

Annonce d'un changement de règles

S1 E9 Annonce d'un changement de règles

In an effort to instigate a fight with Ripple, Calamity Mary indiscriminately sets cars on fire along a highway. Ripple is enraged at this act. Snow White and Hardgore Alice arrive at the scene to rescue the innocent bystanders. Someone else lied in wait for their prey, amidst the flames and gunshots and screaming. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 27 novembre 2016

Fortes probabilités de batailles !

S1 E10 Fortes probabilités de batailles !

A few days after the massive tragedy on the highway, Snow White and Hardgore Alice can be seen tending to each other’s emotional wounds. Along with the announcement of the new dropout, a new rule is announced: that the standing Magical Girls would be reduced to four. The Magical Girls scramble, having realized that the game wasn’t over. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 4 décembre 2016

Serveurs en maintenance

S1 E11 Serveurs en maintenance

Swim Swim, having set her sights on Cranberry, executes her plan of luring her out for an ambush. But Cranberry was the most powerful, most wicked Magical Girl. Meanwhile, Ripple, having decided to avenge Top Speed, calls on Snow White to give her information regarding Swim Swim. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 11 décembre 2016

File Not Found

S1 E12 File Not Found

Snow White’s explanation falls on deaf ears, and Ripple engages Swim Swim in a fight to the death. Koyuki laments the powerlessness of the Magical Girls, doomed to fight and kill each other until their own deaths. Just when Koyuki gives up being a Magical Girl, Fav divulges the true purpose of the Magical Girl Raising Project. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 18 décembre 2016