
Saison 1

Saison 2


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Weapons of Kung Fu

S1 E1 Weapons of Kung Fu

Ancient China developed the honorable martial arts of Kung Fu and the weapons needed incredible precision and expert handling. The ji is a hybrid between a spear and a dagger-axe that has been used for over 3000 years. The wind and fire blade is used in pairs to slash, stab or disarm an opponent.

Première diffusion : 8 juin 2017

Weapons of the Gods

S1 E2 Weapons of the Gods

India fostered some of the deadliest and most unique weapons including the haladie knife, a double-edged dagger with long blades to put distance between the weapon used and their opponent and the urumi, a flexible whip-like blade.

Première diffusion : 15 juin 2017

African War Blades

S1 E3 African War Blades

Since the beginning of time, African civilizations have crafted some of the most lethal weapons known to the world including the Membele knife, a curved throwing dagger that was often carved to resemble a bird’s head and the Shotel, a sickle-shaped sword used to hook and rip invading soldiers off their horses.

Première diffusion : 22 juin 2017

Weapons of the Mongol Horde

S1 E4 Weapons of the Mongol Horde

The fearsome Mongol Horde carved out one of the largest empires in the ancient world through their ability to wield deadly weapons on horseback. The composite bow has a range of 820 feet and the ballista could shoot a heavy arrow with more accuracy than a catapult.

Première diffusion : 29 juin 2017

New World Warriors

S1 E5 New World Warriors

The Aztec Empire developed some of the simplest but most effective weapons to assist them in their savage battlefield tactics including the macuahuitl, a wooden sword with its sides embedded with prismatic blades sharper than steel razor blades and the Mayan’s long distance weapon – the atlatl.

Première diffusion : 6 juillet 2017

Weapons of the Pharaohs

S1 E6 Weapons of the Pharaohs

The Armies of the Egyptian Pharaoh cut a bloody path through the ancient world, creating one the mightiest empires ever known. Using weapons ranging from the Battle Axe to the Khopesh, ancient Egypt ruled the ancient world.

Première diffusion : 13 juillet 2017

Stuff that Legends are Made Of

S1 E7 Stuff that Legends are Made Of

Explore the heroic swords behind the legends including the Arabian Zulfiqar given to Ali ibn Abi Talib by Muhammad and the Tuzin El Cid won from King Yucef.

Première diffusion : 20 juillet 2017

Weapons of the Rising Sun

S1 E8 Weapons of the Rising Sun

The Samurai, the mightiest warrior class the world has ever known, were famously known for their incredible use of the straight-headed spear the Yari and the Katana, one of the finest cutting weapons in world military history.

Première diffusion : 27 juillet 2017