5 épisodes
(1 h 15 min)
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Saison 5
Saison 6
Saison 7
Saison 8
Saison 9
Saison 10
Saison 11
Saison 12
Saison 13
Saison 14
S1 E1 • Animals
"Big Bounce" from Prelinger Archives El Hombre Y La Tierra Zodiac Animals by lilFUCHS Cows and Zebras by Taras Hrabowsky Meow Mix by Cyriak Harris "Triple Jump" advertisement for JAL The Music Scene by Anthony F. Shepperd Cheese Rolling footage by SoGlos.com
Première diffusion : 1 janvier 2011
S1 E2 • Food
Think Globally, Act Locally by William Lamson FOOD by Dax Norman Digestive System by Flix Productions Medical Animation The Huber Experiments Vol. 1 by Erik & Matthew Huber Western Spaghetti by PES Something by Cyriak Harris Ecological Apple by Andreas Soderberg Oyster Vision by Morphologic Studios Automato by Bill Feinup & Barry Kudrowitz
Première diffusion : 25 mai 2011
S1 E3 • Dance
"Big Bounce" from Prelinger Archives Involuntaries 4 by Foofwa d’Imobilité, Vea Lucca, and Alan Sondheim Opening Credits by Mark Phillips Music Video for Buchstabe by Knorkator Modern Daydreams 1: Deere John by Mitchell Rose and Bodyvox Stock footage from iStock Protective Cover (The Condom Song) by Nrityanjali Academy, from India HIV/AIDS Alliance Indian Dancing Prank by Christian von Nathusius Angry Industrial Dancer in Little Saigon by Duy Huu Luu, aka Tank Nine Tush It by Liam Lynch Vessel (Four Tet Remix) by Jon Hopkins Peacock Spider by Jurgen Otto Robots Dancing by Jean-Charles Bazin and Young Cheol Lee
Première diffusion : 2 septembre 2011
S1 E4 • Space
Mercury Freedom 7 footage supplied by NASA / Archive.org Porculpa - Your Fault by Lyn Hagan Opening Credits by Adam Fuchs (stock footage from Getty Images) Toy Robot in Space! by James Trosh Giant Leap by Kyle Botha Zeroing by Andrey Nepomnyaschev Space Ghost stock footage (featuring George Lowe) Hell / ????? by David O'Reilly Excerpt from Outside In by Stephen Van Vuuren Noisebox in Space by 12foot6 Carl Sagan - A Glorious Dawn (Symphony of Science) by John Boswell, featuring Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking Quantum Leap animation by Thomas De Rijk Apollo 11 Launch NASA film transfer by Spacecraft Films
Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2011
S1 E5 • Body
CORDS (hear us and have mercy) by Sara Lundberg. A Cappella performed by Linda Ohlin, Carina Aronsson, Gustav Nordlander, and Carl Slettengren Stock footage supplied by iStock.com , Archive.org Visible Human Project supplied by US National Library of Medicine All Ways by Color Chart Take This Pill by David Firth going to the store by David Lewandowski Hot Dog Hustle by Thomas Hunter SyncBody by Daihei Shibata. Artwork by Hiroshi Sato. Sossidge Arms shorts by Chriddof Go Pro On a Hula Hoop by Nick Saik Amalgamide Tide by Taras Hrabowski Stinks by Glogman Johns 15 Denier by Harry Handyside
Première diffusion : 1 juin 2012