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Diffuseur : YouTubePremière diffusion (Royaume-Uni) : 15 juin 2015

Pays d'origine :

Statut : En coursNombre de saisons : 1Durée : 08 minAussi connu sous le nom de : OUT

Synopsis : The LGBTQ community has come a long way over the years, and yet even in 2015 still faces prejudice. This is certainly the case in the world of Sammy Reynolds, who is seemingly the only out person among her peers. Her high school is writhe with homophobia, resulting in the LGBTQ student population keeping themselves very much under the radar. Sammy takes it upon herself to make a stand, and starts an LGBTQ support group named B.U.B.B.S (Be Ur Bold Beautiful Selves). This quirky coming-of-age web series revolves around this club and the stories of all the members it brings, in a bumpy journey of ups and downs, exposing the beauty found in the confidence to be ones self.

Casting de OUT the Web Series