80 épisodes
(9 h 20 min)
S1 E1 • The Chicken Problem
Peg and Cat have to get 100 chickens back in the coop before the farmer sees. Primary Learning Goal: Size correspondence. Secondary Learning Goal: The number 100.
Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2013
S1 E2 • The Space Creature Problem
Peg, Cat and Richard must get the 100 chickens away from Big Mouth and back to their spaceship. Primary Learning Goal: Counting by tens. Secondary Learning Goal: The number 100.
Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2013
S1 E3 • The Pirate Problem
Peg and Cat show a group of very hungry Pirates how to share tropical fruit fairly. Primary Learning Goal: Fair sharing. Secondary Learning Goal: Adding within 4.
Première diffusion : 8 octobre 2013
S1 E4 • The Sleepover Problem
When the Pirates are having a sleepover at Peg’s house, they get scared at bedtime. Peg and Cat help the Pirates fall asleep by counting chickens. Primary Learning Goal: Counting to 20. Secondary Learning Goal: 4 + 1 = 5.
Première diffusion : 8 octobre 2013
S1 E5 • The Three Bears Problem
Peg and Cat bring the Three Bears, the Three Little Pigs, and the Three Billy Goats Gruff together to form a super group: “The Electric Eleven.” Primary Learning Goal: Adding 1. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting to 11.
Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2013
S1 E6 • The Giant Problem
Peg and Cat must attempt a great escape when they think the Giants want to eat them and their 8 fairy tale friends for lunch. Primary Learning Goal: Combinations that add up to 10. Secondary Learning Goal: Circle.
Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2013
S1 E7 • The Circus Problem
When Peg and Cat find themselves in the center ring, they climb, swing, swoop and juggle their way over amazing heights and lengths. Primary Learning Goal: Measuring height, measuring length. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting by twos.
Première diffusion : 10 octobre 2013
S1 E8 • The Buried Treasure Problem
Peg and Cat measure their way to buried treasure using Cat as a measuring stick! Primary Learning Goal: Non-standard units of measurement. Secondary Learning Goal: Mapping.
Première diffusion : 10 octobre 2013
S1 E9 • The Tree Problem
When Cat is stuck in a tree, Peg needs to figure out how to get him down using three giant gifts. Primary Learning Goal: Spatial sense, solving a puzzle. Secondary Learning Goal: Direction, position.
Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2013
S1 E10 • Another Tree Problem
When Cat is stuck in a tree again, Peg needs to find a different way to get him down. Primary Learning Goal: Ordering objects by height. Secondary Learning Goal: Ordinal numbers.
Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2013
S1 E11 • The Messy Room Problem
Peg and Cat sort through the mess in Peg’s room just in time for company to come over and see Cat’s masterpiece, “The Circles.” Primary Learning Goal: Sorting. Secondary Learning Goal: Shapes.
Première diffusion : 15 octobre 2013
S1 E12 • The Golden Pyramid Problem
Peg the Bold and Brave Sir Cat, Knights of the Round Table, search far and wide to retrieve the Mermaid’s golden pyramids. Primary Learning Goal: Solid shapes. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting by twos.
Première diffusion : 15 octobre 2013
S1 E13 • The Parade Problem
Peg and Cat must sort out recyclables to clean up the park in time for the nursery school's Halloween Parade. Primary Learning Goal: Sorting. Secondary Learning Goal: Estimating.
Première diffusion : 22 octobre 2013
S1 E14 • The Halloween Problem
While trick or treating, Peg and Cat find themselves pursued by a metal monster. Later they teach fair sharing to a “friend” who turns out to be a real tiger! Primary Learning Goal: Fair Sharing. Secondary Learning Goal: Positional relationships (in front of/behind).
Première diffusion : 22 octobre 2013
S1 E15 • The Dinosaur Problem
When Peg and Cat get lost riding dinosaurs through a prehistoric forest, they must use a diagram to find their way to safety before the Baby T-Rexcatches up to them. Primary Learning Goal: Following diagrams. Secondary Learning Goal: Patterns.
Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2013
S1 E16 • The Beethoven Problem
When Peg and Cat are helping their pal Ludwig Van Beethoven write a symphony, Cat laughs in a certain pattern that gives Beethoven a great idea. Primary Learning Goal: Patterns. Secondary Learning Goal: Ordinal Numbers.
Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2013
S1 E17 • The Honey Problem
The Bees make honey for Peg and Cat's super-popular honey cake, but to carry the honey buckets, Peg and Cat must know the difference between heavy, heavier, and heaviest. Primary Learning Goal: Weight.
Première diffusion : 5 novembre 2013
S1 E18 • The Penguin Problem
Peg and Cat coach a team of skiing penguins, who would have a shot at the Olympic gold medal if only they knew “over”, “under”, and “in between.” Primary Learning Goal: Over, under, in between. Secondary Learning Goal: Balance.
Première diffusion : 5 novembre 2013
S1 E19 • The Race Car Problem
Peg and Cat rebuild their homemade race car, "Hot Buttered Lightnin'", to compete in the Talla-peg-a 20 race. Primary Learning Goal: More than, less than. Secondary Learning Goal: Solid shapes.
Première diffusion : 18 novembre 2013
S1 E20 • The Big Gig Problem
Peg and Cat must round up the missing members of their touring band, the 'Electric Eleven', in time for their big gig for 100 chickens. Primary Learning Goal: Counting backwards from 11. Secondary Learning Goal: Deductive reasoning, the 20s.
Première diffusion : 18 novembre 2013
S1 E21 • The Slop Problem
Peg and Cat enlist the Teens to help them figure out how to clean filthy farm animals of various sizes. Primary Learning Goal: More, less. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting by fives up to 25.
Première diffusion : 16 décembre 2013
S1 E22 • The Birthday Present Problem
Peg and Cat gather 30 rocks from their favorite lands to give Peg's Mom for her 30th birthday. Primary Learning Goal: Counting by fives up to 30. Secondary Learning Goal: Time, using a calendar.
Première diffusion : 16 décembre 2013
S1 E23 • The Baby Problem
Babysitters Peg and Cat must rescue the precocious Baby Fox from the top of his elaborate block tower. Primary Learning Goal: Solid shapes. Secondary Learning Goal: Diagrams.
Première diffusion : 17 décembre 2013
S1 E24 • The Sparkling Sphere Problem
Knights of the Round Table Peg and Cat, search for the Wizard Ramone, who has floated away in a sparkling sphere. Primary Learning Goal: Rectangular prism and rhombus. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting by twos.
Première diffusion : 17 décembre 2013
S1 E25 • The Birthday Cake Problem
Peg and Cat make a rockin' birthday cake for Jonah and his friends the Teens, but they need to figure out how old he is turning first. Primary Learning Goal: The teen numbers.
Première diffusion : 3 janvier 2014
S1 E26 • The Doohickey Problem
When their space ship is smashed, Peg and Cat must reassemble its variously shaped parts, and retrieve sixteen stolen doohickeys. Primary Learning Goal: Patterns. Secondary Learning Goal: Shapes, the number 16.
Première diffusion : 3 janvier 2014
S1 E27 • The Blockette Problem
When their demanding pal Richard is directing the Radio City Music Hall Blockettes, Peg and Cat must find a way to make the set perfectly symmetrical. Primary Learning Goal: Symmetry. Secondary Learning Goal: Associate events with hot and cold temperatures, height.
Première diffusion : 24 janvier 2014
S1 E28 • The Tulip Problem
When Neighbour Ladies Connie and Viv have a tiff, Peg and Cat must bring peace by making sure each has the same number of flowers. Primary Learning Goal: Subtraction, greater than/less than. Secondary Learning Goal: The equals sign.
Première diffusion : 24 janvier 2014
S1 E29 • The Mega Mall Problem
Peg and Cat search the enormous Mega Mall for the teens so they can all enter the Zebra Man dance contest. Primary Learning Goal: Attributes of objects. Secondary Learning Goal: Maps.
Première diffusion : 17 février 2014
S1 E30 • The Cleopatra Problem
When Peg and Cat are playing marbles among the pyramids with Queen Cleopatra, Peg's marble is stolen by a mysterious man with an orange triangular beard. Primary Learning Goal: Using a pan balance to compare weight. Secondary Learning Goal: Triangles.
Première diffusion : 17 février 2014
S1 E31 • Yet Another Tree Problem
This time the tables are turned - Peg is stuck up in the tree and Cat must figure out how to get her down...by making a ladder out of found objects. Primary Learning Goal: Up, down. Secondary Learning Goal: Horizontal, vertical.
Première diffusion : 14 avril 2014
S1 E32 • The Romeo & Juliet Problem
Verona, circa 1500. Peg and Cat help their poetic pal Romeo reach Juliet's balcony, using a series of horizontal and vertical lines. Primary Learning Goal: Horizontal, vertical. Secondary Learning Goal: Parallel.
Première diffusion : 14 avril 2014
S1 E33 • The Arch Villain Problem
When the Arch Villain wreaks havoc on the city of Mathtropolis by turning everything into arches, Super Peg and Cat Guy come to the rescue. Primary Learning Goal: Arches, finding arches in other shapes. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting backwards from 9, counting by threes.
Première diffusion : 5 mai 2014
S1 E34 • The Straight and Narrow Problem
When the Arch Villain renounces arches and embraces the straight and narrow, shapes shift all over town and Super Peg and Cat Guy are back in action. Primary Learning Goal: Understanding straight, narrow, curved. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting sides to determine shapes (rectangles, triangles, squares), counting by tens to 100.
Première diffusion : 5 mai 2014
S1 E35 • The Play Date Problem
Peg and Cat must use the power of music, and patterns, to help their friends Beethoven and the Three Bears play together – and make incredible music together. Primary Learning Goal: Patterns Secondary Learning Goal: Seeing squares as special rectangles
Première diffusion : 6 mai 2014
S1 E36 • The Blabberwocky Problem
Peg and Cat are back as the Knights of the Round Table to reclaim their friends’ missing shapes — and their own Round Table! — from the mysterious 100-headed creature, The Blabberwocky. Primary Learning Goal: Making a drawing as a step in problem solving Secondary Learning Goal: 3D shapes, 2D shapes
Première diffusion : 6 mai 2014
S1 E36 • The Christmas Problem (2)
When Santa Claus is in trouble, Peg and Cat must solve their biggest problem ever: how to make and wrap presents for all the children of the world, and then deliver them using 100 sleighs. Primary Learning Goal: Solving a multi-step problem. Secondary Learning Goal: Counting to 100.
Première diffusion : 17 décembre 2014
S1 E37 • The Perfect Ten Problem
Peg and Cat are judging a singing competition in which all performers must get a rating of exactly ten stars so their feelings aren't hurt. Primary Learning Goal: Adding to 10. Secondary Learning Goal: The number 0.
Première diffusion : 7 mai 2014
S1 E38 • The Long Line Problem
While waiting in a long line, Peg and Cat try to help Richard realise his dream of being first in line for the first time. Primary Learning Goal: Ordinal numbers, using a number line. Secondary Learning Goal: Positional relationships (in front of/behind), counting to 20.
Première diffusion : 7 mai 2014
S1 E39 • The Clown Problem
Peg and Cat help Mac achieve his dream of being a clown in the circus, by teaching him how funny it can be when things are exactly the wrong size. Primary Learning Goal: Adding 1 Secondary Learning Goal: Size correspondence
Première diffusion : 8 mai 2014
S1 E40 • The Ninja Problem
Peg and Cat help their young Ninja-wannabe friend Aki find the fifteen missing cherry blossom trees by using Ninja skills and math skills. Primary Learning Goal: Subtraction Secondary Learning Goal: Counting to 15
Première diffusion : 8 mai 2014
S1 E41 • The Big Dog Problem
When Peg and Cat must mail some important letters for Peg's Mom, they find their path to the mailbox blocked by a really big dog. Primary Learning Goal: Height. Secondary Learning Goal: Direction, sets that can’t be divided equally.
Première diffusion : 14 juillet 2014
S1 E42 • The Three Friends Problem
When Peg and Cat are playing with their new friend the Big Dog, Cat becomes strangely quiet. Using a graph, Peg attempts to figure out what's wrong with Cat. Primary Learning Goal: Bar graphs. Secondary Learning Goal: More, less.
Première diffusion : 14 juillet 2014
S1 E43 • The George Washington Problem
Peg and Cat use a map to help George Washington and his team cross the Delaware River. Primary Learning Goal: Mapping / position Secondary Learning Goal: Balance / number recognition
Première diffusion : 14 août 2014
S1 E44 • The High Noon Problem
Peg and Cat agree to face Bad Jack in a show down at high noon. But they have no idea when noon is! Primary Learning Goal: Associating activities with time of day Secondary Learning Goal: Making predictions
Première diffusion : 14 août 2014
S1 E45 • The Pizza Problem
When Peg and Cat get orders for halves of pizzas, they must learn about fractions to keep their patrons pleased. Primary Learning Goal: Fractions (whole, half) Secondary Learning Goal: Circles
Première diffusion : 18 août 2014
S1 E46 • The Pizza Pirate Problem
As Peg and Cat deliver pizzas far and wide, they are menaced by the flying Pizza Pirates who are determined to “take away one!” Primary Learning Goal: Taking away 1 Secondary Learning Goal: Adding 10
Première diffusion : 18 août 2014
S1 E47 • The Potty Problem
Peg and Cat must teach Big Mouth the 6 steps for making on the potty, or his visit to Viv’s house will be ruined – as will Viv’s carpet! Primary Learning Goal: Ordering steps Secondary Learning Goal: Pattern recognition
Première diffusion : 19 août 2014
S1 E48 • The Butter Problem
To compete in a butter sculpting contest, Peg and Cat must learn certain math skills by doing farm chores. Primary Learning Goal: Applying prior knowledge Secondary Learning Goal: Following diagrams
Première diffusion : 19 août 2014
S1 E49 • The Pirate Puzzle Problem
Peg and Cat must help the pirates put together a puzzle, and then the four sections of their sinking ship. Primary Learning Goal: Composing and decomposing puzzles Secondary Learning Goal: Recognizing the attributes of shapes
Première diffusion : 20 août 2014