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a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 11

épisode S1 E11 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Ju Mong visits So Seo No and asks her to take O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeo Bo in Yeon Ta Bal’s commerce band, but So Seo No refuses. Dae So and Na Ro visit the commerce band to Ju Mong’s surprise, but Ju Mong greets them with courtesy. While Ju Mong, Dae So and So Seo No together have a tea break at Yeon Ta Bal’s office, Dae So treats Ju Mong as if nothing has happened between them. After asking So Seo No to excuse himself for a while, Ju Mong approaches Dae So, kneels down before him and begs for his life. Dae So, infuriated by the past 20 years of miserable memories of Won Hoo and himself, promises not to forgive the insolence again. King Geum Wa calls General Heuk Chi and an orders him to find Hae Mo Soo, the runaway from the cave prison. Bu Deuk Bool, from a distance, watches with a worried look. Meanwhile, Hae Mo Soo suddenly pulls out his sword toward an approaching object.


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 10

épisode S1 E10 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : King Geum Wa after hearing the news that Hae Mo Soo is still alive looks up in the air and falls into a deep thought. Lady Yoo Hwa visits king Geum Wa and breaks into tears thinking of Hae Mo Soo, when the king starts to drink and talk about him. Gye Pil approaches Mo Pal Mo, who was drinking alone, and treats him to free drinks. While Mo Pal Mo strolls outside the Bu Yeo Palace, Ju Mong appears and asks if any swords are available. Hae Mo Soo takes out a bamboo letter, hands it over to Ju Mong and tells him to deliver it to King Geum Wa without revealing his status. Ju Mong calls for Moo Deuk’s help to deliver the bamboo letter, and King Geum Wa, while reading wooden letters from Yeon Ta Bal, finds the bamboo letter and gets nervous.


a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 9

épisode S1 E9 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Carried away by Hae Mo Soo’s splendid demonstration of swordsmanship, Ju Mong begs Hae Mo Soo to teach his swordsmanship to him. Hae Mo Soo, getting Ju Mong seated near, sweeps Ju Mong from head to waist. With his hand on Ju Mong’s back, Hae Mo Soo asks him to stop breathing. The moment Hae Mo Soo takes his hand off Ju Mong’s back, Ju Mong gets his breath back but falls on the ground unconscious. Dae So and Young Po, with their soldiers, head for the cave prison to murder Ju Mong when King Geum Wa, at the same time, under escort leaves for the prison to see it for himself. Into the prison where Hae Mo Soo and Ju Mong are in training move Dae So and Young Po launching harsh attacks. Ju Mong’s tensed look becomes dismayed when the disguised assassins, including Young Po, reveal themselves. In the meantime, King Geum Wa’s guards, who arrived at the cave prison later, report to the king on the site of the scattered corpses and he furiously gives an order to investigate the case thoroughly.


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 8

épisode S1 E8 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Ju Mong finds out that So Seo No is captured by Do Chi. He helps So Seo No escape. At first, So Seo No didn’t trust Ju Mong, but she soon realizes that he’s trying to help her. Yeon Ta Bal and his soldiers come to rescue So Seo No, as well. O Yi, Ma Ri and Hyeo Bo find out that Ju Mong released So Seo No. They try to kill him. To save Ju Mong’s life, Bu Young can’t help but tell everyone that Ju Mong is the Prince of Bu Yeo. King Geum Wa gives Dae So and Young Po access to the weapon manufacturing facility. He orders them to find out the secret method of iron weapon manufacturing. While looking for a place to hide, Ju Mong remembers the prison inside the cave. Searching for Ju Mong, Lady Yoo Hwa and Moo Deok finally find him in the cave.


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 7

épisode S1 E7 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Yang Jeong, new general-governor of Hyeon To, sends King Geum Wa a letter. In the letter, he informs the king that he’ll regularly check on Bu Yeo’s weapon manufacturing facility to make sure that it remains closed. Insulted by Yang Jeong’s arrogance, King Geum Wa orders to burn the letter. Beol Gae suggests that the king proclaim the Prince Royal to the throne as soon as possible, in order to strengthen the royal authority. However, King Geum Wa tells him that this isn’t the right time yet. He orders not to bring up the same subject again. Won Hoo hears that the king delayed Ju Mong’s investiture. He believes that King Geum Wa is hesitant because Ju Mong isn’t qualified to become the king. Young Po decides to get rid of Ju Mong. He sends an assassin. Ju Mong is stabbed by the assassin in the street. Ma Ri, Hyeop Bo and O Yi happen to find Ju Mong who is injured and unconscious. They take him to Bu Young. Meanwhile, Yeon Ta Bal plans to raid the smuggler, Do Chi, in order to seize control of the salt market. However, while making a surprise attack on Do Chi, So Seo No is kidnapped by Do Chi.


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 6

épisode S1 E6 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Bu Deuk Bool hears that Hae Mo Soo is still alive. Yeo Mi Eul and he go see Hae Moo Soo who is locked in a prison. When Moo Song brings them to the prison, Ju Mong hides himself and overhears their conversation. After confirming that Hae Mo Soo is alive, Bu Deuk Bool asks Moo Song not to tell anyone that he came. Dae Soh finds out that Ju Mong secretly leaves the palace every night. He takes Ju Mong to the training field and gives him a sword. He volunteers to teach Ju Mong how to become a good swordsman. Ju Mong is surprised, but he accepts Dae Soh’s proposal. In the middle of the night, Ju Mong visits Mo Pal Mo at the weapon manufacturing yard. Ju Mong asks Mo Pal Mo to make him a sword as strong as Dae Soh’s. Mo Pal Mo doesn’t know what to do because he knows he needs the king’s permission to do so. Meanwhile, the Xianbei (nomadic people residing in modern Manchuria and eastern Mongolia), who acquired the steel weapons, keep invading Hyeon To. King Geum-wa hears that the newly appointed general-governor of Hyeon To will visit Bu Yeo. He has a bad feeling about his visit and calls up all the statesmen.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 5

épisode S1 E5 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Dae Soh is surprised to see Ju Mong alive. He orders Young Po to keep an eye on Ju Mong’s every move. Yoo Hwa tells Ju Mong that he should become the king of Bu Yeo and accomplish a very important task. She introduces Moo Song, a master of martial arts to Ju Mong. Seeing Ju Mong’s baby-like soft hands, Moo Song tells Ju Mong to climb up and down the mountains. Ju Mong gets impatient and annoyed because Moo Song only makes him climb the mountains instead of teaching him real martial arts. One day when he confronts his master, Moo Song takes him to a prison cell located inside a dark cave. Ju Mong finally starts learning the basic moves of the martial arts. His skills are improving every day. King Geum-wa hears that they successfully made a new weapon from iron. Excited by the news, Bo Deuk Bool and the king go to see the new weapon. When they’re about to test the new weapon, Dae Soh volunteers. He suggests that Ju Mong and he fight with the new swords. Hesitant at first, Ju Mong agrees to fight with him. Meanwhile, So Seo No and the group of merchants come back to Jol Bon from Ok Jeo. Yeon Ta Bal is very happy about his daughter’s successful deal. He tells So Seo No, Gye Pil and Woo Tae that he will make every effort to obtain Boo Yeo’s secret method of iron weapon manufacturing. He emphasizes that it’ll be the only way for Jol Bon to survive among other surrounding countries.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 4

épisode S1 E4 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : King Geum-wa realizes that Ju Mong didn’t attend Young Go Je (a ritual when people celebrate the harvest and thank God). He finds out that Ju Mong is locked in a barn for harassing Bu Young. He’s very disappointed with Ju Mong. He orders that Ju Mong receive twenty lashes. However, Dae So asks the king reduce the punishment, saying that the following day Ju Mong and he are supposed to go looking for Dae Mool Hwal (a legendary bow that the founder of Bu Yeo always carried with him). Geum-wa grants Dae Soh’s request. Ju Mong promises himself that he won’t do anything inappropriate. He also promises that he’ll never disappoint his mother. Dae Soh, Young Po and Ju Mong leave the palace to look for Dae Mool Hwal. Ju Mong takes the lead. While passing the foggy mountain paths, Ju Mong gets separated from his friends and gets lost. He tries to look for his friends, but he gets stuck in a swamp. So Seo No and her group pass by and help Ju Mong. Ju Mong is surprised that the leader of the group is a woman. He’s very impressed by her leadership and beauty. Meanwhile, Dae Soh and Young Po arrive at the Founder’s Mountain. They find an old poem on the map indicating the location of Dae Mool Hwal. However, they can’t figure out the meaning of the poem. After dark, they manage to understand the meaning and rush to the cave where Dae Mool Hwal is located.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 3

épisode S1 E3 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Geum-wa hears from Bu Deuk Bool that his father lured Hae Mo Soo into a trap. He is devastated. He plans to help Hae Mo Soo escape. With the help of Geum-wa and his soldiers, Hae Mo Soo manages to escape. However, he’s struck by an arrow and falls from a cliff. Yoo Hwa gives birth to a boy. She names the boy ‘Ju Mong’. She tries to leave Bu Yeo with her baby. However, Geum-wa insists that she stay and raise Ju Mong in Bu Yeo. In order to protect the baby, whose father is Hae Mo Soo, Geum-wa decides to raise him as his own son. Meanwhile, Yeo Mi Eul has a vision that the three-legged crow in the Sun flew away. She believes that it’s an ominous sign. She tells Bu Deuk Bool about the omen. He suddenly realizes that Yoo Hwa’s baby might be the son of Hae Mo Soo. He orders Jeok Chi to kill the baby. Yoo Hwa becomes aware of the danger and flees with the baby. Soon, she’s caught by the Han soldiers. Jeok Chi shows up and gets rid of the Han soldiers. However, he tells Yoo Hwa that it was Hae Bu Roo the king of Bu Yeo who wanted Hae Mo Soo dead. He’s about to kill Yoo Hwa and Ju Mong with a sword raised overhead. Twenty years later… King Geum-wa’s continuous conquest almost doubles Bu Yeo’s territory.


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 2

épisode S1 E2 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : Accused of harboring Hae Mo Soo, everyone in Yu Hwa’s tribe members gets killed except her. However, Hae Mo Soo manages to sneak away. He happens to meet Yeon Ta Bal and his group. He’s shocked to hear that the whole tribe was murdered because of him. Yeon Ta Bal Soon realizes that the man who seems very shocked about the news is Hae Mo Soo. In order to turn him in, he hires Hae Mo Soo as his help. Later, someone attacks Yeon Ta Bal and his group, but Hae Mo Soo helps them escape danger. That night, Geum Wa rescues Yu Hwa and runs away with her. She tells him that Hae Mo Soo is still alive. Meanwhile, Yeon Ta Bal’s wife gives birth to a baby girl. Yeon Ta Bal names her So Seo No. He pledges that he’ll raise his daughter stronger and wiser than any other man in the world.


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


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Episode 1

épisode S1 E1 de Prince Of The Legend

Synopsis : In 180 B.C., after enjoying its golden age for 2100 years, the Gochosun Kingdom finally falls as the result of a year-long war with the Han Empire. The Emperor of the Han Dynasty divides the territory that previously belonged to Gochosun into four different administrative districts (Nak Rang, Jin Beon, Im Doon and Hyeon To) and deploys his military. People of Gochosun strongly stand against the Han Dynasty. Hae Mo Soo is the central figure of the resistance. The king of Bu Yeo, Hae Bu Roo, is very pleased with the fact that people of Gochosun are settled in Bu Yeo with the help of Hae Mo Soo. However, he’s deeply concerned when Bu Deuk Bool tells him that protecting people of Gochosun might invite the Emperor’s anger. Meanwhile, Yeo Mi Eul, oracle of Bu Yeo, sees a three-legged crow appear in the Sun. She knows that the two legs represent Hae Bu Roo and Geum Wa, but she isn’t sure who the other person is. The governor-general of Hyeon To calls a meeting for all the tribal chiefs. Geum Wa goes to the meeting in place of his father. There, he meets Yu Hwa. The governor-general warns that whoever harbors Hae Mo Soo will be severely punished. He kills innocent Gochosun refugees in front of the tribal chiefs. Geum Wa gets enraged, but for the fear of future troubles, he can’t do anything. All of a sudden, Yu Hwa comes in and calls out to the governor-general to stop.


a attribué 6/10 à la série

André F.

a attribué 7/10 à la série

et la regarde actuellement

Prince of the Legend


2006 • Drama MBC

Synopsis : Vie de Jumong, fils du général rebelle Hae Mo-Su, qui toute sa vie s'est battu pour sauver les réfugiés réduits en esclavage par l'invasion de l'Empire des Han en 108 av. J.-C. Jumong est le fondateur du Royaume coréen de Koguryo en 37 av. J.-C.


a attribué 9/10 à la série

Prince of the Legend


2006 • Drama MBC

Synopsis : Vie de Jumong, fils du général rebelle Hae Mo-Su, qui toute sa vie s'est battu pour sauver les réfugiés réduits en esclavage par l'invasion de l'Empire des Han en 108 av. J.-C. Jumong est le fondateur du Royaume coréen de Koguryo en 37 av. J.-C.


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