
sérieYouTube (2012)

This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe 1/4/17
for the first time in 2010 now just a few years later
gotta go to cern

Why Most Students Ditch Math & Science Majors 12/4/17

5 nov. 2013
You're Not Bad At Math, You're Just Lazy 12/4/17******
genetic predeterminant at math, well there's not ! and there are tons of scientific studies to support it
i'm not a math person, that's not real, stop saying it
cuz we're doing it wrong
math like music is kinda like another language
learning math younger will help but that doesn't mean u can't learn when u're older too
same as running or yoga
first day is hard
no matter how old u are
overtime become a master
prefrontal cortex
u gotta practise
delays aging
keeps the brain agile
decrease brain decay as they age
r u motivated to do some maths ?

How Did The Deepest Part Of The Ocean Get So Polluted? 13/4/17
Can We Mathematically Prove Aliens Exist? 13/4/17

Black Holes And Gravitational Waves Might Help Us Find Dark Matter 19/4/17
Bill Gates Talks about What Books to Read
The 20 Rules of Money
MINDBLOWING Theories About The Universe!
Polyglot speaking in 12 languages [SUBTITLES]
Brazilian Polyglot speaking 11 Languages [SUBTITLED]
European speaks 19 languages
Dutch polyglot speaks 18 languages with tourists
Polyglot Speaks 7 Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Latvian & Italian.
1920's - What The Future Will Look Like
How NOT To Shoot a Sawed-off Shotgun
Thanks to Salad, We’re One Step Closer to Colonizing Space 23/4/17
This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe 23/4/17
Why Some Men Can't Grow Beards 23/4/17

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à sa liste vulgarisation scientifique us


le 1 avr. 2017

Critique lue 145 fois


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Critique lue 145 fois

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Le premier jeu auquel j'ai joué avec mon frère et mes parents sur la nes, avec Duck Hunt bien-sûr qui était aussi dans la cartouche, mais c'est mario que j'ai tâté en premier et qui m'a fait entrer à...


le 13 avr. 2017

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Critique de Capharnaüm par zaad

Je l'ai vu à la cinexpérience 120 à l'ugc ciné cité des halles dans la salle 10, la salle est très bien très grande, merci senscritique ;) Un film magnifique, je mets pas 10/10 car ce n'est pas la...


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