Saison 1

20 épisodes

(5 h)



Saison 1


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Part 1: Un contrat avec un esprit

S1 E1 Part 1: Un contrat avec un esprit

You Keika, the last living member of a once prestigious exorcist family, inks out a living as a fortune teller and computer repairman. One day, he witnesses a silver-haired man fighting with an evil spirit. Bewildered by the unrealistic sight, Keika is unable to stay in hiding. On his way home after this encounter, Keika loses his life in a fatal accident and finds himself face to face with the mysterious man from earlier that evening. Calling himself, Tanmoku Ki, the man requests that Keika become his "spirit shadow". Keika initially refuses this request but finds himself pulled into Tanmoku's fight with the little girl spirit... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 21 juin 2016

Part 2: Un contrat avec un esprit

S1 E2 Part 2: Un contrat avec un esprit

You Keika, the last living member of a once prestigious exorcist family, inks out a living as a fortune teller and computer repairman. One day, he witnesses a silver-haired man fighting with an evil spirit. Bewildered by the unrealistic sight, Keika is unable to stay in hiding. On his way home after this encounter, Keika loses his life in a fatal accident and finds himself face to face with the mysterious man from earlier that evening. Calling himself, Tanmoku Ki, the man requests that Keika become his "spirit shadow". Keika initially refuses this request but finds himself pulled into Tanmoku's fight with the little girl spirit... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 28 juin 2016

Part 1: Pourquoi il m’attire

S1 E3 Part 1: Pourquoi il m’attire

Tanmoku Ki brings You Keika along with him to the airport to pick up his beautiful fiancee named Shin Shiyou. The men drop off Shiyou at a nearby hotel but Tanmoku sends Keika up to give her a message. Keika discovers that Shiyou is not all she appears to be. She's been hiding a part of herself from Tanmoku and an evil spirit uses that weakness to take advantage of her. With Tanmoku unable to rescue them, it's up to Keika and Shiyou to figure their way out of the spirit dimension. Can they do it before Shiyou is overcome by the darkness in her heart? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 5 juillet 2016

Part 2: Pourquoi il m’attire

S1 E4 Part 2: Pourquoi il m’attire

Tanmoku Ki brings You Keika along with him to the airport to pick up his beautiful fiancee named Shin Shiyou. The men drop off Shiyou at a nearby hotel but Tanmoku sends Keika up to give her a message. Keika discovers that Shiyou is not all she appears to be. She's been hiding a part of herself from Tanmoku and an evil spirit uses that weakness to take advantage of her. With Tanmoku unable to rescue them, it's up to Keika and Shiyou to figure their way out of the spirit dimension. Can they do it before Shiyou is overcome by the darkness in her heart? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 12 juillet 2016

Part 1: Attention à votre partenaire au lit !

S1 E5 Part 1: Attention à votre partenaire au lit !

Tanmoku Ki returns to his family home for the first time since making a pact with his new spirit shadow, You Keika. However, aside from Tanmoku's grandmother, who welcomes Keika with happy tears, the welcoming mood in the sprawling mansion is noticeably stiff. Keika learns that there is a complicated relationship amoung the members of the Tanmoku family and even their retainers. Meanwhile, a mysterious man and woman appear and corner Keika. What on earth could their goal be? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 19 juillet 2016

Part 2: Attention à votre partenaire au lit !

S1 E6 Part 2: Attention à votre partenaire au lit !

Tanmoku Ki returns to his family home for the first time since making a pact with his new spirit shadow, You Keika. However, aside from Tanmoku's grandmother, who welcomes Keika with happy tears, the welcoming mood in the sprawling mansion is noticeably stiff. Keika learns that there is a complicated relationship amoung the members of the Tanmoku family and even their retainers. Meanwhile, a mysterious man and woman appear and corner Keika. What on earth could their goal be? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 26 juillet 2016

Part 1: Comment te protéger

S1 E7 Part 1: Comment te protéger

One morning, at the end of one of their usual arguments, You Keika learns about the life and death relationship between a Youmeishi and their spirit shadow, as well as the weaknesses of this from Tanmoku Ki. Along the way, Keika learns about the Tanmoku family's treasured sword (the Rakugetsu sword) as it is being taken to the family mausoleum in preparation for the pledging ceremony. He then finds himself under attack by Shito Ritsu who bears a strong grudge against Tanmoku Ki. When he soul is about to be broken apart Keika reaches out for the sacred sword... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 2 août 2016

Part 2: Comment te protéger

S1 E8 Part 2: Comment te protéger

One morning, at the end of one of their usual arguments, You Keika learns about the life and death relationship between a Youmeishi and their spirit shadow, as well as the weaknesses of this from Tanmoku Ki. Along the way, Keika learns about the Tanmoku family's treasured sword (the Rakugetsu sword) as it is being taken to the family mausoleum in preparation for the pledging ceremony. He then finds himself under attack by Shito Ritsu who bears a strong grudge against Tanmoku Ki. When he soul is about to be broken apart Keika reaches out for the sacred sword... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 9 août 2016

Part 1: Ensemble pour toujours

S1 E9 Part 1: Ensemble pour toujours

A ritual ceremony is carried out, which is the most important duty of a Youmeishi. As the ritual is solemnly progressing, members of the Shito family appear and bring their suspicions to Tanmoku Ki. Upon hearing all this, Ki turns the blade of the Rakugetsu sword on Keika. Will Ki choose the alliance of his family with the Shito family over Keika? After the ceremony, life at the Tanmoku mansion returns to normal. Troubled by the very "my pace" attitude with which Ki lives his life, Keika learns that there is more to the stone-faced young man than meets the eye. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 16 août 2016

Part 2: Ensemble pour toujours

S1 E10 Part 2: Ensemble pour toujours

A ritual ceremony is carried out, which is the most important duty of a Youmeishi. As the ritual is solemnly progressing, members of the Shito family appear and bring their suspicions to Tanmoku Ki. Upon hearing all this, Ki turns the blade of the Rakugetsu sword on Keika. Will Ki choose the alliance of his family with the Shito family over Keika? After the ceremony, life at the Tanmoku mansion returns to normal. Troubled by the very "my pace" attitude with which Ki lives his life, Keika learns that there is more to the stone-faced young man than meets the eye. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 23 août 2016

Part 1: Un doux soupir

S1 E11 Part 1: Un doux soupir

It is the seventh day since You Keika lost his life. When Ki and Keika are summoned to the city where Keika used to live they encounter a married couple that Keika was close with mourning him in a memorial service. Upon seeing this, Keika realizes that he is indeed missed by someone and once again finds himself confronted by his death and the emotions he had been restraining come bubbling to the surface. In the car on the way home, in attempt to comfort him, Ki tells Keika that from now on he is his family. However, Keika is plagued by strange dreams and finds his consciousness suddenly being taken over. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 30 août 2016

Part 2: Un doux soupir

S1 E12 Part 2: Un doux soupir

It is the seventh day since You Keika lost his life. When Ki and Keika are summoned to the city where Keika used to live they encounter a married couple that Keika was close with mourning him in a memorial service. Upon seeing this, Keika realizes that he is indeed missed by someone and once again finds himself confronted by his death and the emotions he had been restraining come bubbling to the surface. In the car on the way home, in attempt to comfort him, Ki tells Keika that from now on he is his family. However, Keika is plagued by strange dreams and finds his consciousness suddenly being taken over. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 septembre 2016

Part 1: Un cœur invincible

S1 E13 Part 1: Un cœur invincible

With Tanmoku Ki unconscious and in critical condition, Shin Shiyou attempts to heal him by carrying out the Nenyou ceremony, but he still does not awaken. Meanwhile, in an attempt to break the spirit shadow contract, In Tetsu seals You Keika in a demon realm. There, Keika is confronted by In Tetsu's servants, Kau and Ryougyoku. Keika does not stand a chance against Ryougyoku, who is the personification of a demon sword. However, when Keika takes possession of the Rakugetsu Sword, an amazing transformation takes place... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 septembre 2016

Part 2: Un cœur invincible

S1 E14 Part 2: Un cœur invincible

With Tanmoku Ki unconscious and in critical condition, Shin Shiyou attempts to heal him by carrying out the Nenyou ceremony, but he still does not awaken. Meanwhile, in an attempt to break the spirit shadow contract, In Tetsu seals You Keika in a demon realm. There, Keika is confronted by In Tetsu's servants, Kau and Ryougyoku. Keika does not stand a chance against Ryougyoku, who is the personification of a demon sword. However, when Keika takes possession of the Rakugetsu Sword, an amazing transformation takes place... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 septembre 2016

Part 1: Pris dans la tempête

S1 E15 Part 1: Pris dans la tempête

You Keika awakens a great power that has been hidden within the Rakugetsu Sword. That power takes the form of You Keika's ancester and the strongest exorcist in history, You Nei. When it is clear that the tables have turned against them, In Tetsu retreats with his servants but gives Keika a miraculous medicine that should heal Tanmoku Ki. Thanks to the medicine, Tanmoku Ki regains consciousness, but seeks out his former Master to find out more about the secrets of the Rakugetsu Sword. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 27 septembre 2016

Part 2: Pris dans la tempête

S1 E16 Part 2: Pris dans la tempête

You Keika awakens a great power that has been hidden within the Rakugetsu Sword. That power takes the form of You Keika's ancester and the strongest exorcist in history, You Nei. When it is clear that the tables have turned against them, In Tetsu retreats with his servants but gives Keika a miraculous medicine that should heal Tanmoku Ki. Thanks to the medicine, Tanmoku Ki regains consciousness, but seeks out his former Master to find out more about the secrets of the Rakugetsu Sword. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 11 octobre 2016

Part 1: L’ultime option

S1 E17 Part 1: L’ultime option

You Keika and Tanmoku Ki are desperately trying to escape from Shito Ritsu's intense attacks. Having lost his spiritual powers Ki is incredibly weak but Keika swears that he will be the one to protect him this time. However, as Ki frees Keika from the distance restriction he uses the opportunity to blow Keika to safety in a desperate move to protect him one last time. Meanwhile, back at the Tanmoku mansion the tension increases as the seal on the evil spirits weakens well before the designated time, much to the shock of the matriarch of the Shito family. With everything on the line Keika makes a decision not to run anymore, will he make it in time to truly be able to protect Ki? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 18 octobre 2016

Part 2: L’ultime option

S1 E18 Part 2: L’ultime option

You Keika and Tanmoku Ki are desperately trying to escape from Shito Ritsu's intense attacks. Having lost his spiritual powers Ki is incredibly weak but Keika swears that he will be the one to protect him this time. However, as Ki frees Keika from the distance restriction he uses the opportunity to blow Keika to safety in a desperate move to protect him one last time. Meanwhile, back at the Tanmoku mansion the tension increases as the seal on the evil spirits weakens well before the designated time, much to the shock of the matriarch of the Shito family. With everything on the line Keika makes a decision not to run anymore, will he make it in time to truly be able to protect Ki? Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 25 octobre 2016

Part 1: Jamais je ne te quitterai

S1 E19 Part 1: Jamais je ne te quitterai

Having intruded her way into the Tanmoku mansion, Aunt Shito, head of the Shito family, urges the family to relinquish the title of Youmeishi to Tanmoku Jiun. However, You Keika, who has regained himself, appears with Tanmoku Ki. Ki attempts to buy some time while Keika goes in search of the scabbard for the Rakugetsu Sword, but Aunt Shito continues to challenge his position. Things take a turn for the worst when the evil spirits begin to break through the seal placed on them by Tanmoku Jiun. With time running short, will Keika find the scabbard in time? Fates are decided as a powerless Ki faces the overwhelming powerful evil spirits and his position as Youmeishi hangs in the balance. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 1 novembre 2016

Part 2: Jamais je ne te quitterai

S1 E20 Part 2: Jamais je ne te quitterai

Having intruded her way into the Tanmoku mansion, Aunt Shito, head of the Shito family, urges the family to relinquish the title of Youmeishi to Tanmoku Jiun. However, You Keika, who has regained himself, appears with Tanmoku Ki. Ki attempts to buy some time while Keika goes in search of the scabbard for the Rakugetsu Sword, but Aunt Shito continues to challenge his position. Things take a turn for the worst when the evil spirits begin to break through the seal placed on them by Tanmoku Jiun. With time running short, will Keika find the scabbard in time? Fates are decided as a powerless Ki faces the overwhelming powerful evil spirits and his position as Youmeishi hangs in the balance. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 8 novembre 2016