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a attribué 6/10 à la série


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a envie de voir la série


a envie de voir la série

Pierre Fondcombe

a attribué 7/10 à la série


1975 • Série BBC One

Synopsis : Une mystérieuse maladie éradique une très grande partie de la population. Seules quelques personnes, mystérieusement non touchées, survivent. Dans une Angleterre devenue déserte, où les groupes armés font la loi, nous suivons une jeune femme à la recherche de son fils, qu'elle croit toujours en vie.


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, l'a recommandée, lui a attribué 8/10 et l'a ajouté à ses listes

Top 10 Séries


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1975 • Série BBC One

Synopsis : Une mystérieuse maladie éradique une très grande partie de la population. Seules quelques personnes, mystérieusement non touchées, survivent. Dans une Angleterre devenue déserte, où les groupes armés font la loi, nous suivons une jeune femme à la recherche de son fils, qu'elle croit toujours en vie.


a attribué 7/10 à la saison


de la série


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

New World

New World

épisode S2 E13 de Survivors

Synopsis : There is a much excitement when a balloon passes over Whitecross. However, when the balloon comes down and its occupant is found dead a mystery is left behind. The man is discovered to be a Norwegian and he has in his possession various items that suggests he has been mapping the nation's settlements. When Melanie and Alan meet one of the ballonist's acquaintances, Seth, they learn that the man had been travelling with his daughter Agnes. When Agnes eventually arrives at Whitecross things will never be the same again for our survivors...


a attribué 6/10 à l'épisode


de la série


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Long Live the King

Long Live the King

épisode S3 E11 de Survivors

Synopsis : Charles, Jenny and their ever growing party are heading North to Scotland, when they receive a message to meet Greg at a place called Felbridge. Jenny thinks it will be another wild goose chase. They later discover that Agnes has devised their reunion and that she plans to set up a new government for the nation at Felbridge under Greg's name. However, Greg is curiously absent from the proceedings...


a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh

épisode S3 E10 de Survivors

Synopsis : Greg is looking for a Dr.Adams who he thinks is being held captive. He is attacked by four men who steal all his notes on the settlements he has visited. He survives the encounter but runs into further danger when he finds Dr.Adams, who has contracted smallpox. Greg must now wait until the incubation period is over to see if he has contracted the disease...


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Enemy

The Enemy

épisode S3 E9 de Survivors

Synopsis : Charles, Jenny, Hubert, Frank and Alec arrive at a settlement based at an old coal mine. The settlement's leader, Leonard Woollen, is anxious to get the mining equipment working again and enlists Alec and Charles's help. Another man, Sam Mead (Robert Gillespie) is opposed to the idea fearing a return to the age before 'the death'. Jenny is becoming increasingly emotional about the absent Greg. Charles pushes her too far in relation to Alec...


a attribué 6/10 à l'épisode


de la série


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker

épisode S3 E7 de Survivors

Synopsis : Charles, Jenny and Hubert arrive at a settlement based around a working mill. The community there has been influenced and led by former personnel headhunter Frank Garner (Edward Underdown) and Rutna, a young Indian woman. Their guiding principle is the belief that man died (during 'the death') and now needs to be re-born to a new way of life. Frank makes several failed attempts to speak to Charles alone and is clearly uneasy about something. When Charles, Jenny and Hubert's horses are poisoned with yew branches they have no choice but to stay another day...


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série



épisode S3 E6 de Survivors

Synopsis : Jenny, Charles and Hubert meet vet Janet Millon when a shepherd friend of Hubert is injured. Whilst enjoying her hospitality they discover to their amazement that she is the mother of their John, who is back at Challoner with Pet and Jack. Jenny has grown tired of her search for Greg and elects to return with Janet, as she wants to see her son too. When Pet tells John the news his reaction is puzzling...


a attribué 5/10 à l'épisode


de la série


a attribué 10/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Mad Dog

Mad Dog

épisode S3 E4 de Survivors

Synopsis : Charles searches alone for Tom Walter and has a dangerous encounter with a dog pack. He is rescued by a man called Fenton, who Charles then travels with back to his halfway house. The next morning Charles discovers that Fenton has contracted rabies. Securing Fenton he goes to a nearby village for help. Charles returns with two men, Sanders and Jim. They are attacked by Fenton and Charles is forced to kill him. However, the men believe that Charles may have the infection too so try to execute him. Charles flees into the countryside and a hunt begins...


a attribué 6/10 à l'épisode


de la série


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

A Little Learning

A Little Learning

épisode S3 E2 de Survivors

Synopsis : Jenny is searching for Greg alone. Not far away Greg is travelling with Agnes when they come across an old woman in distress. She introduces herself as Mrs Butterworth and explains that she is being plagued by what she terms 'red indians'. Greg investigates and discovers a community of children are behind the raids on her house. They are led by a tough boy called Eagle who does not want Greg to interfere, despite the fact that many of their number are dying of a mysterious illness...


a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série



épisode S3 E1 de Survivors

Synopsis : It is six months since Greg, Agnes and Jack left Whitecross. Seth finds Jack wandering in a fever in some woods and takes him back to his home to look after him. There finds that Jack has letters for Charles and Jenny which are from Greg. Charles, Pet, Jenny, Hubert and the children have moved from Whitecross to Challoner. When they learn the news about the letters, Jenny and Charles go to Seth's home. Jack is delirious and says some unintelligible things about a place called Wellingham, where he and Greg had been. A distraught Jenny is desperate to see Greg again, so she and Charles head off to Wellingham. Pet also sends Hubert on after them. After rescuing a man staked out in the woods and meeting the authoritarian Clifford and the sinister Miedel, Jenny and Charles become worried about the situation in which they have become embroiled...


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

New World

New World

épisode S2 E13 de Survivors

Synopsis : There is a much excitement when a balloon passes over Whitecross. However, when the balloon comes down and its occupant is found dead a mystery is left behind. The man is discovered to be a Norwegian and he has in his possession various items that suggests he has been mapping the nation's settlements. When Melanie and Alan meet one of the ballonist's acquaintances, Seth, they learn that the man had been travelling with his daughter Agnes. When Agnes eventually arrives at Whitecross things will never be the same again for our survivors...


a attribué 8/10 à la saison


de la série


a attribué 10/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Over The Hills

Over the Hills

épisode S2 E12 de Survivors

Synopsis : When Sally becomes pregnant by Alan, Charles is overjoyed, thinking this will encourage a baby boom at Whitecross. Sally wants to live with Alan as his wife but he has other ideas. As the situation becomes more tense, Charles crosses swords with Melanie, Ruth and even Pet...


a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

New Arrivals

New Arrivals

épisode S2 E11 de Survivors

Synopsis : Ruth invites members of a failed community to join the Whitecross settlement, despite the fact that they have been exposed to a disease. When Arthur and Jack contract the illness she fears she may have made an error in judgement. Meanwhile, the self appointed leader of the young new arrivals, Mark Carter (Ian Hastings), advises Charles on where he is going wrong agriculturally and draws up a new plan for him to examine...


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série



épisode S2 E10 de Survivors

Synopsis : Mina befriends a man called John Millen and arranges to meet him at Whitecross at a later date. When John fails to arrive and two other men come to the settlement on his barge (one of them wearing John's hat) Mina fears the worst. Charles and Greg welcome the men, Kane and Grice, but also have misgivings about their intentions. Pet is suspicious too, as she recognises Kane from before 'the death'...


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Chosen

The Chosen

épisode S2 E9 de Survivors

Synopsis : Charles and Pet are returning from a salt collecting expedition when they meet two other travellers who become very ill. They take them to a nearby settlement in an old army camp. The community there is run like a police state where eugenics, euthansia and religious fervour all hold sway. The people there are led by a charismatic man called Max Kershaw and his second in command Joy Dunn. Pet is fearful that they may not be allowed to leave, whilst Charles is summoned to speak to the community's council...


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

By Bread Alone

By Bread Alone

épisode S2 E8 de Survivors

Synopsis : When a former vicar, Lewis Fearns (Roy Herrick), arrives at Whitecross and reveals his occupation, community life is disrupted. Charles becomes worried that the distractions caused by Lewis may be very damaging given the hard work that is required to sustain the settlement. Is there a place for God and a return to religion in the new order of things..?