L'actualité sur The Secret Tournament - The Cage

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a attribué 7/10 à la série

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]


a attribué 8/10 à la série

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]


a attribué 7/10 à la série

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]


a recommandé la série

et a envie de la revoir

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]

Clément Bessoudoux
The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]


a attribué 7/10 à la série

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]


a attribué 9/10 à la série

The Secret Tournament - The Cage

2002 • Série

Synopsis : A fictional tournament involving eight teams of three of football's top players in a first-goal-wins elimination. The matches were staged in an enclosed pitch located on a ship with former footballer Eric Cantona acting in the role of referee.[4]