Saison 1

77 épisodes

(1 h 40 min)



Saison 1

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7


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Tweenie Band

S1 E1 Tweenie Band

Milo makes Fizz of mad due to him messing up her stuff. Then she hides with her toy dinosaur. When The Tweenies find her, Milo apoligizes and ask's what is that dinosaur? Jake then asks is it real? Episdoe ends.

Première diffusion : 28 juillet 2003


S1 E2 Spiders

Bella surprizes the Tweenies with a cool pirvate costume, And the Tweenies find a map and pretends there on a treasure hunt.

Première diffusion : 29 juillet 2003

I Am Me

S1 E3 I Am Me

Song:I Wish i could fly About:Doodles is Stuck way up high in a tall tree. Will The Tweenies get doodles down the tree? Fizz flys up in the air but was unable to rescue Doodles. Milo Flew in an airplane but ddin't get doodles. And jake tried to fly in an air balloon. And ALMOST cought him... But did'nt!

Première diffusion : 30 juillet 2003

Old House

S1 E4 Old House

Bella is being too bossy and the others dont want to play with her any more.

Première diffusion : 31 juillet 2003

I'm Scared

S1 E5 I'm Scared

Milo pretends to be a magician and lets Jake play with it but then he made doodles disapear..Or did he?

Première diffusion : 1 août 2003

Wriggling Fingers

S1 E6 Wriggling Fingers

Max lets Jake help dust the play house but then he makes everyone sneeze and sneeze, And ruins all the activities they do.

Première diffusion : 2 août 2003


S1 E7 Mermaids

First song:Two fat gentle men About:Bella has nothing to do. So she tries to help the others but she always ruin's everything.

Première diffusion : 3 août 2003


S1 E8 Ballet

Song:Whats in the Box About:Milo imaginates in a box and doesnt let anyone in. Story time:About a bear imaginated the moon.

Première diffusion : 4 août 2003

I've Lost My train

S1 E9 I've Lost My train

Song:Will it sink or float about:Max tries to get doodles in the bath tub no matter what. The Tweenies have a contest what sinks or float.

Première diffusion : 5 août 2003


S1 E10 Pebbles

Play:Once upon a time in the green kingdom lived KIng jake and princess fizz. Princess Fizz was playing outside and sir Milo suggested her to stay inside and told her about the dragon. But Princess Fizz didnt listen so Bella the Green Dragon so the Green Dragon took Fizz for her lunch. What Happens Next?

Première diffusion : 6 août 2003


S1 E11 Telephone

Bella Comes in and shows off to everyone about her new bracelet. But then later on... She breaks them to pieces! Will they find all the beads to put back together? Activity:Making a bracelet Story:My uncle the tiger Song:123 looking for the beads(US)

Première diffusion : 7 août 2003

I'm To Small

S1 E12 I'm To Small

Milo and Fizz pretend to be 2 silly monkeys. Bella sais monkeys jump. But milo sais they climb around branches. Which one is right?

Première diffusion : 8 août 2003


S1 E13 Rockpool

Someone has stole Milo's shoe. And then they play a shoe matching game but then they all got lost! Is it Doodles,Max or one of the Tweenies?

Première diffusion : 9 août 2003

It Wasn't Me

S1 E14 It Wasn't Me

Everybody has a special talent except little jake. With Fizz with her dancing. And Bella with her cooking. And Milo with his funny jokes. But Jake doesnt know what his talent really is. He is just too little to ahve a special talent.

Première diffusion : 10 août 2003

Noise And Quiet

S1 E15 Noise And Quiet

*MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR PEOPLE WHO MISSED THIS ONE* Jake missunderstood what Max said about when night falls. Jake thought with his silly little 3 year old mind that night really WILL fall! He told everyone! Fizz thought the planets will fall, Milo thought morning will crack and Bella thought all the planets and stars will hit there heads.

Première diffusion : 11 août 2003

Bad Mood

S1 E16 Bad Mood

Song:I wish i was a bubble Story time:The Three little Pigs and the big bad wolf Jake got a wind mill from his mom and wonder's how does it blow? Bella sais its not magic. The wind blows it! But you can't really see it. Its invincable. THen they start to play a story called the three little pigs. Bella the oldest, Milo the second oldest and Fizz the littlest Pig, And jake was the BIG BAD WOLF! Who blows all the houses down. He blew down Bella hay house, Milo's stick house but couldn't blow down Fizz's new brick house!

Première diffusion : 13 août 2003


S1 E17 Ball

While Bella and Milo are playing house(Which Milo hates) Fizz plays a color game with Jake. Until they get to the color black. They dont know any color that is Black! Hey, but doodles noes is! Then Jake doesnt really wanna play any more... So he looks for Milo and they try to hide away from Fizz and Bella.

Première diffusion : 14 août 2003


S1 E18 Colours

Judy has a special something in that litlte case shaped like a giant lolley pop. Judy sais its a surprize. Then later The Tweenies were playing outside until they heard a Loud wackit! THey go inside then... It was a quitar! It must be the surprize in that case. Max spoiled it! They can't let judy find out!

Première diffusion : 15 août 2003

Over And Under

S1 E19 Over And Under

The Tweenies are assigned to paint sheets with different colors. Max sais they all should be different from another. Bella has no color! Bella shares with Fizz but... It has to be a different color. How can they have different colors with 3 colors and 6 sheets? Milo said they should do stripes. Then Bella mest up and it made the color orange! Thats when The Tweenies popped an idea! Mix the colors all together! Some can make orange,Purple and red!

Première diffusion : 18 août 2003

Modelling clay

S1 E20 Modelling clay

Jake was playing around until... He cut his finger! It bleed's. So The Tweenies will try anything to help Jake feel better! With a cut finger. All jake needs is a band aid. Where will they get one? Probally Max or Judy.

Première diffusion : 19 août 2003

Rainbow Magic

S1 E21 Rainbow Magic

Plot: Fizz and Doodles see a rainbow in the garden, but by the time the others join them, it's gone. First Song: Peter Rabbit. Other Songs: Rainbows Are Magic (as sung by Fizz).

Première diffusion : 20 août 2003


S1 E22 Dragon

Plot: Brave Sir Milo takes on all the dragons hiding in the play room. First Song: If Your Happy And You Know It. Other Songs: It Must Be Great Being A Dragon. Messy Time: Fizz, Bella and Jake make a collage dragon. Story Time: There's No Such Thing As A Dragon.

Première diffusion : 21 août 2003

Modelling Clay

S1 E23 Modelling Clay

Plot: Judy brings in some modelling clay, but all the models that the Tweenies make disappear. First Song: I'm A Little Teapot. Other Songs: Clay. Telly Time: Things that you can make with clay. Story Time: The Gingerbread Man (told by Judy using finger puppets).

Première diffusion : 23 août 2003

Lost Frog

S1 E24 Lost Frog

Plot: Jake finds a lost frog in the garden, so he, Fizz and Max take ""Norman"" back to the pond. First Song: Come On, Feel The Music. Other Songs: Five Little Speckled Frogs. Messy Time: Max makes a frog for Jake. Story Time: Picasso, The Green Tree Frog.

Première diffusion : 24 août 2003

Stuck Together

S1 E25 Stuck Together

Plot: They all get stuck together! First Song: We All Clap Hands Together. Other Songs: If Your Happy And You Know It. Messy Time: Max makes an elephant jigsaw. Story Time: Lucy's Picture.

Première diffusion : 25 août 2003

Growing Bulbs

S1 E26 Growing Bulbs

Plot: Jake brings in some bulbs his grandfather gave him, but he's not sure what he should do with them. First Song: Here We Go Looby Loo. Other Songs: I Planted My Bulbs. Telly Time: Plants that grow from bulbs. Messy Time: They each plant one of Jake's daffodils, and make a flower using tissue paper.

Première diffusion : 26 août 2003

Shiny Metal

S1 E27 Shiny Metal

Plot: Bella wants her magic wand to make everything in the playroom shine, so Max gives her the polish. First Song: If Your Happy And You Know It. Other Songs: Get In Line / Shine The Metal. Telly Time: Things made of metal. Story Time: King Midas.

Première diffusion : 27 août 2003

Big And Small

S1 E28 Big And Small

Plot: Jake's not too sure about the difference between big and small, so the others help him out. First Song: Mousy Brown. Other Songs: The Ant And The Elephant / We Think Mice Are Rather Nice. Telly Time: Things that are big and things that are small. Messy Time: Judy helps Fizz make a mouse, Milo draws an elephant and Jake draws an ant. Story Time: The Mouse And The Lion (by Fizz and Bella).

Première diffusion : 29 août 2003


S1 E29 Birthday

Plot: It's Fizz's birthday. First Song: Five Current Buns. Other Songs: There's Going To Be A Birthday Party / Happy Birthday. Telly Time: Making a birthday cake. Story Time: Bunny Cakes. Notes: Fizz is four.

Première diffusion : 30 août 2003


S1 E30 Sheets

Plot: Max is thinking about a holiday but can't decide where to go, so the Tweenies help him make up his mind. First Song: Five Little Men In A Flying Saucer. Other Songs: The Sun Has Got His Hat On / A Sailor Went To Sea. Story Time: Would They Love A Lion?

Première diffusion : 31 août 2003


S1 E31 Sand

Plot: Jake gets fed up when the others mess up his sand game, so Judy takes him and Milo to the beach. First Song: One Finger, One Thumb. Other Songs: Hunting Treasure. Notes: Milo, Jake and Judy go out to the beach, where Judy sets up a treasure hunt.

Première diffusion : 2 septembre 2003

Animal Dancers

S1 E32 Animal Dancers

Plot: Max shows the Tweenies a video of some animal skaters, which inspires them to dress up and put on a play. First Song: Old MacDonald. Telly Time: Peter rabbit on ice. Messy Time: They make various animal parts for their play. Notes: Milo is a duck, Jake's a frog, Bella's a swan and Fizz is a rabbit.

Première diffusion : 3 septembre 2003


S1 E33 Police

Plot: Bella finds a broach on the bus, so she, Milo and Max hand it into the police. First Song: I Went To School One Morning. Other Songs: Old Uncle Bill. Story Time: Skateboard Sarge.

Première diffusion : 4 septembre 2003


S1 E34 Printing

Plot: Judy can't decide what border to put up in the surprise area, so Fizz and the others make one for her. First Song: Put Your Finger In The Air. Telly Time: Printing. Messy Time: They use different shapes to print a fairy border.

Première diffusion : 5 septembre 2003


S1 E35 Rolling

Plot: Milo discovers that the fire engine has lost a wheel, so the others help him to look for a replacement. First Song: The Wheels On The Bus. Other Songs: The Fire Engine Wheels. Telly Time: Things that roll. Story Time: Foxy And Friends Go Racing.

Première diffusion : 8 septembre 2003

Rainy Day

S1 E36 Rainy Day

Plot: Today they were planning to go to a farm, but as it's raining they have to stay in the playroom instead. First Song: I Went To School One Morning. Other Songs: The Pouring Rain. Telly Time: Rain. Messy Time: A ""Rainy Day"" picture. Story Time: Sonny's Wonderful Wellies.

Première diffusion : 9 septembre 2003

Cardboard box

S1 E37 Cardboard box

Plot: Max is about to throw out a lots of old cardboard boxes, but the Tweenies have a better idea. First Song: Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Other Songs: The Fun Never Stops With A Cardboard Box / The Cardboard Box Train. Story Time: Whatever Next!

Première diffusion : 10 septembre 2003

Caring For A Pet

S1 E38 Caring For A Pet

Plot: Judy shows a video about how to look after a pet, but when they try it out on Doodles, Bella, Fizz and Milo get it a little wrong. First Song: If Your Happy And You Know It. Other Songs: I Want My Bone! Telly Time: How to look after cats, hamsters, fishes and dogs.

Première diffusion : 11 septembre 2003

Woolly Jumper

S1 E39 Woolly Jumper

Plot: Milo has a new woolly jumper to show off, but things don't quite work out the way he had hoped. First Song: Here we Go Round The Mulberry Bush. Other Songs: Woolly Jumper. Telly Time: Knitting a woolly jumper. Messy Time: Milo, Fizz and Bella draw their ideal jumpers. Story Time: Barty's Scarf.

Première diffusion : 12 septembre 2003


S1 E40 Fairies

Plot: Bella wants to be a fairy, but somehow a curtain is not quite right for her wings. First Song: The Dressing Up Box. Other Songs: There Was A Princess Long Ago. Messy Time: Max helps Bella to make fairy wings and a wand. Story Time: Sleeping Beauty.

Première diffusion : 15 septembre 2003

Canal Boat

S1 E41 Canal Boat

Plot: Jake wants to see the boats near Fizz's house, so Max takes them out to have a look. First Song: The Big Ship Sails On The Illy-Ally-O. Other Songs: Row Row Your Boat. Story Time: Snowy.

Première diffusion : 16 septembre 2003

Hot And Cold

S1 E42 Hot And Cold

Plot: Fizz and Jake like it hot, Bella and Milo like it cold - which is best? First Song: One Finger, One Thumb. Other Songs: Hot And Cold Don't Like Each Other / ibid. Telly Time: Things which are hot, and things which are cold. Messy Time: Bella makes a cloud, Fizz makes a sun. Story Time: Jake narrates the story of the traveller (Milo) in the hot sun (Fizz) and the cold wind (Bella).

Première diffusion : 17 septembre 2003


S1 E43 Hiccups

Plot: Milo has the hiccups - how did he get them, and, more importantly, how can he lose them? First Song: Come On, Feel The Music. Other Songs: Hiccup. Story Time: Oh No! Hilda's Got The Hiccups!

Première diffusion : 18 septembre 2003

Go Away, Bella

S1 E44 Go Away, Bella

Plot: Bella doesn't know what to do with herself, so she tries to help the others with their games. However, her help is not very helpful. First Song: Two Fat Gentlemen. Other Songs: ibid. Messy Time: Fizz makes a variety of different hats.

Première diffusion : 19 septembre 2003


S1 E45 Meadow

Plot: Jake forgets what a meadow is, so Max goes to a farm to video one for him. First Song: One Man Went To Mow. Other Songs: Fuzzy Little Caterpillar. Telly Time: Max's trip to the meadow. Messy Time: Fizz and Bella make butterflies.

Première diffusion : 20 septembre 2003

I Can't Do It

S1 E46 I Can't Do It

Plot: Try, try and try again. First Song: Here We Go Looby Loo. Other Songs: It's Spongy Fun A Painting / I Won't Say That I Can't. Messy Time: Judy helps them with some printing.

Première diffusion : 23 septembre 2003


S1 E47 Leaves

Plot: Milo finds a leaf on his fleece, so he decides that he must be turning into a tree. First Song: If Your Happy And You Know It. Other Songs: All The Leaves That I've Seen. Story Time: An Acorn For Tea.

Première diffusion : 24 septembre 2003

Fallen Star

S1 E76 Fallen Star

Everybody is excited as the Christmas decorations go up in the playgroup, and when Fizz finds a fallen star in the garden, she wonders whether it fell from the sky or off the tinsel

Première diffusion : 20 décembre 1999

The Christmas Fairy

S1 E77 The Christmas Fairy

Max brings in the Christmas tree ready to be decorated and Bella decides to be the Christmas fairy but has problems climbing up

Première diffusion : 21 décembre 1999

Santa's Little Helper

S1 E78 Santa's Little Helper

Dotman and Alf Elf go to the North Pole to find out how Santa wraps all the presents and copes in an emergency

Première diffusion : 22 décembre 1999