Saison 1

13 épisodes

(5 h 25 min)



Saison 1


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More Than a Second Ago...

S1 E1 More Than a Second Ago...

Six Gravity (AKA Gravi) and Procellarum (AKA Procella) both belong to Tsukino Talent Production (AKA Tsukipro). Gravi continues to expand their range of activity as Tsukipro's top group and sets their sights on the joint concert Full Moon Festival 2020 as their next goal. Kakeru Shiwasu and Kisaragi Koi are tasked with recording comments from the group's members hyping up the event. Choosing "a new me" as their theme, the two boys enthusiastically search for filming locations and set up a schedule for their comment video recording tour, but will it end without incident...?! Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2020

The Wish I Want to Play

S1 E2 The Wish I Want to Play

Born into a family of musicians, Procella member Rui Minazuki and his older brother Rei were taught piano beginning at a young age. Rui was quickly praised as a prodigy, but Rei was devastated by his brother's talent and abandoned the path of music. Because of that, the two were alienated from one another for a long time, but currently the bad blood between them has been resolved, and they're back to getting along as brothers. One day, Rui is asked to perform a piano recital as part of promoting the Full Moon Festival. Together the members of Procella brainstorm ideas for the recital, and they go to visit Kai on the job in order to get his opinion as well. By coincidence, this outing takes them to the university hospital where Rei works... Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2020

You Are a Hero

S1 E3 You Are a Hero

He loves heroes and wishes to become one someday... Gravi member Arata Uzuki and his childhood friend Aoi Satsuki are to appear on a show on which participants play the game tag. When Arata learns the prize is an appearance on the hero squad show "50 Ninjas," he becomes uncharacteristically pumped up. While passionately describing his feelings about heroes, Arata recalls an event from his childhood that he had nearly forgotten. With coordinated teamwork, the childhood friend team... aims to win! Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2020

Just Get Up and Dance.

S1 E4 Just Get Up and Dance.

Procella's You Hazuki and Gravi's Koi Kisaragi are asked to appear as guests at the high school student dance contest "High School Dance Colosseum (AKA DanColo)." The two of them are selected to form a special group with Tsubasa Okui of SolidS, Kensuke Yaegashi of Growth, and Ruka Nazumi of ROCK DOWN, and You is appointed team leader. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2020

With Friends and Music

S1 E5 With Friends and Music

Two years ago, the "Tsukipro Shop in Harajuku 2018" project was launched. As the shop's concept, members wore outfits from the Fairy Tale Collection based on fairy tales. Each group is allowed to choose its own fairy tale, exciting Yayoi Haru's producer spirit, and he offers to come up with Gravi's fairy tale. However, the major fairy tales are quickly selected by the other groups, and he struggles to come up with an idea. While watching Yayoi agonize over the decision, Hajime Mutsuki invites him to a store that specializes in picture books. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2020

Cats' Journey

S1 E6 Cats' Journey

Première diffusion : 11 novembre 2020

Each Smile

S1 E7 Each Smile

Première diffusion : 18 novembre 2020

Episode 8

S1 E8 Episode 8

Première diffusion : 25 novembre 2020

Episode 9

S1 E9 Episode 9

Première diffusion : 2 décembre 2020

Episode 10

S1 E10 Episode 10

Première diffusion : 9 décembre 2020

Episode 11

S1 E11 Episode 11

Première diffusion : 16 décembre 2020

Episode 12

S1 E12 Episode 12

Première diffusion : 23 décembre 2020

Episode 13

S1 E13 Episode 13

Première diffusion : 30 décembre 2020