Critique de L'Arnacœur par winny0987655789966
it s a movie you can watch countless times and not get bored :) it s a comfort movie
le 27 nov. 2024
Critique de L'Arnacœur par winny0987655789966
it s a movie you can watch countless times and not get bored :) it s a comfort movie
le 27 nov. 2024
Critique de L'Amour ouf par winny0987655789966
my review would be biased because i m a hopeless romantic. but i think sometimes a feel good movie is just what you need. and this is it. without it being too cheesy. and i mean you can just watch it...
le 27 nov. 2024
Critique de L'Effrontée par winny0987655789966
a movie that has a certain nostalgic feeling to it that brings your out of this time. it s more than a feeling, it carries you in a way that s so singular and precious.
le 27 nov. 2024