Von Triers
being a badass. That's right. I'll say more later, but if you know his work...
le 31 août 2011
Le site est en ligne, vous pouvez désormais revenir à vos activités habituelles. On vous remercie pour votre patience et votre soutien ! (Il est encore possible que le site rencontre quelques problèmes de performance)
being a badass. That's right. I'll say more later, but if you know his work...
le 31 août 2011
Could there be anything more cliche than an ambiguous ending to a horror film? This pseudo-intellectual film whose premise is a virus spread by language, is hampered by its campy performances and an...
le 19 août 2011
Against all better judgement, and no doubt hampered by hedonistic impulses of summer, I found myself enjoying Step Up: The Streets (translated bizarrely into Sexy Dance) Why? Why? Why? Moose. For all...
le 15 août 2011
2 j'aime
The director has a big crush on a pretty Japanese girl, so he turns her into a bride ghost and sacrifices her friends to a scary gothic castle where the artifice of the narration is conveyed by...
le 11 août 2011
1 j'aime
Stupid film, with stupid James Franco, useless story, and some ridiculous scenes with a grumpy neighbour. Almost made me miss the Tim Burton remake, which is, in itself, HIDEOUS!
le 11 août 2011
It's saying a lot that ultimately the best part of Super 8 is the kid's film at the end. This candy coated blockbuster's charm comes from the sense that back in the day, when Lionel Ritchie was still...
le 7 août 2011