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Against all better judgement, and no doubt hampered by hedonistic impulses of summer, I found myself enjoying Step Up: The Streets (translated bizarrely into Sexy Dance) Why? Why? Why? Moose. For all the madness in the world, this here is one incredibly talented nerdface whose goofiness only enhances his brilliant dancing. Equal parts Fred Astaire, Merce Cunningham and Michael Jackson, boy-man Moose reminds you that athleticism and hardcore moves are no match for timing and style. Now, if the movie had no one else, I'd have given it 10 outta 10. Oh, and the opening scene is crazy awesome too.
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le 15 août 2011

Critique lue 744 fois

2 j'aime


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Critique lue 744 fois


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2 j'aime

Sexy Dance 2

Moose: Nerdface Supremo

Against all better judgement, and no doubt hampered by hedonistic impulses of summer, I found myself enjoying Step Up: The Streets (translated bizarrely into Sexy Dance) Why? Why? Why? Moose. For all...

le 15 août 2011

2 j'aime

Du même critique



The director has a big crush on a pretty Japanese girl, so he turns her into a bride ghost and sacrifices her friends to a scary gothic castle where the artifice of the narration is conveyed by...

le 11 août 2011

1 j'aime