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Dear Harry,
It's over. We've had our ups and downs, but really, after all these years, that's that. I'm sorry you had such a hard time with Snape, Voldemort, and those funny guys with a proclivity to destruction and wearing black, but frankly, it's about time you got contact lenses. Life isn't so bad. Stop boring me already with your half-baked crises. If you're fighting some guy, riding on dragons, and whipping around magic spells only to get a desk job and make babies, perhaps you should consider seeing a therapist instead.

P.S. - I really like your friend, the redhead who doesn't get to say much. He's keeeewwwwlll!!!
P.P.S. - Why didn't you just make nice with Voldemort? He's so lonely and insecure, with only a snake as a friend.
P.P.P.S. - Neville's haircut is better than yours.
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le 17 juil. 2011

Critique lue 292 fois

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Critique lue 292 fois


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The director has a big crush on a pretty Japanese girl, so he turns her into a bride ghost and sacrifices her friends to a scary gothic castle where the artifice of the narration is conveyed by...

le 11 août 2011

1 j'aime