baLAde à travers toutes ses balLades qui me font décoLLer (avec textes complets des chansons)

Quelle belle bande originale ! Joyeuse ! « Uplifting » disent les Anglais.
Mais seulement 6 chansons chantées !? On les aime tant, qu’on en voudrait plus. L’écouter une fois, c’est avoir le cœur plus léger et vouloir danser.
Ci-dessous sont listées toutes leurs paroles (trouvées sur sites que je cite).

6 chansons, c’est un peu court, peut-être comparé à d’autres comédies musicales ! (à ce sujet, je conseille le texte du membre de SC, Jambalaya) (On pense notamment aux 34 chansons des Misérables de nos auteurs Français Boublil et Schoenberg… plus gros succès planétaire de toutes les comédies musicales (400 millions de spectateurs)).

“We were seventeen, but he was sweet and it was true
Still I did what I had to do

I left him at a the bus station

Certaines paroles de La La Land éclairent aussi sur la face sombre de l’ambition artistique ^^
Dés la première chanson, on apprend donc qu’elle a renoncé à son amour de jeunesse trop provincial.
Dés la première chanson, la personnalité de notre héroïne est présentée comme déterminée, avec grand amour-propre, forte appétence, inné arrivisme, éruptive aspiration, un désir de réussir, une faim sans fin ^^
Elle est un peu la version féminine du héros de Whiplash, prêt à tous les sacrifices pour être reconnu dans son domaine.
A dix huit ans, notre belle a quitté sa province,
Bien décidée à empoigner la vie
Le cœur léger et le bagage mince,
Elle a abandonné son amoureux à la station de bus.
Elle a sacrifié cet « amour vrai » et sincère comme elle dit elle même.
Et pire, dans l’espoir qu’un jour, il « la voit sur l’écran de son cinéma local » et se dise, « j’ai connu cette fille ».

Dans sa petite « ville endormie de province » ennuyeuse.

'Cause I just knew (…) 'Cause maybe in that sleepy town He'll sit one day, the lights are down He'll see my face and think of how he... used to know me”
I left him at a the bus station


Plus tard, elle se moquera même du costume pas cher d'un autre garçon, car « en polyester »


“And (…) you In your polyester suit”

Elle lui conseillerait presque d’aller

« Chez le tailleur le plus chic et faire faire
Ce complet bleu qu'était du dernier cri »
. ^^

Si elle a de suite remarqué le costume, c’est qu’elle scanne les vêtements, comme Terminator, pour évaluer qui vaut le coup et qui pourrait l’aider dans sa carrière (cf. chanson 2 « quelqu’un dans la foule »).

Car dans la vie il faut en vouloir, le vouloir plus pour réussir. Et surtout, il faut séduire la bonne personne qui peut faire ton succès :


> “Someone in the crowd could make you Someone in the crowd could take you”


Ces sortes de talentueux intermittents débutants téléréalité wannabees qui savent dancer ET chanter, sont soumis à une si forte concurrence.
Ils ont plusieurs cordes à leur arc: mais la seule flèche qu’ils ne veulent pas est celle tiré par un chérubin: être aimé, d’accord ! mais aimer ? pas d’accord ! pas le temps ! pas productif et utile.
(Or chercher à être aimé n’est pas chercher à aimer).

(vous pouvez lire les paroles d'"Another Day of sun", en l'écoutant, Cliquez ici )

“ALL we're looking for is love FROM someone else “ “TOUT ce que nous cherchons est être aimé par un autre”

Chanson 1) Another day of sun
[First Girl]
I think about that day I left him at a Greyhound station
West of Santa Fé
We were seventeen, but he was sweet and it was true
Still I did what I had to do
'Cause I just knew Summer:Sunday nights We'd sink into our seats
Right as they dimmed out all the lights
A Technicolor world made out of music and machine
It called me to be on that screen
And live inside each scene
[First Girl & First Man] Without a nickel to my name
Hopped a bus, here I came
Could be brave or just insane
[First Girl, First Man & Second Man] We'll have to see
[First Girl] 'Cause maybe in that sleepy town He'll sit one day,
the lights are down He'll see my face and think of how he...
[First Girl, First Man, Second Man & Dancers] ...used to know me
[All] Climb these hills I'm reaching for the heights
And chasing all the lights that shine
And when they let you down
You'll get up off the ground
'Cause morning rolls around
And it's another day of sun
[Young Man] I hear 'em ev'ry day The rhythms in the canyons That'll never fade away
The ballads in the barrooms Left by those who came before
They say "you gotta want it more"
So I bang on ev'ry door
[Second Girl] And even when the answer's "no" Or when my money's running low The dusty mic and neon glow Are all I need
[Young Man] And someday as I sing my song A small-town kid'll come along
[Second Girl & Young Man] That'll be the thing to push him on and go go
[All] Climb these hills I'm reaching for the heights And chasing all the lights that shine And when they let you down You'll get up off the ground 'Cause morning rolls around And it's another day of sun
[First Girl] And when they let you down The morning rolls around
[All] It's another day of sun It's another day of sun It's another day of sun It's another day of sun Just another day of sun It's another day of sun Another day has just begun It's another day of sun It's another day of sun

Chanson 2) Someone in the crowd
(merci (Emma Stone, Callie Hernandez, Sonoya Mizuno, Jessica Rothe) [Tracy:] You
got the invitation [Alexis:] You got the right address [Tracy:] You need some medication? [Caitlin:] The answer's always yes [Tracy:] A little chance encounter Could be the one you've waited for [Alexis, Caitlin & Tracy:] Just squeeze a bit more [Alexis:] Tonight we're on a mission Tonight's the casting call [Caitlin:] If this is the real audition [Mia:] Oh, God, help us all [Tracy:] You make the right
impression Then ev'rybody knows your name [Alexis & Caitlin:] We're in the fast lane [Alexis:] Someone in the crowd Could be the one you need to know The one to fin'lly lift you off the ground [Tracy:] Someone in the crowd could Take you where you wanna go If you're the someone ready to be found [Alexis:] The someone ready to be found [Caitlin & Tracy:] Do what you need to do 'Til they discover you [Alexis, Caitlin & Tracy:] And make you more than who You're seeing now So with the stars aligned [Mia:] I think I'll stay behind [Alexis, Caitlin & Tracy:] You've got to go and find [Caitlin:] That someone in the crowd [All:] That someone in the crowd [Mia:] Is someone in the crowd the only thing you really see? Watching while the world keeps spinning 'round? Somewhere there's a place where I find who I'm gonna be A somewhere that's just waiting to be found [All:] Someone in the crowd could be the one you need to know The someone who could lift you off the ground Someone in the crowd could take you where you wanna go Someone in the crowd could make you Someone in the crowd could take you Flying off the ground If you're someone ready to be found


Chanson 3) A Lovely Night


(Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone)

The sun is nearly gone
No lights are turning on
A silver shine that stretches to the sea
We've stumbled on a view
That's tailor-made for two
What a shame those two are you and me
Some other girl and guy
Would love this swirling sky
But there's only you and I
And we've got no shot
This could never be
You're not the type for me
And there's not a spark in sight
What a waste of a lovely night
You say there's nothing here?
Well, let's make something clear
I think I'll be the one to make that call
But you'll call?
And though you looked so cute
In your polyester suit
It's wool
You're right, I'd never fall for you at all
And maybe this appeals
To someone not in heels
Or to any girl who feels
There's some chance for romance
But, I'm frankly feeling nothing
Is that so?
Or it could be less than nothing
Good to know
So you agree?
That's right
What a waste of a lovely night

Chanson 4) City of Stars

Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
There's so much that I can't see
Who knows?
I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you
(ES)That now our dreams
They've finally come true
(ES) City of stars
Just one thing everybody wants
There in the bars
And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants
It's love
Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else

(RG) A rush
(ES) A glance
(both) A touch
(both) A dance
(both) A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling
A voice that says, I'll be here
And you'll be alright
I don't care if I know
Just where I will go
'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat on my heart
(RG) Think I want it to stay
City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
(both) You never shined so brightly (lemonde parait plus beau à deux; qd on s’aime; loupe, enhanceur, additif)

Chanson 5) Start a fire par le fan d’adultère John Legend

[Verse 1]
I don’t know why I keep moving my body
I don’t know if this is wrong or if it’s right
I don’t know if there’s a beat, or something’s taking over me
And I just know I’ll feel so good tonight
[Verse 2]
I don’t know what your name is but I like it ( ???? quelque soit ton nom, je t’veux, je l’aime)
I’ve been thinking ‘bout some things I wanna try ( ??? j’ai bien des idées de choses/positions j’ai toujours voulu essayé ; John Legend est connu pour être adultère )
I don’t know what you came to do, but I wanna to do it with you
And I just know I’ll feel so good tonight ( ?? moi, je, moi-même, je me sentirai mieux ce soir, pas « nous, nous nous sentirons bien) mais JE serai soulagé, vidé…)
Oh, if we keep on dancing
Take our rhythm to new heights
Feel the heat of passion, baby
Light up the night
We could start a fire
Come on, let it burn baby
We could start a fire
Let the tables turn baby
We could start a fire
I just know I feel so good
Don’t you know I feel so good
I just know I feel so good
[Verse 3]
I don’t care if this turns into a riot
Lets get reckless, tear this place down to the floor
Turn the music way up loud
Can’t nobody stop us now
I just know I feel so good tonight
I just know I feel so good tonight
[Chorus] ( ??? horrible orgue)
We could start a fire
Come on, let it burn baby
We could start a fire
Let the tables turn ME baby
We could start a fire
I just know I feel so good
Don’t you know I feel so good
Don’t you know, don’t you know?

Chanson 6) Audition (The Fools Who Dream)

(Emma Stone)
My aunt used to live in Paris.
I remember, she used to come home and tell us these stories about being abroad and I remember she told us that she jumped into the river once, barefoot.
She smiled...
Leapt, without looking
And tumbled into the Seine
The water was freezing
She spent a month sneezing
But said she would do it again
Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make
She captured a feeling
Sky with no ceiling
The sunset inside a frame
She lived in her liquor
And died with a flicker
I'll always remember the flame
Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make
( un echo de Here's to you and here's to me dans Les Misérables )
She told me:
"A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see
Who knows where it will lead us?
And that's why they need us"
So bring on the rebels
The ripples from pebbles
The painters, and poets, and plays
And here's to the fools who dream
Crazy as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that break
Here's to the mess we make
I trace it all back to then
Her, and the snow, and the Seine
Smiling through it
She said she'd do it again

Cette BO tourne en boucle chez nous depuis 2 jours; aussi efficace que du chocolat ^^ ^^

merci Justin Hurwitz

Cliquez ici pour la musique avec paroles de An other day of sun
de Someone in the crowd
de Lovely Night Dance sur images du film
de Audition
de City of stars sur images du film


Cet utilisateur l'a également mis dans ses coups de cœur et l'a ajouté à sa liste Des albums que j'ai un jour écoutés non-stop pendant longtemps


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