Chapters 246-258 :
A rather fun adventure for the trio of male fighters. Watching them work together (also seeing Ranma & Ryôga's friendship at work) was the best gift the author could give us in her attempt at a "long" serious action-adventure quest. Of course, it was peppered with a few gags and the recurrent female breast joke in order to keep the series true to its D.N.A.

Enjoyment: 5/5 for the run.

Chapters 259-264:
A fast and highly effective introduction to another funny character with its own antics. Accessorily a cute girl plus sexy teacher. The misunderstandings are easy but they don't fail to make me smile and the several running jokes are okay.

Enjoyment: 5/5

Volume 13
The whole thirteenth volume of the "wide-ban" edition is obscenely great, combining the Herb run and the beginning of Hinako's introductory story. I doubt any volume will be able to trump that, except maybe those comiling the Phoenix Clan story? But then again, those will be mainly action themed, while this book offers both Ranma ingredients: action & humour.

Vol.13 enjoyment: >5/5

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