Bons sentiments, guimauve, scénario écrit dans le métro sur un dessous de verre.... Tout cela réuni donne un film américain classique, histoire d'amour peu crédible entre une jeune femme et un homme...
le 24 août 2011
6 j'aime
Albert Camus once said, "Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is." That really applies to this film.
Communication with someone who has Asperger's Syndrome is not the same. There is a more serious aspect to interaction, and when you look at it closely it almost makes more sense. Say what you mean. Don't play games. Don't lie. When you see a mind that works like this, it makes you wonder why the rest of us DO, in fact, play games with each other constantly.
This is a feel good movie about a relationship between Adam and Beth. Adam has Asperger's, and before she officially finds out, Beth starts to have feelings for him. They end up in a relationship and he loves her the best way he knows how, but somehow despite this, it is not enough. The movie plays around with her relationship with her father, who does not approve of Adam, yet has done some very dishonest things in his own marriage and family life. Adam looks at his dishonesty and questions why his family is tolerant of it. It really puts things into perspective. While she might have to sacrifice some things with Adam, like romantic gestures, it is clear she would never have to question his loyalty.
Hugh Dancy does a wonderful job of portraying Adam. It is very uplifting to see someone create a film on this topic and to cross the invisible social boundaries. Social boundaries that should be removed, no?
Cet utilisateur l'a également mis dans ses coups de cœur.
le 29 sept. 2015
Critique lue 661 fois
4 j'aime
D'autres avis sur Adam
Bons sentiments, guimauve, scénario écrit dans le métro sur un dessous de verre.... Tout cela réuni donne un film américain classique, histoire d'amour peu crédible entre une jeune femme et un homme...
le 24 août 2011
6 j'aime
Albert Camus once said, "Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is." That really applies to this film. Communication with someone who has Asperger's Syndrome is not the same. There is...
le 29 sept. 2015
4 j'aime
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le 27 févr. 2017
1 j'aime
Du même critique
This film crosses a few boundaries and takes your mind with it. ███████████ Kate Winslet deserved her Oscar for this film, because...
le 10 juil. 2015
3 j'aime
I think men and women react differently to this film. The first time I watched it I cried. I literally cried! Every woman has had to deal with a Helen and every woman has had that point in their...
le 23 juin 2015
3 j'aime
This documentary is quite short and to the point, but very well done. I first heard about "Peter Bergmann" on the Thinking Sideways radio show, and was pointed in the direction of this short film. ...
le 23 sept. 2015
2 j'aime