Préface : Je sais parler et écrire en français, j'écris cette critique en anglais par simple commodité.
people, when I say NOIR film, what's the first thing that comes up to mind ? Cool smooth detectives ? Mafia ? Femmes fatales ? At least a black and white image has to pop in your mind.
We associate it with all the 30s americana and all that era, we associate it with mobsters, detectives wearing long trench coats, and sexy ladies that talk slowly while smoking. But NOIR is more than that, Noir Movies are about secrets, control and seduction, that's NOIR.
You know what else is NOIR ?
Rian johnson's Brick.
This movie embodies noir cinema and proves that it can survive outside its normal conventions. And it does it greatly. Brick uses all of the tropes of the genre and applies them in a setting we aren't used to see exploited smartly: high school.
I really don't want to give anything away so ill just tell you to please give it a chance. Its not often we see this type of films and it bumps me out that not enough people know about them. All i will say is that it's well shot, (really great static camera use), very good acting ( i thought joseph gordon levitt was going to be the only sell point but i was wroooong) and a very clever script.
Regardless i will say it has some rithm problems that makes it hard to latch on during the first half hour.
Careful, the beginning is so fast paced, its easy to dismiss the hole noir in high school as a funny gimmick at first but trust me its smarter than that.
Rian johnson's Brick is NOIR done right.