speechless so don’t mind the shitty review, this movie was everything and more

There is no words to describe this masterpiece and yet so many. I am heartbroken and in shock at this two hours long story, which was so well directed, so well thought. every look, every breath, every scene was felt and seen. the details, the PAIN. what. a. set. honestly i just have no words about how well put this movie was, how the violence of these stories was felt. the violence of all of these peoples realities, the injustice of children coming to this world when they never asked for it in the first place. and so much more. this couldn’t be a good review because i am speechless but it was one of the greatest movies i’ve ever seen.

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le 20 juil. 2024

Critique lue 4 fois


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Critique lue 4 fois

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speechless so don’t mind the shitty review, this movie was everything and more

There is no words to describe this masterpiece and yet so many. I am heartbroken and in shock at this two hours long story, which was so well directed, so well thought. every look, every breath,...

le 20 juil. 2024