Vu sur ARTE, cycle en ligne "Sexe, amour et séduction".

Rather than a well build movie, Desplechin gives you here life in all its messiness, centered around sex/love but not only about it. Pieces of life that will certainly talk more to somewhat young adults/late adulescents than actual teenagers and older adults (most of it was notably lost on me despite my understanding).
Despite a chronological trunk, regular injections of various pasts and futures will give impatient or inattentive viewers an allergy, especially considering the extensive duration that allows both interesting and very random sidesteps. Some bits of voiced-over omniscious narration will also contribute to it, despite the often important external informations they provide to a mainly 1st-person narrative.

Supposedly self-centered because the situations are played between (philosophy) academics often full of themselves, but actually universal.

Score: 7/10
Enjoyment: 3/5


le 26 mai 2022

Critique lue 6 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 6 fois

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