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Vu sur ARTE, soirée Hitchcock/Highsmith.An interesting documentary about the importance of the master's wife and their relationship on his/their work, that tends to forget its main subject at times...
le 4 sept. 2023
1 j'aime
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Vu sur ARTE, soirée Hitchcock/Highsmith.
An interesting documentary about the importance of the master's wife and their relationship on his/their work, that tends to forget its main subject at times. (Somewhat understandable when one of the figures is more famous and knows how to occupy the screen.)
Full of anecdotes, well-known or not, and of archives (shootings, interviews and private films!).
Score: 6,5/10
Interest: 4/5
A good complement if you already know a bit about Alfred Hitchcock.
le 4 sept. 2023
Critique lue 15 fois
1 j'aime
1 commentaire
D'autres avis sur Dans l'ombre d'Hitchcock, Alma et Hitch
Vu sur ARTE, soirée Hitchcock/Highsmith.An interesting documentary about the importance of the master's wife and their relationship on his/their work, that tends to forget its main subject at times...
le 4 sept. 2023
1 j'aime
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1 j'aime
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