Vu sur ARTE, soirée Meryl Streep & adultère.
Take a famous movie (Brief Encounter), and big names (De Niro, Streep, Wiest, Keitel) and it should make a film ! Well, it doesn't.
Extremely melodramatic (special mention to the omnipresent music), featuring empty main characters whose actors can only help so far with their own appeal, blandly "cute" in this 80s way but lacking any charm David Lean's film could have as well as its visual merits and seemingly going on forever despite its running time, it is the opposite of its model* and seems actually far closer to any other film of its kind (the same-sex confident for each character, the almost immediate intentions, the final running after the other one over some inspiring music track and finale, etc) than to what it is supposedly made after.
Score: 5/10
Enjoyment: 1/5
Reason (not enough) to watch it? The actors.
No wonder I had never heard about it until today's broadcast. What a way to celebrate Meryl Streep's 72nd birthday.
*Actually, it takes the "falling back into childhood" element from the original. But it fails there too, by making it way worse.