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Vu sur ARTE (YouTube).

Very Classic Story of the Return of the estranged son over the backdrop of thé Présidentiel elections. It's somewhat cute and thé framing (a man narrating some bits Here and there) supports this impression.

What makes it différent Is only thé concept of thé making, judiciously limited to 65mn : acted, filméd in Live, Just Like it's Soundtrack. This obviously turns the decent performances of all the people involved (artists and technicians) in a small feat, even though the O.S.T becomes monotonous.

By making me a spectator of the elections results along its heroes, it at least managed to make me care a bit more about an outcome I knew and even doubt enough to worry a tiny bit.

Score: 6/10 (5 if you don't care)
Enjoyment : 3/5

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le 24 avr. 2022

Critique lue 134 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 134 fois

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