L'adaptation est bien plus séduisante que le manga grâce à ses coupes qui s'avèrent malheureusement dommageables pour certaines scènes. I saw very pretty (at time magnificent) drawings and not so bad CGI backgrounds, but the two mesh horribly bad. The movie installs an excellent oppressive atmosphere , for example by enlarging some locations. The lighting was also pretty bad, the film was so luminescent, almost no scene escaped the lighting bath.
A big question for me is: "what the hell were all those french screentexts for?" What does this tentative of duality between red and black bring? I have absolutely no idea what they were supposed to add to the video itself or express and will eagerly wait for an enlightened answer.

Enjoyment: 3/5
Score: 6/10, 5/10 if I take the finality of this story into account.

The anime could have been been slightly better if they didn't remove the few inner-dialogues about Araragi while removing only those who make him either antipathetic or awkward.

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le 27 janv. 2020

Critique lue 130 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 130 fois

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Kizumonogatari Partie 1 : Sang d'acier


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