Restauration 2018 vue en Fuori Orario, cycle "Pierre et Histoire, fossiles reflétant des fissures dans le paysage du Temps".

Ruminations born out of archaelogical digging. Worth its short duration for the pictures.

Score: /10

Enjoyment: 2/5

The Hills of Marlik is an example of Golestam's documentary work: dedicated to a 3,000-year-old archaeological site in northern Iran, at once an excavation zone and a farmer's fertilised land, where past and present touch, the film shows a clear continuity between the various human manifestations captured by the camera, which breathes life into inanimate objects.
"Watching it, it is impossible not to think of Les Statues meurent aussi (1953): both films establish links between man, art and death, and are characterised by a historical approach that is both poetic and political (...) In their rich and colourful universe, past and present live side by side, often ignoring each other until the attentive gaze of the camera reconciles them through poetic inspiration. Golestan's cinema, which often depicts the act of digging (to extract oil, to unearth objects and the historical past), is itself a search for the roots of an ancient tree called Iran'. ― Ehsan Khoshbakht
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le 17 sept. 2023

Critique lue 13 fois

1 j'aime

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 13 fois


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