Les garçons du trottoir par Hakim Maadadi

Poignant ...

ce que sont devenus Doudou et Nino selon la realisatrice en 2009 (en sachant que le film est tourné en 2003 donc soit 6 ans apres) :

hi all,
this is the latest update:
As it happen, we are going to film Dudu after 5 years. not so sure if we’ll make a follow up documentary. we will have to decide after we’ll meet next week.

Since the film came out, Dudu and Nino had a fight and didn’t keep in touch. Nino left the Garden, fell in love with a Russian girl and moved to live with her, he started working in constructions and received a resident ship from the authorities.
Dudu on the other hand was caught and went to prison he was there for almost three years (for varies crimes..) 6 month ago he was released, but two month later he was caught again while trying to sell weapon.

Then he was sent to a prison located in the outskirts of Tel Aviv only to find out that his cell mate is Nino.

it turned out that Nino was driving without a licence in a “friend’s” car this car turned out to be a stolen one… Nino is sentenced for a year in prison and Dudu a year and a half.
I will see both of them next week.
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le 8 nov. 2014

Critique lue 344 fois

Hakim Maadadi

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Critique lue 344 fois

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