Vu sur France 3.

Okay western that is somewhat entertaining thanks to its actors, who seem to enjoy the job. Especially Washington (the strongest one, and the only one that comes somewhat close to the presences in the original US film). D'Onofrio and Ethan Hawke are fun too, but I'm not sure they fit well. One that is absolutely not fitting is Chris Pratt though (reasons shared between character and actor).

Overall, a big casting that seems at first a curious choice (a korean actor, an american black actor, etc) between popularity and origins but doesn't amount to anything in the film.

The curiously vibrant colours and sets make the movie look quite artificial, but this might be an intentional nod at the old times (that doesn't work with this digital look).

Finally, the action wich should be the other big point besides the casting isn't much to talk about, slightly entertaining but rarely doing anything but pausing the film.

Score: 5/10

Enjoyment: 3/5

A mediocre remake of a decent remake of a good film .So classic one could ask what was the point.

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 10 fois


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